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Arsenicum Album Constitution
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Album Remedy
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Constitutional Types
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APPEARANCE: Usually thin or slim. Often well groomed and stylish. Fine facial features
with fine, delicate skin. Frown lines can appear on the forehead.
AND EMOTIONAL ASPECTS: Restless person. Perfectionist at work and at home. Can
be critical and intolerant. Strong opinions. Can have a deep fear of being
alone. Obsessive and compulsive behavior, especially concerning cleanliness
and tidying-up; this can hide a hoarding mentality. Can pull out of plans
early if they think it is not going to work 100%. Pessimistic in nature with
a need for constant reassurance.
WEAKNESSES: Digestive system. Skin. Respiratory system (coughs, asthma and
FACTORS: Likes fatty foods, warm foods and drinks, in
particular coffee, candy, alcohol and sour tasting foods. Dislikes large
amount of fluid.
ARSENICUM ALBUM CHILD: Highly sensitive and highly-strung. Easily upset by loud noise.
Can become exhausted after periods of exertion. Active imagination can
create nightmares in dreams. Increasingly mentally and physically agile with
age. Can worry overly about parent’s well being. Dislikes mess and being
messy, keeps room tidy.
GENERALITIES: Warm drinks and sweet foods are favored by them.
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