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Poison Ivy & Poison Oak

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Homeopathy for Poison Ivy or Poison Oak
Homeopathic remedies are a safe and effective treatment for fast recovery from poison ivy or poison oak. 
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Homeopathic Remedies for Poison Ivy or Poison Oak
Topical Tinctures for Use On Itching Areas
Other Natural Supports

Homeopathic Remedies for Poison Ivy or Poison Oak

  • Anacardium orientale
    This remedy is often helpful for rashes that come from poison oak, or other kinds of contact dermatitis. An intensely itching rash with swelling and fluid-filled blisters may appear. Warm applications and a warm bed aggravate the itching.  Interestingly, the itching can also feel better after very hot  (almost scalding) water is run over the area and the person is better with warm drinks.

  • Apis
    When a rash is the result of an allergic reaction and takes the form of hives, or if a rash is very pink and swollen with burning or stinging pain, this remedy may be useful. Discomfort and swelling are relieved by cold applications.

  • Belladonna
    This remedy is useful for conditions with sudden onset that are hot, bright red, and throbbing. Rash may be accompanied by fever.

  • Bryonia
    Bumpy, hot, and dry rash will respond to this remedy. Discomfort may be worse from heat and touch, although applying pressure or lying on the affected side often soothes the itching. If illness accompanies the rash, the person wants to lie completely still and be left alone.

  • Croton tiglium
    Rash has many blisters and much
    inflammation and itching, often on the scalp or the face in general, near the eyes or on the genitals, buttocks or lower limbs. The pustules may ooze yellowish serum, which dries to form thick grayish/brownish scabs. Scratching aggravates and leads to burning and much pain. Worse at night and on the left side of the body. Light pressure ameliorates the pain, but the person feels tight all over his body and may be mentally inflexible and rigid.

  • Graphites
    Rashes with eruptions that ooze a sticky golden fluid, then crust over, may be relieved with this remedy. Itching is worse from warmth and worse at night.

  • Ledum palustre
    This remedy is indicated for a puffy and swollen rash. Both the swelling and the itching are relieved by cold applications.

  • Natrum muriaticum
    Helpful to people with chronic rashes at the margin of the scalp or in the bends of the knees and elbows. The skin is oily in most areas, but the rash looks dry and scaly. Itching is often worse from physical exertion and the person may feel worse from being in the sun. For hives break out during emotional stress, especially grief or romantic disappointment. A person who needs this remedy often has a tendency toward herpes.

  • Rhus toxicodendron
    Blistery rash that burns and itches intensely, and is much improved by applying heat or bathing in hot water, may be relieved by this remedy. The person usually is very restless, wanting to pace or constantly move around.

  • Sepia
    Dry skin with a scaly reddish or brownish rash suggests a need for this remedy. The person may be chilly and better from keeping warm —but getting too warm under covers or clothing, and especially sweating, makes the itching worse.

  • Sulphur
    Red, irritated, itchy, burning rashes that are aggravated by heat and washing. The touch of clothing, especially wool, can cause a rash or make it worse. Scratching seems irresistible, but disrupts and irritates the skin. Eruptions may be dry and scaly, or moist and infection-prone.

  • Urtica urens
    Eruptions that resemble nettle-rash, with blotches that sting and burn intensely, may be soothed by this remedy. Scratching makes the symptoms worse. Applying cold or water may aggravate the condition. Rashes that come out from eating shellfish, from being overheated, or along with rheumatism often bring this remedy to mind.

Topical Tinctures for Use On Itching Areas

  • Grindelia washes are helpful.  Use a plantain tincture or Grindelia wash on the infected area.  Dilute 1 dropper of the tincture in a 1/4 cup of water and used to wash several times a day.

Other Natural Supports

  • Baking soda - mix 3 teaspoons of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of water until a thick paste forms. Apply to the rash and let dry.
  • Baking Soda Bath
    • Method 1
      Fill a tub or sitz bath with enough warm water to be able to submerge your body when you sit. Mix four to five tablespoons of baking soda into the water. Use a wooden spoon to help dissolve baking soda. Soak affected area for 10-20 minutes. Gently dry off with a soft towel to avoid further irritation.
    • Method 2
      Fill bath tub with hot water. Mix 1/2 cup of Epsom salts and 1/2  cup of baking soda. Add the mixture to the water while still running to make sure it dissolves well. Soak in the tub for 20 minutes. Lie down in bed for a few minutes after the bath if you may feel some dizziness from releasing toxins.
    • Method 3
      Dissolve 1/4 cup of sea salt, 1/4 cup of Epsom salt, and  1/4  cup of baking soda in some boiled water inside a jar about a quart-size. Set aside. Then fill bath tub with warm or hot water and add 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar. Pour the salt mixture into the bath. You can also add a favorite essential oil. Soak in the bath for about 30 minutes or as desired. Use this to soothe skin irritations, boost magnesium levels, and detoxify your body.
  • Vinegar - use white distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Pat with a cotton ball or sprinkle liberally on rash or blisters for instant relief from itching. Vinegar helps draw out the "poison" from poison ivy while it also helps healing.
  • Banana peel -  rub the inside of a banana peel gently on poison ivy rashes to bring instant, cooling relief.

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