Napellus (Acon.)
A state of fear, anxiety; anguish of mind and body. Physical
and mental restlessness. Sudden and great sinking of strength.
Complaints and tension caused by exposure to dry, cold weather.
Fears the future. Eyes feel dry and hot, as if sand in them.
Pain at root of nose. Tingling in cheeks and numbness. Gums hot
and inflamed. Tongue coated white. Vomiting, with fear, heat,
profuse sweat and increased urination. Bitter taste of
everything except water. Intense thirst. Bleeding hemorrhoids.
Urine scanty, red, hot, painful. Cough, dry, short, hacking;
worse at night and after midnight. Tingling in chest after
cough. Tachycardia. Pulse full, hard; tense and bounding.
Rheumatic inflammation of joints; worse at night. Anxious
dreams. Sleeplessness, with restless and tossing about.
Allium Cepa (All-c.)
Watery and acrid nasal discharge which becomes worse in warm
room. Oppressed breathing. Tickling in larynx. Eyes sensitive to
light. Burning in nose, mouth, throat, bladder and skin.
Sneezing, especially when entering a warm room.
Very severe constipation, no desire for days. Rectum sore
and dry. Dryness of mucous membranes. Left-sided abdominal
complaints. Brittle nails. Intolerable itching when getting warm
in bed. Legs feel asleep, especially when sitting with legs
crossed. Staggers on walking. Heels feel numb.
Excessive irritability. Tongue thickly-coated white. Loss of
appetite. Menses suppressed from cold bathing. Watery
leucorrhea. Various skin diseases. Arthritic pain in fingers.
Respiratory problems, rattling of mucus but little
expectoration. Thirst for cold water but little and often. Great
Apis Mellifica
Edema of skin and mucous membranes. Stinging pains.
Intolerance of heat. No thirst. Swelling in throat. Swelling
after insect bites. Last drops of urine burn and smart.
Inflammation of kidneys.
Patient is always in hurry. Headache from mental exertion.
Symptoms of in-coordination. Painful swelling of pit of stomach.
Great desire for sweets. Intolerance of heat. Sexual weakness of
males. Diarrhea immediately after eating or drinking.
Arnica Montana
Traumatic injuries. Pain from overuse of an organ. Fetid
breath. Violent spasmodic cough. Angina pectoris. Small boils.
Thrombosis. Tinnitus.
Arsenicum Album
Influenza with thin, watery and excoriating nasal discharge.
Sneezing. Photophobia. Seaside complaints. Restlessness. Food
poisoning. Intolerance of smell of food. Jaundice. Anemia. Skin
dry, rough, scaly. Psoriasis which is worse in winters. Periodic
fever. Typhoid. Thoughts of committing suicide.
Baptisia (Bapt.)
Septic conditions. Fetid breath. Stool offensive, thin,
dark, bloody. Menses too early, too profuse. Sleeplessness and
restlessness. Nightmares and frightful dreams.
Carbonica (Bar-c)
Tonsils and glands around ears painful and swollen. Easy
taking of cold. Abdomen hard and tense. Palpitation when lying
on left side. Fetid foot sweat.
Belladonna (Bell.)
Sudden and violent complaints and inflammations. Neuralgic
pains which come and go suddenly. No thirst. Redness of affected
organs. Skin sore and sensitive. Dysmenorrhea, menses profuse.
Eyelids red and swollen. Nose bleeds. Spasmodic hiccough.
Kidney and gall bladder stones. Inflammation of kidneys.
Bloody urine. Anal fistula. Itching of skin worsened by
scratching. Lumbago.
Bryonia Alba
Excessive irritability. Dryness of all mucous membranes.
Great thirst for large quantities of water. Constipation. Menses
suppressed. Frequent bleeding of nose when menses should appear.
Dry cough. Joints red and swollen. All complaints are aggravated
by motion.
Carbonicum (Calc carb.)
Apprehension, forgetfulness. Excessive sweat of head.
Discharging ears. Easy taking of cold. Head proportionately
larger but legs thinner in children. Obesity. Loss of appetite
when tired. Umbilical hernia. Gall-stone colic. Menses too
early, too profuse and too long. Feet feel cold and damp.
Abdominal complaints which are aggravated by coffee.
Inflammation of urinary passages. Constant urge to urinate.
Nephritis with bloody urine. Excessive sexual desire in females.
Burns and scalds. Irregular pulse, pericarditis.
Desire to be alone. Swelling and pain behind ears. Sore
throat of smokers and drinkers. Stomatitis. Fetid odor from
mouth. Intense craving for stimulants. Thirsty after stool, with
shivering. Bleeding piles, with soreness of anus. Neck of
bladder spasmodically contracted. Climacteric disturbances with
burning of tip of tongue. Constriction of chest. Dyspnea.
Sciatica, worse bending backward.
Carbo vegetabilis
Lowered vital power. Deficiency of oxygen in the body.
Digestion very slow. Hands and feet cold. Epistaxis. Distress
even from simplest food. Flatulent colic. Pulse imperceptible.
Easy fainting.
Chronic rheumatic, arthritic and paralytic affections.
Paralysis of tongue and vocal chords. Unsteadiness of muscles.
Involuntary passing of urine specially at night and in the aged.
Excessive irritability and impatience specially in children.
Violent earache. Diarrhea of children during dentition. Tickling
cough. Rheumatic pains.
China Officinalis
General weakness. Aversion to mental or physical exertion.
Ringing in ears, Violent dry sneezing. Ill effects of tea.
Weakness due to loss of fluids. Painless frothy stools. Slow
digestion. Distention of stomach and abdomen after eating.
Hiccough. Jaundice.
Intense abdominal pain causing the person to bend over
double. Dysentery. Taste very bitter. Contraction of muscles.
Stiffness of joints.
Spasmodic, dry, irritating, choking cough (much like
whooping-cough) with hoarseness of voice. Nose bleed.
Disinclination to speak because talking creates breathing
Is a powerful antiseptic. Typhoid. Relapsing fever. Slow
digestion. Dysentery. Nephritis. Asthma. High fever.
Headache better by cold applications. Eyes red, inflamed,
with burning sensation. Nose bleeds. Face
flushed; cheeks sore and hot. Ulcerated sore throat. Tonsils red
and swollen. Eustachian tubes inflamed. Aversion to meat and
milk. Anemia. Stools watery, bloody, undigested. Congestions of
lungs. Expectoration of pure blood in pneumonia.
Palpitation; pulse rapid. Rheumatic pain in shoulder.
Restlessness and sleeplessness.
Various degrees of motor paralysis. Muscular weakness.
Vertigo. Insomnia. Dim-sightedness. Diarrhea from emotional
Dryness of skin. Nails deformed and brittle. Constipation.
Obesity, hot drinks create problems. Offensive breath.
Hamamelis Virginica (Ham)
Bleeding hemorrhoids. Hemorrhage from any part. Varicose
veins. Orchitis.
Hepar Sulphuris
Great sensitiveness to all impressions. Tendency to
suppuration. Cough when exposed to dry and cold wind. Chronic
and recurring urticaria. Deep cracks on hands and feet. Great
sensitiveness to dry, cold weather.
Ignatia Amara
Many of the emotional symptoms including ill effects of
grief and worry. Changeable moods. Twitching of facial muscles.
Insomnia. Violent yawning. Dry spasmodic cough. Feminine sexual
frigidity. Coffee aggravates many problems.
(Ipecac) (Ip.)
Nausea and vomiting due to any reason. Hemorrhages where
blood is bright red. Diarrhea with grass-green stool. Profuse
uterine hemorrhage. Asthma. Bleeding from lungs. Sleep with eyes
half open. Suffocating and wheezing cough.
Thick, ropy secretions. Loss of smell. Stomach ulcer. Left
sided sciatica. Quick migration of pains. Cirrhosis of liver.
Kali Carbonicum
Sharp and cutting pains. Sensitiveness to weather changes.
Dryness and falling out of hair. Sour eructations. Weakness of
back. Large hemorrhoids. Pulse weak, rapid and intermittent.
Cold weather complaints.
Weakness of nervous system. Mental and physical depression.
Loss of memory. Humming and buzzing in the ears. Violent
Cancerous affections. Very painful dentition. Rapid decay of
teeth. Hoarseness. Cholera of infants. Senile gangrene. Cracking
of soles.
Climacteric hot flashes. Toothache. Diphtheria. Quinsy and
many other complaints related with throat and respiratory
system. Neuralgia of coccyx.
Ledum Palustre
Rheumatism. Gouty nodosities. Anal fissures. Carbuncles.
Complaints which appear from below upwards.
Lack of self-confidence. Weakness of memory. Night
blindness. Anorexia, small quantities of food create fullness.
Distention of abdomen. Cirrhosis. Hernia, Painful hemorrhoids.
Sciatica. Impotence. Psoriasis. Hepatitis.
Phosphorica (Mag-p.)
Spasmodic pains. Cramps of muscles.
Toothache. Flatulent colic. Menstrual colic. Angina pectoris.
Spasmodic palpitation.
Mercuris Solubilus
Discharges are offensive,
greenish-yellow. Ear infections either chronic
or acute. Nose has chronic coryza with offensive, greenish discharge. Mouth ulcers or canker sores.
Ulcerations. Salivation aggravated at night in sleep. Offensive
breath or metallic taste . Throat inflammation acute or chronic. Pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
Swelling of glands.
Vivus - Mercurius Hydrargyrum
Secondary stage of syphilis. Profuse
and burning discharge from eyes. Yellow, bloody discharge from
ears. Sneezing in sunshine. Swelling of nasal bones. Spongy and
easily bleeding gums. Intense thirst for cold drinks. Paralysis
of the aged.
Sublimatus Corrosivus (Merc. Cor)
Gonorrhea, Inflammation and soreness
of eyes. Red, swollen and painful throat. Bloody dysentery.
Sensitiveness of epigastrium.
Natrum Muriaticum
(Nat Mur.)
Great weakness. High blood pressure
and even low blood pressure. Blinding headache. Violent and
fluent coryza specially which begins with sneezing. Numbness of
tongue. Tachycardia, pulse intermits on lying down. Falling out
of hair.
Niticum Acidum
Putrid breath. Bleeding of gums.
Bloody saliva. Hemorrhages from bowels, profuse, bright.
Hemorrhoids bleed easily. Diarrhea, slimy and offensive. Stool
scanty, dark, offensive. Uterine hemorrhages. Menses early,
profuse, like muddy water, with pain in back, hips and thighs.
Short breath on going upstairs. Black pores on face.
Nux Vomica (Nux-v.)
Great irritability. Habit of finding
faults with others. Headache in sunshine and on waking in the
morning. Nose stuffed up at night. Stomach problems are
aggravated by eating. Frequent ineffectual urging for stool.
Blind hemorrhoids. Dysmenorrhea. Asthma due to digestive
disorders. Unrefreshing sleep.
Lack of response to various medicines.
Vertigo. Fright. Delirium. Paralysis of tongue. Obstinate
constipation. Stool round like black balls. Snoring. Great
drowsiness. Convulsions. Useful in coma.
Mental debility. Impaired memory. Hair
thin out, turn gray early. Blue rings around eyes. Lips dry,
cracked. Bleeding gums; retract from teeth. Face pale. Craving
juicy things. Thirst for cold milk. Diarrhea, white, watery,
involuntary, painless. Frequent urination at night. Emissions at
night and at stool. Menses too early and profuse, with pain in
liver. Weak feeling in chest from talking. Cramps in upper arms
and wrists. Pimples, acne, blood-boils. Falling out of hair.
Phosphorus (Phos.)
Great lowness of spirit. Dread of
death when alone. Fatty degenerations. Scurvy. Vertigo of the
aged. Dandruff. Falling of hair. Hemorrhages. Cirrhosis of
liver. Glaucoma. Epistaxis instead of menses. Vomiting soon
after taking water. Hoarseness. Various respiratory problems.
Loss of personal delicacy.
Indifference to life. Dark redness of throat with swollen
tonsils. Quinsy. Mumps. Cancer and abscess of breast. Urine
suppressed with pain in kidney region.
Podophyllum (Podo.)
Profuse, painless, watery, gushing
diarrhea. Internal and external piles. Grinding of teeth at
Pulsatilla Nigra (Puls.)
Patient is timid and can be easily
discouraged. Moods are changeable and contradictory. Changeable
and contradictory symptoms. Mouth is dry but no thirst. Taste of
mouth keeps changing. Secretions from eyes, nose and mouth are
all thick. Disliking for fat and warm food. Menses delayed,
scanty, thick, dark, clotted, intermittent and changeable. Pains
in the body keep shifting. Styes. Acne. Measles.
Toxicodendron (Rhus-t.)
Extreme restlessness. Thoughts of
suicide. Rheumatic pains which are worse at beginning of motion.
Drowsiness after eating. Pains due to over-exertion. Pain and
stiffness in small of back. Sciatica. Urticaria. Complaints are
worse when at rest.
Sepia (Sep.)
Indifference to friends and relatives.
Chronic nasal catarrh. Herpes behind ears. Nausea in morning
before eating. Desire for spicy food. Irregular menses with
bearing-down sensation. Weakness of back. Hot flashes at
Silicea (Sil.)
Intolerance of alcoholic
stimulants. Tendency to formation of pus. Styes, boils and
abscesses. Constipation before and after menses. Extreme
coldness of body with desire to remain close to fire. Offensive
foot sweat. Crippled nails. Keloid growths. Loss of smell.
Forgetfulness. Burning and redness of eyes. Burning in palms
and soles. Unhealthy skin with tendency to skin diseases. Great
acidity. Difficult respiration. Hemorrhoids. Aversion to
Remedy for behavioral problems in
children with ADHD. Restlessness, trouble sitting
still. Better from rhythmic dancing
and music. Very chilly remedy. Yeast infections. Extreme restlessness; must
keep in constant motion even though walking aggravates. Restless sleep
Occidentalis (Thuj.)
Fig-warts. Freckles. Fungus growths.
Loss of appetite. Rapid emaciation. Constipation with violent
rectal pain. Piles. Gonorrhea. Asthma in children.
Veratrum Album (Verat.)
Extreme coldness, blueness and
weakness. Pale face. Painful diarrhea followed by great
weakness. Weakness of heart with intermittent action. Cramps in
Metallicum (Zinc.)
Sensitivity to noise. Lethargy.
Headache due to wine. Squinting (of eyes). Cholera of infants.
Weakness, trembling and twitching of various muscles of limbs.