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Homeopathy For Women  "Let Miracles Find You!

Achieve Natural Recovery and Optimal Health with Experts In Homeopathic Care!

Anxiety * Augmented NAC * Autism * Autoimmune Diseases * Banerji Protocols * Birth Control Detox * Celiac Disease
Chronic Fatigue * Fibromyalgia * Hair Testing *  Homeopathic Detox Programs * Homeoprophylaxis Programs * Infertility * IBS
Long Covid * Lyme Disease * PANDAS & PANS * Pregnancy * Thyroid Diseases * Vaccine Injury Recovery * Women's Health

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Homeopathy is a 250 year old medical system that is shown to be clinically effective.

All homeopathic remedies are safe, non-toxic and are manufactured under strict guidelines.

Member, National Center For Homeopathy

Member, Council for Homeopathic Certification

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Homeopathic and nutritional products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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AIT Institute

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Homeopathy for Women

Contact Form For All Services

Please do NOT use this form to request Acute Care. Go to the Acute Care Form

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First and Last Name
Your Email
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This form will only submit with a valid email address.
Name of Person for Care
(First and Last)
Age of Person for Care
Cell Phone(s)
Skype address
Enter N/A
if you do NOT have a skype address for free video conferencing. 

State / Province

Zip Code


We accept clients living in the USA - or with a shipping address in the USA.


Select the Main Type Of Homeopathic Care

Select the main one from these options.

Please choose only 1.


What is the ONE (1) main health issue for which you are seeking homeopathic care.

How long has the ONE (1) main health issue been a health condition?

Please choose only 1.

What are the CURRENT HEALTH ISSUES occurring now at the same time?

Select all that currently apply.

Hold down CONTROL KEY to select all that currently apply from this list:

Name each current or suspected diagnosis, in chronological order with the year it started after each.  

List any active medial diagnosis within the last 5 years.

If NONE, enter N/A.

Number of total current diagnoses

Write in the total number of all current
or suspected current diagnosis(es).

Has the person or member(s) of the immediate household received any Covid pandemic vaccine(s)?

Please choose only 1.

Is the person for care a Christian?

Please choose only 1.


COMMENTS: Please provided us with more general details on the nature of your inquiry. Please add your comments to submit this form. You must submit something below to submit this form.

Limit what you write to the space provided.

How did you find out about us?

Please choose only one.
Have you ever used homeopathy before or worked with a professional Homeopath before?

If YES, please give the name of last Homeopath.

Select only one.

If YES, please give the name of your most recent homeopath below. 

If NO, enter N/A.

You must enter something below in order to submit this form.

If you are a REFERRAL, please provide the name of the person who referred you. Enter the name of the person who referred you below.

If this is not a referral, just enter N/A.

You must enter something below in order to submit this form.

Your information is always kept private and confidential.

By submitting this form you give us permission to contact you by phone or email.

A confirmation screen will appear after your successful submission.
You will immediately receive a detailed confirmation email sent to the address used in this form.

If you do not receive this email, you did not successfully submit this form. Try again.

If you can't submit this form, email: info (at) HomeopathyForWomen (dot) org

We will do our best to reply within 3 business days.

Please submit this form only once.

Thank you!


This Contact Form is copyrighted 2008 - 2024 by Alternative Health Experts, LLC. Homeopathy For Women.
All rights reserved.  No part of this form may be copied, reproduced digitally or in print without written permission.

Homeopathy for Babies

Homeopathy for Children
Homeopathy for Working Women
Homeopathy for Mothers

Homeopathy for PMS
Homeopathy for Menopause


"Let Miracles Find You!Empowering Women and Their Families in the Homeopathic Lifestyle.
Homeopathy For Women - Alternative Health Experts, LLC. 
Copyright 2005 - 2024.  All rights reserved.  Disclaimer Site Map.