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Homeopathy for Women

Sepia Constitution

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  • APPEARANCE: Slim and tall. Often sits with legs crossed. Likes to look attractive and elegant. Medium to dark hair, often with brown eyes.

  • MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL ASPECTS: Can be irritable and easily offended. Tendency to be aggressive to loved ones. Cannot handle too much stress and tries to avoid pressure and deadlines. Can feel better after weeping, but does not like it when others are fussing around. Avoids crowds but fears being alone. Hates being contradicted, as holds strong opinions.

  • PHYSICAL WEAKNESSES: These include all menopausal problems. Headaches and migraines. Skin problems. Other common ailments include constipation and hemorrhoids, chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. Conditions usually improve with exertion. Physical problems mostly occur on left side.

  • DIETARY FACTORS: Likes spices, sour and savory foods, citrus fruits, sweet foods and alcohol. Dislikes dairy products, especially milk, rich and strongly flavored meats and fatty foods.

  • THE SEPIA CHILD: Greedy. Prone to constipation. Can become a bed wetter. Moody. Feels the cold and can become tired easily. Does not like being alone.

  • GENERALITIES: The Sepia type doesn’t like crowds but fears being alone. When stressed can become very irritable to loved ones and want to run away.

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"Let Miracles Find You!Empowering Women and Their Families in the Homeopathic Lifestyle.
Homeopathy For Women - Alternative Health Experts, LLC. 
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