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TMJ and Homeopathy
remedies can help a person with
Temporomandibular Joint
(TMJ) Disorders.
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What Is TMJ -
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders?
The abbreviation "TMJ" stands the "Temporomandibular
and refers to the joint but is also used to refer to any
disorders or symptoms of this region. The temporomandibular joint is a hinge
that connects your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull, which are in front
of each ear. It lets you move your jaw up and down and side to side, so you can
talk, chew, and yawn. Problems with your jaw and the muscles in your face
that control it are known as temporomandibular disorders (TMD). It is
often just called just "TMJ" after the name of the actual joint involved.
Causes Of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome include:
Symptoms of TMJ include:
disorders of the jaw joint and chewing musclespopping sounds
in the jaw
inability to fully open the mouth
jaw pain
various other types of facial pain.
Researcher in the field of
temporomandibular joints
generally agree that the conditions fall into three main categories:
Myofascial pain, the most common
temporomandibular disorder, involves discomfort or pain in the muscles
that control jaw function.
Internal derangement of the joint
involves a displaced disc, dislocated jaw, or injury to the condyle.
Arthritis refers to a group of
degenerative/inflammatory joint disorders that can affect the
temporomandibular joint.
- Agaricus
TMJ with a sensation as if crawling under the skin, and twitching. Prickly
- Arum triphyllum
Used for TMJ for pain in joint on swallowing.
- Calcerea
Used for TMJ and follows Rhus tox for cracking, popping and stiffness of
joints, accompanied with cold hands and feet, often with weak ankles and
tendency to obesity.
- Calcarea
Used for TMJ when mouth cannot be opened without pain.
- Causticum
Whole side of the face goes numb (mostly right-sided) in TMJ. Jaw becomes
rigid and they can’t open it. Jaw locks with raw burning and sharpness.
Bell’s palsy.
- Carbo vegetabilis
Used for TMJ withvertigo with nausea and tinnitus.
- Chamomilla
Used for TMJ for low pain threshold. Unbearable spasms of pain radiating into the ear.
- Cuprum metallicum
Used for TMJ with spasms of muscles.
- Granatum
Used to TMJ with painful cracking of the
- Ignatia
Used for TMJ with tension in jaw – every time they get angry their neck gets
tight. They grit their teeth chronically. There is cramping from tightness
in the jaw with sharp pains. From suppressed anger or not speaking their
- Magnesium
Used for TMJ with muscle spasms.
- Phytolacca
Used for earaches with pain extending into teeth, jaw, and
throat in TMJ.
- Rhus
Used for TMG specially at the popping and cracking stage of
the joints. Joint locks and is stiff with yawning to pop it. Gnawing pain;
nerve pain, quick and cutting; burning, tearing, and stiffness of the joint
with the popping and cracking. Wakes up stiff, hurts to first move, but
feels better moving. Better hot application; worse in cold weather.
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