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Homeopathy for Women

Homeopathy For Sunburn

Homeopathic remedies can help a person with the symptoms of sunburn. Contact us to learn more!

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Types of Sunburns

  • 1st sunburn: Affects the outer layer of the skin, causing redness, heat and burning sensation and eventually dryness and peeling of the skin.

  • 2nd sunburn: Damage tissues below the top layer of skin and cause a burning sensation, redness, discomfort and blisters that may ooze. Popping a blister can cause infection, so we advise that you do not do so.

  • 3rd sunburn:  Damage to all layers of the skin. May also damage underlying bones, muscles and tendons. Nerve endings are destroyed. These sunburns need immediate medical attention by calling 911 of going to an emergency medical facility.

Homeopathic Remedies for Sunburn

  • Arnica
    Used at the first sign of a burn, either minor (1st degree) or severe (3rd degree).  Helps to remove the shock from the person and begin the healing process.  Used to reduce any pain.

  • Calendula
    Used for burns inside the mouth, esophagus and chemical burns.  Can be used topically as a tincture to prevent infection.

  • Cantharis
    Used for third degree burns. Used for severe pain and shock. Burns are when they are very inflamed and have the sensation of rawness and smarting which is better for cold being applied.  This remedy should be used for all extensive burns.  Prevents redness, blister or scarring.

  • Causticum
    Used for second degree burns.  Burning, rawness and soreness.  Restlessness and irritability with tearfulness.  Very good for burns that are slow in healing.  This remedy helps to remove the person’s focus of how unfair the circumstances are.

  • Urtica urens
    Used for
    itching blotches with burning heat.  For burns and scalds with burning, itching and stinging sensation.  Good remedy for minor burns and in later stages of healing a second degree burn.

Cell Salts for Sunburn

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