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Homeopathy for Women

Yeast and Homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies can provide natural support for those with symptoms of yeast and yeast overgrowth.
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  • Borax
    Yeast infections of the vagina with discharge resembling egg white, and a feeling that warm water is flowing out, suggest the use of this remedy. Vaginitis that responds to Borax usually appears midway between the menstrual periods. A person who needs this remedy is often nervous and very sensitive to noise.

  • Calcarea carbonica
    When this remedy is indicated, burning and itching feelings may occur both before and after the menstrual period. Discharge from vaginitis is milky and acrid or thick and yellow. A person who needs this remedy is often chilly and stout, has a craving for sweets, and is easily tired by exertion.

  • Kali bichromicum
    This remedy may be indicated in cases of vaginitis where discharge is yellow and tenacious, and makes the vulva itch and burn. Symptoms may be worse in the morning. The person feels better from resting and keeping warm.

  • Kreosotum
    This remedy is strongly indicated for vaginitis with watery, thin, unpleasant-smelling, very irritating discharge that makes the vulva swell and itch. Symptoms may be worse in the morning and worse when standing up. Infections are more likely to appear before the menstrual period or during pregnancy.

  • Natrum muriaticum
    Vaginitis with discharge resembling egg-white, which itches and makes the vagina feel dry and irritated, is likely to respond to this remedy. Reserved, yet is very emotional inside. A craving for salt and a tendency to feel worse from being in the sun are other indications for Natrum muriaticum.

  • Pulsatilla
    When this remedy is indicated for yeast infections, symptoms may be changeable. A creamy white or yellowish discharge appears, which can be either bland or irritating. The vagina may feel sore, and the labia may itch or burn. Moody, possibly tearful, wanting a lot of attention and affection. This remedy is often helpful for vaginitis during pregnancy.

  • Sepia
    If yeast infections cause vaginal discharge that is yellow and itchy, or white and curdlike, this remedy may be indicated. Worn down and irritable, with cold extremities and and a weak or sagging feeling in the pelvic region. Discharge may be more profuse in the morning and increased by walking.

  • Sulphur
    Discharge that looks yellowish, is offensive-smelling, and causes great burning and itching brings this remedy to mind. Symptoms may be aggravated by warmth and bathing.

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