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Homeopathy For Appendicitis
Homeopathic remedies can help a person with appendicitis symptoms.
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Do not use remedies
only in an acute appendicitis
Contact your medical provider immediately or call 911!
Symptoms of Appendicitis
- Pain in lower abdomen to start
- Pain begins in the middle of the abdomen “belly button"
- Pain slowly moves in the next 24 hours to the right lower
abdomen (toward the right iliac fossa)
- Pain is unlike any pain felt before
- Pain is worse on motion, taking deep breath, coughing and
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Inability to pass gas
- Low grade fever
- Feeling that passing stool will relieve discomfort
- Abdominal swelling
Signs of Appendicitis In Order of Appearance
Abdominal bloating.
Pain may begin around your navel.
Eventually, the pain moves to the lower right side of your abdomen and
becomes very sharp. The pain doesn’t subside.
Abdomen is tender to the
touch. The pain tends to become more severe when taking a deep breath
or moving (Bryonia). Coughing,
sneezing or jarring, jolting movements also make it hurt more
Pain increases with time.
There may be visible abdominal swelling in severe cases.
Mild Fever.
Appendicitis will normally cause a low-grade fever that hovers stays just
under 100 degrees (F). The person may also have the chills. If the appendix
bursts, infection could cause your fever to rise even suddenly
Digestive System Upset.
Appendicitis may cause nausea and vomiting. A
person may lose their appetite and feel that they can’t eat. They may
also become constipated or develop diarrhea. Some people have trouble
passing gas and will feel gassy or bloated.
Homeopathic Remedies for Appendicitis
suiting septic cases and it should be used after operations for bruising.
Septic condition. Chills, nervous symptoms, diarrhea and restlessness,
and sudden sinking of strength. Relieved by vomiting in these conditions
quickly. which may
Early stages with severe pain in the
region, where the slightest touch cannot be borne, and person lies on back,
this remedy will be found most useful. It corresponds to the pain, the
vomiting, the paralysis of the intestine. It comes in after the chill of the
Aconite stage has passed off and the inflammation has localized itself. Much
pain contra-indicates Aconite. Ferrum phosphoricum and Kali muriaticum have
proved themselves clinically in inflammation about the ileocecal region
and their indications rest on clinical grounds only. Belladonna is
especially useful in catarrhal and recurring cases. Complaints along with
headache and increased temperature without perspiration; person becomes restless due to symptoms.
of appendicitis aggravates when person moves, and relieved by absolute rest or
lying on the painful side. Stitching and
burning pains.
Aggravated on slightest motion.
Better by lying on painful side and by
pressure. Tenderness in the right lower abdomen.
Patient Lies still with legs drawn up to
relax the abdominal muscles. Does not
want to touched and every breath worsens the pain.
Thirst for large quantities of
cold water. Throbbing and sharp stitching
pains confined to a limited spot.
The person is constipated. The
ileocecal region is very sore and sensitive to touch. Any movement is
painful and the person lies perfectly still and on the painful side.
Specially indicated by a high degree of pain
which may be cutting twisting or cramping.
Bitter taste.
Stool like jelly.
Better by pressure and with warmth.
When the pain is constant, the perso never being entirely free from pain. Dioscorea
is as important a
remedy in appendicitis as is Bryonia in hepatitis.
Terrible pain in appendix with fear of
operation is an important mental symptom. The knees drawn up to chin. Body
hot and rigid. The person is
sensitive, alert and nervous and acutely in mind and body at the same time.
Has griping and stitching pains.
In nervous person, this remedy may be started
with this remedy first.
Ferrum Phos
Useful remedies for
inflammation in the
Hepar Sulphur
Has a deep-seated induration.
Iris Tenax
Well known remedy for appendicitis; pain in the
region, extreme tenderness on pressure.
Kali Mur
Useful remedy for
inflammation in the
Mag Phos
Useful remedt for
inflammation in the
ileocecal region.
Merc. cor.
Specific for dysentery. Very distressing tenesmus, getting worse and worse:
nothing blood.
Mercurius solubilis
Where local symptoms are acute.
Fever, flushed face, red, dry tongue, Swelling hard and painful.
No relief from perspiration.
Tender lump felt in the
appendix region.
A marked action on appendicitis pain when
pain is aggravated by slightest touch. Acute pain in liver extending towards stomach (contrary to the
general "left to right" direction of Lachesis). Sensitiveness all over the abdomen and
stitching from the seat of the inflammation backward and downward to the
thighs. The person lies on the back with knees drawn up. General
Lachesis symptoms are present.
Tense swelling
in the
ileocecal region, painful to touch and on movement; the abdominal
walls are retracted, there are eructations of gas and vomiting and both have
a fecal odor.
When the acute attack is over.
It should be given every 2 weeks or monthly to
stop recurrence of attacks.
Natrum sulphuricum
It has cured many cases resembling the first stage of
appendicitis. Pain and tenderness in the whole abdomen. Flatulence. Colic. Rending, tearing, cutting pains throughout the abdomen.
Stitching pains in
the abdomen. Violent neuralgic pains in the abdomen; inflammation of the
bowels, of the peritoneum; appendicitis.
Rhus Tox
Extensive swelling over the
region and great pain causing and incessant restlessness.
This also covers septic conditions. Peculiar
bruised sensation about cecum and along transverse colon. Tender to
pressure. Appendicitis. Painful bloody discharges (from rectum) with
vomiting. Tenesmus, persistent, incessant, with insupportable cutting,
colicky pains. Diarrhea dysentery with terrible straining before, with and
after stool. Bowels filled with gas and griping, twisting pains. More
inflammatory remedy than Colocynth, deeper acting, and its paroxysmal pains
are an indication.
- Phosphorus
Yellow, brown
spots on the abdomen; petechiae over the abdomen during typhoid fever. Pale
face in pleura/peritoneum-disease, red face in articular affections.
Rhus Tox
Known as the "homeopathic knife" in cases of appendicitis. Extensive swelling over the
region and great pain causing and incessant restlessness.
This also covers septic conditions. Peculiar
bruised sensation about cecum and along transverse colon. Tender to
pressure. Appendicitis. Painful bloody discharges (from rectum) with
vomiting. Tenesmus, persistent, incessant, with insupportable cutting,
colicky pains. Diarrhea dysentery with terrible straining before, with and
after stool. Bowels filled with gas and griping, twisting pains. More
inflammatory remedy than Colocynth, deeper acting, and its paroxysmal pains
are an indication.
- Sulphur
Should be used as a intercurrent remedy to
complete the recovery.
Protocol for Acute Appendicitis - read more
about Banerji Protocols
- Lycopodium 200C plus
Belladonna 3C, one dose of 2 pills every every 3 hours.
After there is relief, two doses daily.
- Sulphur 200C, one dose
of 2 pills once a week.
- Belladonna 3C in liquid
as one dose every 15
minutes may be given for pain till stoppage of pain.
- This is continued for 3 months if there is
recurrence, and if not, then the remedy is then discontinued.
Banerji Protocol for Chronic Appendicitis
To prevent recurrence, and for complete recovery, the dosing for chronic
appendicitis as prescribed should be followed
Herbal Remedies
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