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Homeoprophylaxis For Tropical Diseases

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Homeopathy for Women

Homeoprophylaxis For Tropical Diseases

Homeoprophylaxis will help to stimulate a natural immunity to tropical diseases of various types. 
Contact us to learn more.

Homeoprophylaxis can be used for tropical diseases including Cholera, Dengue Fever, Dysentery, Malaria, Rabies and Typhoid Fever.

Cholera Homeoprophylaxis

  • Cuprum Met 200C:  one dose every 2 weeks while in Cholera prone areas.
  • The Cholera remedy provides another option.
  • Camphor 200C has been used in treating the early state of cholera and will also work to boost natural immunity to Cholera.
  • Note: Camphor is a known antidote to many other homeopathic remedies. Do not use this remedy without professional supervision if is other other diseases besides cholera need to be covered, as it may antidote their action.

Dysentery Homeoprophylaxis

  • Arsenicum Album is used for amoebic dysentery.
    Used for short term protection.
  • Mercurius corrosivus is used for bacillary dysentery.
  • Dysentery and are also used as prophylactics.
  • Giardia 1M locally for a range of gastro-intestinal infections and has a  broad range of action.

Malaria Homeoprophylaxis

  • Malaria Co. remedy is also very useful,
  • Nat Mur  or  Cinchona officinalis are also used for boosting immunity to malaria.

Rabies Homeoprophylaxis

  • The Hydrophobium remedy is also called Lyssin, is used for rabies exposure .

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