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Homeopathy for Women

Tabacum (Tab.)

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  • Anxiety felt in the stomach.

  • Timidity, fear of being alone.

  • Claustrophobia.

  • Treats hypertension and heart palpitations while lying on left side.

  • Symptoms with deathly nausea, vomiting, icy coldness and sweat.

  • Icy coldness, covered with cold sweat.

  • Desire for tobacco.

  • Spasms, twitching, jerking.

  • Nausea before headache pain.

  • Headaches worse with sun rising, better setting sun.

  • Vertigo on opening eyes, ameliorated in open air.

  • DEATHLY NAUSEA, with or without vomiting. 

  • TERRIBLE FAINT, SINKING FEELING at pit of stomach.

  • Sense of relaxation of stomach, with nausea.

  • Profuse perspiration with nausea.

  • Nausea during pregnancy with much spitting (Sep, Sym-r).

  • Salivation.

  • Desire for tobacco or aversion to tobacco.

  • SEASICKNESS (Cocc, Petr).

  • WORSE by great heat or great cold

  • WORSE by OPENING EYES, by motion, by tobacco. Desire for tobacco or aversion to tobacco.


  • BETTER by open fresh air.

  • BETTER vomiting.

Cell Salts to Support Detox from Smoking:

Tabacum: Homeopathic Medicine - Tips For Beginners
(7:32 minute)


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"Let Miracles Find You!Empowering Women and Their Families in the Homeopathic Lifestyle.
Homeopathy For Women - Alternative Health Experts, LLC. 
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