Nux vomica is an irritable, tense, type A
May have cravings for alcohol, coffee, cigarettes.
Finds it difficult to relax.
Can be very ambitious.
Chilly, worse from drafts
Intolerant of imperfection in others.
Failure is the worst thing
that can happen.
Chilly, worse drafts.
Worse cold, dry wind.
For collapse, fatigue,
Initial stage acutes, caused by dry cold
weather or by sitting on cold steps or in cold places.
Sneezing especially in the
Teeth grinding.
Infant colic.
Cramping pain of the abdomen.
Better warmth and warm
Nausea and vomiting.
Distension of the abdomen.
Hepatitis, inflammation of the
Urging for urination, but pass
only a few drops.
Constipation, and ineffectual
urging for stool.
Acute hemorrhoids.
Back pain.
Waking with insomnia 3 - 4 am.
Sensitive to noise, light and
Headaches worse cold, alcohol,
anger, menstruation.
Hay fever, acute allergies.
Colds with sneezing especially
in the morning.
Allergies cause obstruction at
night, but flows freely in the day.
Snuffles of newborns -
constantly sniffling.
Nose stuffed up at night
and in open air but fluent in a warm room and during day.
Scraping rawness
in the throat, dullness or oppression in the frontal sinuses and watering of the
Alternate freeness and obstruction
of the nose; worse in a warm room, better in open air (opposite of
Worse ANGER.
Worse morning, worse
overeating, worse alcohol.
Worse tight clothing.
Better with warmth, better dry