Anticipation anxiety and performance anxiety.
Symptoms of incoordination,
loss of control and lack of balance everywhere, mentally and physically.
Trembling in affected
The Argentum nitricum person always feels like they
are in
a hurry.
Impulsive irritability.
Sympathetic types.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Headache from mental exertion.
Head symptoms often determine the
choice of this remedy.
Upper abdominal affections
brought on by mental exertion.
Painful swelling of pit of stomach.
Diarrhea immediately after eating or drinking
especially in anticipatory states.
Splinter-like pains in
soar throats and laryngitis.
Argentum nitricum has fear of flying.
Great desire for sweets but
aggravated by sweets.
Intolerance of heat.
Argentum nitricum affects the
mucous membranes, used for violent inflammation of the throat.
Used for gastro-enteritis.
Purulent discharge in the
inflamed and ulcerated mucous membranes.
Sensation as if a part were
expanding and other errors of perception.
Pains increase and decrease
Explosive belching, especially
in neurotics.
Paraplegia Myelitis and
disseminated sclerosis of brain and cord.
Intolerance of heat.
Sensation of a sudden pinch.
Flatulent state and
prematurely aged look.
WORSE from warmth in any form;
at night; from cold food; SWEETS; after eating; at menstrual period; from
emotions, Left side.
BETTER from eructation; fresh
open air; COLD; pressure.