you start, rate your problem on a scale from 0 - 10. This is 10 being high - the worse sensation - the most
emotion or pain and 0 being when there is nothing left or no
Repeat this rating number after every round
you do of EFT tapping.
Continue with this cycle until the emotional level is around 1 or even 0. This may take several times
through the sequence.
The Set Up
Repeat a negative affirmation three times
while you tap the “Karate Chop” point on the hands. (See diagrams below.)
negative affirmation is: “Even
though (insert the words of the issue here...such as "I am upset about my
current situation"... I truly and completely love and accept myself.”
The reminder phrase said during the tapping. The phrase could for example:
"these feelings."
The Tapping Sequence (see diagram below)
Tap with either hand using the fingertips of your index finger and middle
Tap (or press) on the following points in this order while saying the
reminder phrase through out the tapping:
“Karate Chop” point on the hands (while saying the negative
Beginning of the Eye Brow
Side of the eye
Under the eye
Under the nose
Under the mouth/beginning of chin
Beginning of collar bone
Under the arm
Top of the head
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