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Strep Throat Recovery with Homeopathy

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Homeopathy for Women

Strep Throat Recovery With Homeopathy, Boy Age 12

Testimonial written by an RN and home schooling mother of four, Nebraska, USA.
April 2016

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"This remedy got us moving in the right direction and four days later his throat was almost completely healed and enlarged tonsils/glands greatly reduced in size!

"This past couple of months have been a reminder of just how much I love homeopathy! Out here in Nebraska, the flu came late in the season and hit us all hard. Thanks to homeopathy we were able to get through it quickly and without complications. Shortly after the flu, my 12 year old son, who has a weaker constitution, came down with strep throat which was diagnosed at the doctor's office.

I went home and immediately started him on the homeopathic remedy as strep is one acute that I do not like to tackle on my own. After four doses of the remedy we transitioned to Phytolacca 1M (water dose, for right sided, swollen glands/tonsils, dark red throat etc). As the weekend approached Kari discussed with me several options I could move to if symptoms changed over the weekend.

By Saturday night, I did not think we were getting anywhere and symptoms had progressed. I reassessed and we moved to Mercurius solubilus 1M (water dosed). This remedy got us moving in the right direction and four days later his throat was almost completely healed and enlarged tonsils/glands greatly reduced in size!  We also did all sorts of supportive measures like vitamin C, salt water gargles, etc.

He has had strep throat 3 times in the last two years, and each time we have cured it with homeopathy and avoided the use of antibiotics!

It is truly a miracle to me, especially after talking to a neighbor of mine whose daughter has had strep throat 6 times in the last 18 months and each time they gave her daughter antibiotics. Wow! Time to let her know about homeopathy!"

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