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Fifth Disease "Slapped Cheek
Syndrome" and Homeopathy
Homeopathic remedies can help a child
with symptoms
of Fifth Disease - also known as "Slapped Cheek Syndrome".
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Fifth disease also known as
Slapped Cheek Syndrome is a mild and common illness in children that is
caused by a virus called Human Parvovirus B19.
The medical name for Fifth Disease is "erythema infectiosum (EI)".
Symptoms and signs include a rash as if the face has been
slapped. In North America, the disease has
been referred to as
slapped cheek syndrome or as "slapcheek". Parvovirus infection is a common and
highly contagious
childhood ailment. It was one of five common childhood
illnesses characterized by a rash and therefore named "Fifth Disease". The name
Fifth Disease comes from a classification system developed in
the 1890's but it is no longer used. It was the fifth in a list of the five
most common rashes of childhood and acquired this name.
infection occurs primarily in school-aged children between 5 and 14 years of age
during winter and spring. In most children, parvovirus infection is mild and requires
little treatment.
However, in some adults, the infection can be serious.
Parvovirus infection in some pregnant women can lead to serious health problems
for the fetus. Parvovirus infection is also more serious for people with some
kinds of anemia or who have a compromised immune system.
The virus is thought to spread via droplets in the air
as respiratory
secretions transmitted by coughs and sneezesor by blood from other
infected people. Early during the illness, nasal secretions contain the
viral DNA. Blood has been found to contain viral particles as well as DNA.
Cases of Fifth Disease can occur either sporadically or as part of
community outbreaks.
Outbreaks occur mainly in elementary schools during the
Half of the cases occur from spread of the virus to others in the
patient's household. Transmission of the infection in schools is less
At least half of North American adults have been infected by parvovirus
B19 and are unlikely to be reinfected.
About 10% or fewer of young children
are immune.
People with this illness are contagious before the onset of symptoms and
are probably not contagious after they develop the rash.
The incubation
period (the time from acquiring the infection to the development of
symptoms) usually lasts between 4 and 21 days.
Homeopathic Remedies for Fifth Disease - Slapped Cheek Syndrome
- Apis
Chill stage of fever; worse from any warm coverings; better open air
and from uncovering; heat stage of fever: extremely drowsy with great
thirst; barely any perspiration; want cool cloths on red cheeks;
‘slapped’ face looks swollen, shiny and feels stinging & hot (just like
a bee sting would look and feel); possibly with sore throat; fear of
being alone and possessive of the mother (jealousy). Skin
rashes that feel hot and dry and are sensitive to touch; maybe
accompanied by sore throat. Rash area is puffy & hard and can resemble a
bee sting. The rash is stingy. Symptoms are better by cool drinks
and baths. Worse from heat and warm liquids, they can have little or no
- Belladonna
Rapid or fast onset, the cheeks are
very red with a radiating heat and can be accompanied by a high
temperature and dilated pupils. Headache can be throbbing. May desire
lemon or sour flavored drinks.
is another common remedy for treatment. Person is very thirsty, dry mucus
membranes and irritable.
For burns and skin lesions
that are fairly superficial; often used after the acute phase of the
skin condition has subsided to aid in complete recovery.
Fever stage has flushes of heat in head and face; fiery red rash on
face; burning; cold limbs with burning heat of face; perspiration is hot
with fever; behavior is key; whining restlessness; wants many things,
then refuses them; aversion to touch but wants to be carried; very
sensitive to pain; ugly behavior.
Ferrum phosphoricum
Slow onset; low grade fever; nosebleed.
- Rhus
For rashes,
blisters and vesicles with itching that worsens at night and improves
with the application of heat. Generally restless and unable to get
comfortable. May affect tendons and ligaments and have painful joints.
Person may have painful joints.
for skin disorders that are accompanied by fever and intense
itching; person is thirsty, irritable while sick, sensation of internal
heat and burning; symptoms tend to improve with open, cold air and
worsen with warmth.
Urtica Urens
Nettle rash or hives or urticaria with reddish, scorching, stinging
outbreaks on the skin that are likely to be distended or scratchy.
usually worsen after bathing, or warmth. The itching is often worse in
the morning.
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