A person needing Lac Caninum is
very forgetful, absent-minded; makes purchases and walks away without them.
In writing, she uses too many words or not the right ones; omits final letter or
letters in a word; cannot concentrate the mind to read or study; very
Despondent, hopeless; thinks her disease incurable;
has not a friend living; nothing worth living for; could weep at any
Sore throat and diphtheria, and rheumatism.
to a low-vitiated, non-feverish type of sickness.
Erratic pains, alternating sides.
Feels as if walking on air, or of not
touching the bed when lying down.
Great lassitude.
Coryza with discharge of thick,
white mucus. One nostril stuffed up, the other free and discharging; there
conditions alternate; discharge acrid, nose and lip raw.
Diphtheria and
tonsillitis; symptoms change repeatedly from side to side.
Sore throats and cough are apt to begin and end with
menstruation; yellow or white patches; pains shoot to ear.
Throat is sensitive to touch
Throat feels Worse by empty swallowing; constant inclination to
swallow, painful, almost impossible; pains extend to ears; begins on left side.
Better with cold, cold drinks.
Worse morning of one day
and in the evening of next. Shining, glazed appearance of diphtheritic
deposit, chancres and ulcers.
Helps to dry up
milk in women who cannot nurse the baby.
Great weakness and prostration.
Sinking spells every morning.
Loss of milk while nursing,
without any known cause.
Cross, irritable; child cries
and screams all the time, especially at night.
Fears to be alone, of becoming insane, of falling down stairs.
A person needing Lac Caninum is
very forgetful, absent-minded; makes purchases and walks away without them.
In writing, she uses too many words or not the right ones; omits final letter or
letters in a word; cannot concentrate the mind to read or study; very
Despondent, hopeless; thinks her disease incurable;
has not a friend living; nothing worth living for; could weep at any