Natrum Muriaticum is useful in
Autism, ADHD,
PANDAS and other neurological disorders, along with
other important polychrests.
Key Symptoms of Nat Muriaticum
Pear-shaped build in women. Solid, strong and lean build in men. Skin can be
puffy and oily with frequent swelling. Watery, red eyes. Dry cracked lips.
Medium to dark hair.
Will suppress emotions such as fear, anger, guilt and loneliness, which can
lead to depression. May suppress feelings over lost loved ones. May become
very depressed after relationship break-up. Will possibly wish to cry but
find self unable. Suffer in silence rather than ask for help. Down to earth
with mind set on career.
Nervous system. Depression, premenstrual syndrome, anorexia; skin problems;
mouth ulcers and cold sores; heart palpitations and headaches.
Likes cold drinks, sour and savory foods; craves salt and most
carbohydrates. Dislikes coffee and aggravated by bread.
Small for their age. Slow development. Well
behaved. Loves animals. Very good academically but can become extremely hurt
if criticized at school. May suffer from headaches under pressure.
The Nat. mur. type may be professional and career minded. Like to read,
academic and tend to be high achievers.
Stages of Nat Muriaticum Progression
In the
first stage Natrum Muriaticum is cheerful,
open, romantic, hopeful and cries fairly easily.
In the
second stage they suffer mood swings in which
they are sometimes cheerful and sometimes sad and sometimes they laugh and
sometimes they cry, etc.
In the
third stage they become depressed,
emotionally rigid, hopeless, suicidal and never cry or show much emotion.
In the
fourth stage their complexes take over and
they act out their past issues and express their complexes in a manner that
is psychotic. These could manifest as an extreme form of any of the symptoms
of the previous stages. They now become what people call insane (dementia or
Alzheimer's disease) because they
are completely out of touch with reality.
Natrum Muriaticum
(sodium chloride)
Salt retention as evidenced by swelling.
Alteration in the blood causing a
anemia and leucocytosis (n increase in the number of white cells in the
blood, especially during an infection.)
Retention of water in the tissues.
Gouty or rheumatic gout.
For certain forms of intermittent fever,
anemia, chlorosis, many disturbances of the alimentary tract and skin.
BETTER open air, cold bathing, going without
regular meals, lying on right side; pressure against back, tight clothing.
WORSE noise, music, warm room, lying down
WORSE about 10 a.m.
WORSE at seashore, mental exertion,
consolation, HEAT, talking.
Natrum Muriaticum: Homeopathic Medicine - Tips For Beginners (6:03 minutes)
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