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Fear and Homeopathy
Homeopathic remedies can help a person with symptoms of fear and
anxiety. Contact us to learn more!
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There are many common
homeopathic remedies for fear and fright. These remedies have been used
for hundreds of years successfully to treat the person with the fear and replace
the use of suppressive drugs including anxiety medications and antidepressants.
Some people may have fears as a result of ongoing anxiety, and others from PTSD.
The remedies below are a general list of helpful homeopathic remedies that are
used for those with strong fears, anxiety and unrest in their emotional lives.
Homeopathic Remedies For Fear
Aconitum Napellus
Panic disorders. Panic attacks in the evening or for those who
wake up with fright 1 – 2 hours after going to sleep. Tremendous fear of death.
Great anxiety after an accident. Great anxiety for others, restlessness, fear
of being in a crowded place and claustrophobia.
Extreme fear of cancer and great anxiety about
health. Insignificant health issues are exaggerated causing great fear and
Agnus Castus
Great anxiety about one’s health. The person feels that when they get sick, death is imminent.
Great fear of death.
Argentum Nitricum
Many fears. Used for someone who
is very impulsive. Claustrophobia, fear of heights,
bridges, diseases, accidents, fainting, driving, elevators, theaters,
airplanes and the fear of being late. Anxiety about health and
anxiety increases when alone. The person feels
better with company. Anxiety while anticipating an
upcoming event.
Arsenicum Album
Major remedy for panic attacks. Panic attacks are usually after midnight or between midnight
and 2am. Tremendous anxiety with great
restlessness. Anxiety about health and a despair about recovery
when ill. Great anxiety about other family members or
close friends due to providing security base. Proper, tense, worried and desires to be in control at all times.
Fears include disease, especially cancer, germs, robbers, poverty, evil,
vomiting and insanity.
Extreme fear of downward motion. Infants may scream when it’s being put
down in it’s crib because of the downward motion. Fear of
escalators, descending stairs, elevators and even of rocking in a rocking
chair because of the motion.
Fears for this person will center around the future,
poverty and financial ruin. Extreme thirst. Physical complaints worse
with movement or motion and better with rest.
Cannabis Indica
Great anxiety and general
fearfulness as well as panic attacks. Fear of insanity andfear of losing control.
Fear that one will antidote their homeopathic remedy.
Kali Bromatum
Fear and anxiety present as paranoia.
Indicated when fear centers around religious issues. The person may
feel singled-out for divine wrath and there
may be a despair of salvation due to guilt. Fear of insanity, being alone, fear of being poisoned and fear of being
injured. Night terrors may also = be present.
Magnesia Carbonica
General anxiety that is present during the day
but is better in the evening once one is in bed. Peacemaker who wants to be sure everyone is getting along and
is happy. Fear of violence and confrontations. Great sensitivity to noise.
Magnesia Muriatic
Similar to Magnesia carbonica, except the anxiety is
worse while in bed and better during the day. Also indicated for someone who is a peacemaker and who does
not like disagreements and confrontations. Anxiety is generally worse while
reading, in the evening and during menses.
Fear of the
dark, ghosts, insanity, evil and devils. They may be tormented by their
extreme fear of the dark.
Natrum Muriaticum
Fear of robbers. Used for those with a history of
emotional pain or grief or disappointed love. Silent grief. Often are
perfectionists, compassionate and sympathetic, but are very closed with whom
they share their emotions and are very private. They are often thirsty and
will crave salt with headaches worse 10am and consolation aggravates them.
Nitricum Acidum
Great anxiety about health with a fear of cancer and death.
The person is very pessimistic in life. There may be depression and anger toward life. Great irritability and peevishness.
Homeopathic opium is used in complains from fright more
than for the fright itself. Indicated when fright leads to
convulsions, tremors or insomnia. Triggered by remembering what frightened
and the symptoms return. Used after frightening child birth experiences or
near death experiences. Used for those in a coma.
Many fears are indicated and the remedy is used for those who are
generally open, excitable gullible, impressionable and suggestible. Fears include being
alone, death, the dark, thunderstorms, that something bad will happen,
disease, the future, ghosts, insanity, robbers, insects, earthquakes and
more. Anxiety is raised when alone and is always better for the person when they
are in the company of others. They are affection, sympathetic types
who love cold drinks, refreshing foods, salt, chocolate.
For those who have a lack of self-confidence (see also
Lycopodium and
Fears and anxieties will center around performance, such as stage fright. Anxiety arises over
small details and from noise. The anxiety feels paralyzing. There is also
a fear of pins, needles, knives and other sharp objects.
This remedy has many fears that will usually be accompanied by rage and
anger if this remedy is needed. There is fear of violent death. Fear of
the dark is so intense that one must sleep with the light on. There also
may be a fear of water, including submerging head in water, even in the
shower. Other fears include animals, dogs, mirrors, reflecting objects,
disease, ghosts, injury, suffocation and claustrophobia. Fright will stay
with someone who needs this remedy for a long time, especially if it was a
violent fright, such as a car accident. Night terrors may also be present
and may include waking up shrieking or screaming out in sleep. There may
also be violent behavior.
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