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Bowel Nosodes Used in Homeopathy
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Nosodes are powerful and deep acting. Bowel nosodes should not be taken without the professional guidance and
supervision from a Homeopath
trained and experienced in their use.

What Are Bowel Nosodes?
The bowel nosodes are prepared from the pure cultures of bacteria. This
is not like other nosodes where tissues and germs together
are potentized.
The culture that is used to make a bowel nosode is from the collection bacterial samples from
thousands of patients who have similar symptoms.
The common character of these nosodes is that they do not ferment the lactose.
They distinguish themselves according to their effects on fermentation on other
Under the action of the bowel nosode the non-lactose fermenting bacilli
begins to mutate into other less harmful group of bacteria and finally disappear
from system.
The Pioneers of Bowel Nosodes
Dr. Edward Bach (who also created Bach Flower
remedies) and Dr. Charles Wheeler were the pioneers of the
bowel nosodes. They projected that most of the chronic disease have a strong
relationship with a group of certain non-lactose fermenting bacteria.
Dr. Bach also established that patients who harbor non-lactose
fermenting bacteria, usually have latent Psora in the background. Dr's John and Elizabeth Patterson
who also worked extensively with bowel nosodes, also
concluded that intestinal toxins in chronic disease are very closely related to
Human Evolution
and the Need Bowel Nosodes
Any change in the host
which affects the intestinal mucosa will upset the balance and
will be followed by a change in the habit and the bio-chemistry
of the B. Coli, which may then become pathogenic.
Using bowel nosodes, the intestinal balance is restored and
health is improved after
a large percentage of
non-lactose fermenting bacilli that
are associated with the pathogenic group, such as typhoid and
paratyphoid, are expelled from the intestines, after the action
of the bowel nosode.
From the beginning of time, our digestive system was intended to
live on vegetables, fruits, nuts and cereals - natural foods in their natural
As the time went on,
humans more heavily depended on cooked food, preserved
food, canned food, giving rise to excessive amount of intestinal toxins, which
become the root cause of many chronic diseases.
change in diet by consuming live and organic food can improve the
chemical damage but may not help to change the bacterial flora (non-lactose
By consuming acidophilic cultures,
a person can change the flora of
bacteria, but this is only temporarily.
Dr. Bach has proved this clinically in many cases that after giving bowel nosode
there is change in cultures of the patients intestinal flora from non-lactose to
lactose fermenting bacteria.
He also found that non-lactose fermenting bacteria
were present in healthy individual who were never sick. The reason was that these people’s
constitution is strong and they can withstand such bacteria without developing a
Since there are many strains of bacteria and not just one, various organs
of the body are affected like lungs, joints, stomach, etc.
B. Coli is
harmless saprophyte and to be non-pathogenic in the healthy bowel. Its
function is to break up into the more simple substances the complex molecules of
the organic combinations, which form the bodies of plants and animals, or of the
complex substances which result from the digestive processes in the intestinal
canal and are excreted.
In nature, where there is balance, there is no disease and
the germ, in this case the B. Coli in the intestinal
tract, performs a useful function. Where the intestinal
mucosa is healthy the B. Coli is non-pathogenic.
Indications for Using Bowel Nosodes
Bowel nosodes are especially helpful
in cases of autoimmune disease, bowel disease, autism, chronic skin diseases
and chronic constipation.
The nosode should only be given when the client's symptoms
correspond to it.
Potency is selected in accordance with the general
homeopathic laws.
Bowel nosode are deep acting remedies and so case taking must cover the
totality of symptoms from the mental to the physical.
The bowel nosode should be given and selected in the same manner as any other
homeopathic remedies, using the same homeopathic principles.
In a new case, the constitutional remedy should be given before the bowel nosode.
In cases where it is difficult to make the choice among
many possible constitutional remedies, then a bowel nosode may be given.
If the constitutional homeopathic remedy is working well and achieving the desired
result there is no need for a nosode.
If a case stalls and an appropriate bowel nosode is indicated, dosing it may give the necessary
energy for the
progress to continue.
An old case where a person may be under homeopathic care, but is not
responding to it, the appropriately selected bowel nosode can be given.
Main Bowel Nosodes Use in Homeopathy and Their Key
Concepts Are:
Poly Bowel Nosode
- This "poly" nosode which means a combination of all the
following nosodes into a SINGLE homeopathic remedy.
Read more about the features of each bowel nosode included in the 10 remedy
bowel nosode combination below.
- Morgan Bach
- Morgan Pure
- Morgan Co.
- Proteus Bach
- Gaertner (Bach)
- Morgan Gaertner
- Proteus Bach
- Sycotic Co.
- Dysentery Co.
- Bacillus No. 7.
- Mutabile
Morgan (Bach)
"Congestion" (digestion)
- This type of
non-lactose organism is most frequently found in the stool and it has the
greatest number of associated remedies.
Congestion is
the keynote.
Strong relationship to skin and
digestive issues including chronic constipation.
Morgan Pure (Irritation)
- Indicated when there is marked skin
eruption, disturbance of liver, bilious headache or gallstones.
Morgan Gaertner
"Congestion" (digestion)
Irritation is
the keynote.
- Useful in acute
inflammatory conditions as in renal colic and gallstone colic.
- Aggravation at 4-8 pm.
Gaertner (Bach)
"Nutrition" (emaciation)
Malnutrition is
the keynote.
- Overactive brain with undernourished
Proteus (Bach)
"Brain Storm" (angry adrenaline)
Suddenness in
nearly all complaints.
- Mental symptoms are prominent in
the clinical proving
Brain storm
is the key note to
indicate this sudden and violent upset of the nervous system.
- It is always related to central
and peripheral nervous system.
- It is recommended in Raynaud’s disease and
Sycotic Co.
"Brain Storm" (anger, adrenals)
is the keynote
- Connected to synovial and mucus membrane.
- This bowel organism is a non
lactose fermenting coccus found in the intestinal tract.
Dysentery Co.
"Apprehension" (the heart)
Apprehension is
the keynote.
nervous tension and anxiety.
Bacillus No.7 Mental & physical fatigue, rheumatism,
- This is so named because it was
the 7th non- lactose fermenting type of bacillus to be observed
in the laboratory. Because it did not conform to any of the previously known
groups, it was given the numerical “7”.
& physical fatigue, old rheumatism
- Biochemistry: Br & Iodine.
Bacillus No.10 Mental & physical fatigue, rheumatism,
- Spongy gums.
- Numerous flat warts on hands and
Mutabile (Bach)
- It is named so because it mutates as
soon as it is sub-cultured from non lactose to a lactose fermenter.
- Mutabile is of value where there is alteration
of symptoms, like where
skin eruption alternates with asthmatic symptom.
- It is an intermediary form
between B.coli and the true non lactose fermenting type.
B. Faecalis
- Action is similar to Sepia.
- Not well proved.
Coccal Co.
- It is used in septic state.
- Not
well proved.
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