What Is The Fibonacci Series? The Fibonacci series of numbers is
part of a universal natural law - it occurs in everything in the
universe, in all the realms and in all the natural
and human creations. Note: in the mathematical "F"
series the numbers are: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233 etc., where each
number is added to the previous number and so on.
The Fibonacci numbers are the numbering system that reflects everywhere in nature. These numbers appear in the leaves in plants, in the seeds of a sunflower, in the artichoke, the pineapple, in patterns in flowers, in the palms of a palm tree. The Fibonacci numbers are applicable to the growth of every living thing, every single cell and to humans.
What Fibonacci Potencies Are Used In Homeopathy? The Fibonacci numbers are the numbering system that
nature itself uses. These numbers appear everywhere in nature, from the leaves
in plants, to the patterns in flowers, to sees in the sunflower, or the palms of
a palm tress. The Fibonacci numbers are applicable to the growth of every living
thing, every single cell and to humans.
Fibonacci potencies are also know as "F" series homeopathic remedies. They are also known as "plasma potencies." The most
commonly available Fibonacci potencies used in homeopathy are: 3C, 5C, 8C,
13C, 21C, 34C, 55C, 89C, 144C and 233C. When these remedies are made they are potentized with 10 succussions, all done manually.
What Is the Purpose of Using Fibonacci Potencices? The focus for using the
Fibonacci potencies is that they have a multiplying, exponential effect.
This allows the Homeopath to help the client reach
extremely high potency levels that would not be obtainable using the C scale
(for example a 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M, 50M, 100M).
How Do Fibonacci Potencies
One similar frequency is attracted to another
similar frequency. The
body’s innate intelligence will select the "right remedy potency" based on
the fact that “like cures like.”
Instead of giving separate potencies of a homeopathic prescription, the Fibonacci series of remedies is dosed by by giving single remedy in
progressive F series potencies, and all given at the same time.
Fibonacci potencies work the same way as traditionally prepared combination
remedies, but the formulas are much more powerful and effective and do not need to be repeated as often.
Homeopathy made according to
the Fibonacci sequence is reported by it's founder, Dr. Joe Rozencwajg of New Zealand, to be a much more effective and efficient therapy.
Using The Frequencies Needed
For Healing The body will only pick out and use the similar frequencies it needs to
heal. The Fibonacci potencies simplify the potency selection choice that a practitioner. The general concept of the Fibonacci series in
homeopathic prescribing is to remove any confusion on the part of a homeopathic
practitioner about what potency is the "best" to use on a case, and to more rapidly
and completely assist the client with the fastest possible recovery.
3C is the starting
Fibonacci potency with 1PPM, so this 3C potencies is NOT used with toxic
substances, poisons, venoms, etc.
The 3C potency is also
used for drug clearing (tautopathic remedies)
to clear conventional drugs and remove their damaging energetic imprint from
the body.
5C would be the next
potency in the Fibonacci series. This is the starting potency for toxic
plants, poisons, metals and minerals in general.
8C is next and this is
the starting potency for nosodes.
The higher potencies are most
often 55C and 89C in the "F" (Fibonacci) series.
Deeper Action Of The Fibonacci
Potencies The Fibonacci series of remedies are reported to have
a very deep action that is able to resolve health issues. This includes those of structural and mechanical problems. The correct "F" series remedy will treat completely what can be treated in a person. This will then shift the client
into the proper direction of improved health and can help to pave the wave to resolving other health problems.
In his research,
Dr. Joe Rozencwajg, New Zealand, a Naturopathic
Doctor, Acupuncturist and Homeopath, reports the
following regarding his use of Fibonacci potencies on more than 1500+ cases:
clinical results were amazing: there were very few aggravations, not more
than with the use of centesimals or LM/Q potencies; there were no provings,
despite the repeated doses and the very high potencies achieved and that
even when the wrong, incorrect remedy was given.
were incredibly fast, having deep emotional, mental or physical reactions
even with low potencies, 5C often creating shifts in health despite the
patients having sometimes previously received the same remedy in another
potency; adding the rest of the series created a " total cleansing" of the
system. Cures that would have taken years with the LM/Q methodology were
achieved within a few months.
The depth
of cure was extreme: very deep hidden problems came to the surface and were
eliminated; others were exposed and given the opportunity to receive a more
specific treatment."
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