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Homeopathy For Group B Strep GBS In Pregnancy

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Homeopathy for Women

Homeopathy For Group B Strep GBS In Pregnancy

Homeopathic remedies can help a pregnant mother with a Strep B (GBS) tested as positive during pregnancy.
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The CDC has the following statistics:

  • Approximately 40% of all women tested positive for group B strep disease during pregnancy.

  • Although there are problems associated with GBS – by ratio, there is a very low incidence of problems for a very common condition.

Natural Ways For Women to Assure Negative Tests for Group B Strep

1. Vaginal Wash for Elimination of GABS Infection

  • You use one part 3% hydrogen peroxide to four parts water. 
    Hydrogen Peroxide kills Step B on contact. NEVER treat with undiluted HP – too strong.
    Douche or irrigate once a day, every day, for 3 days.
    Also clean labia w/ solution twice daily for all three days.
    Then make sure to do this again the morning of your test.

  • How to Douche: Many young women of today no longer are familiar with how to do a vaginal douche.
    Purchase a douching bag at Walgreens’s in the feminine supplies aisle. It will come with a detachable nozzle about the size of a Tampax for vaginal use and occasionally another nozzle for rectal use.
    The bag is to be filled with the solution described, the nozzle attached, shake the bag to mix, then get into the bathtub in a squat or recline with legs apart. Insert the nozzle into the vagina, gently, as far as it will go. Remember that your vagina is Y-shaped with the cervix coming down between the arms of the Y.  Gently squeeze the bag as you move the nozzle GENTLY to each side of the Y and up and down the vagina – trying to reach each little crevice and fold. Remember to douche the labia outside as well. Be sure to rinse the bag well after use. Now take your shower. That’s all there is to it!

  • Options:
    Some midwives add a little Echinacea, tincture or tea, 3 - 4 tablespoons of tincture or one cup of tea -- you would replace one cup of the three cups of water with the one cups of Echinacea tea. Some also add colloidal silver--also a liquid, 1 - 2 tablespoons. Adding these two ingredients would make this a more 'overall' wash--more broad spectrum, as Echinacea is anti-viral and anti-bacterial. Colloidal silver tends to attack STD-type microbes. Remember, though, hydrogen peroxide kills Strep B on contact--very specific.


  • Suggestion is two washes, two nights apart. Say your Strep B test was Thursday, do the first wash on Sunday night before going to bed, the second on Wednesday night and swab on Thursday.

2. Garlic Insertion Method

  • Suggested protocol is bruising or cutting the garlic clove prior to inserting into the vagina for five nights in a row.

  • Day 6, run a GABS test and you will get negative results.

  • Now, sometimes the garlic juice can be a burn-y experience, so have day (or night) #1 be a mild bruising or just one slice in the clove.

  • You may feel warm and can taste garlic in your mouth several minutes after insertion (good sign that the active ingredients in garlic are getting into the body).

  • Pregnant Women: some clients may need to continue to do the garlic every third night until they birth.

  • GBS can cause pre-term labor, so do this 'no-side effect' method to keep the baby in and to cut way back on the amount of antibiotics needed for birthing.

3. Supplement Protocol

Twice a day, with breakfast and dinner to help reduce strept

  • Probiotic with high potency 2 - 3 times per day

  • Echinacea - 350 mg. capsules - two capsules (Note that some people are allergic to echinacea!- this is best used in the last couple of weeks of pregnancy only.)

  • Garlic - 580 mg. capsules - two capsules

  • Vitamin C - minimum of 500 mg. with 200 mg. bioflavonoids

  • Grapefruit Seed Extract - 1 capsule or 15 drops if liquid form

4. Culturing GBS

  • Often a culture is done every week, to see if the bacteria are decreasing.

  • Whatever the reading is, closest to delivery, is supposedly the most reliable.

  • If this above regimen is successful at eliminating GBS, stay on it until birth, to give the mother the best possible likelihood that it will not be present in her vagina at the time of birth.

Homeopathic Remedies for Strep B During Pregnancy

  • Ceanothus Americanus 3X or 6X - buy at
    This remedy is to support spleen in Group B strep.
    Take 2 pills dry, 3 times per day in the morning mid day and evening.

  • Strep Agalactiae (Strep B) Nosode under practitioner supervision. Contact us for paid supervision.
    A homeopathic nosode made from Streptococcus agalactiae. 
    Also known as group B streptococcus or GBS which is a gram-positive coccus (round bacterium) infections.
    Use 30C or 200C under Professional homeopath supervision.

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