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Male Erectile Dysfunction and
Homeopathic remedies will symptoms
of erectile
dysfunction symptoms in men.
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for Erectile Dysfunction in Men
- Arnica
Erectile dysfunction from extreme exhaustion.
Erections in the morning, but no desire or aversion to sex. Premature
ejaculations from stimulation.
- Argentum Nitricum
Lax erection on intercourse. Lack of desire. Prone to performance anxiety.
- Fluoric Acid
No desire, silent and indifferent to loved
- Gelsemium
Lack of power but
the desire to perform. Anticipation anxiety. Prone to diarrhea when
- Lachesis
Erectile dysfunction from jealous. Jerking sensation in penis, amorous with no erection or weak erections. Fear
of failure or scrutiny. Abdominal flatulence and indigestion.
- Lycopodium
Impotence after
sexual excessiveness. Older men with desire.
- Phosphorus
Erection absent or lax due to having too much salt in the diet.
- Mercurius
Loss of desire and erection, sexual organs are shriveled.
Very sensitive to weather changes.
- Nux Vomica
is lost during sexual intercourse. Prone to alcoholism, workaholism and
stimulants including tobacco. Irritable, chilly, wants to be let alone,
- Staphysagria
No erection. Erectile dysfunction after anger or mortification.
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