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Homeopathy for Bedwetting (Enuresis)
Homeopathic remedies can help children of all ages
with chronic
bedwetting issues. Contact us to learn more!
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Homeopathic Remedies for Bedwetting
- Argentum
When a child urinates due to restlessness or nervousness.
- Belladonna
Useful for children having a fair complexion, blue eyes, thin hair and those
who feel restlessness in sleeping and involuntary urination.
- Borax
When a child urinates quite frequently at night due to fear, this remedy is
Calcarea carbonica
Children who are fat, fair and flabby, too much emission of urination at
night. Sour vomiting of children during dentition with a tendency to eat
indigestible things such as chalk, pencils etc.
- Causticum
When the condition becomes moderate during summers but worsens in winters,
this remedy is recommended.
Constant desire to urinate, and passes large quantities of clear,
light-colored urine without relief. Enuresis.
Wets bed at night, wets when he dreams he always sees a crowd of people
Ferrum metallicum
Bedwetting more
in day time than at night. Floods the bed 5-6 times at night; stains the bed
very dark and smell very strong. Clay colored sediment adhering to bottom of
- Kreosotum
recommended when a person urinates while having a dream of urination. Many
patients have been cured by this homeopathic remedy.
Nosode Children where there is a psychotic history
nocturnal enuresis, weak memory, fear in the dark as if some one is behind
- Rhus tox
When there is a constant dribbling of urine due to weak bladder, this remedy
is used.
Sepia Incontinence of urine at night especially at first sleep, the
urine is very offensive and deposits a clay colored, sediment which adheres
to the chambers.
Silicea Useful for children suffering
from worms due to weakness of urinary organs.
Sulphur Loose abdomen, who love sugar and/or highly seasoned food; aversion to
being washed, passing urine at midnight.
Enuresis in a
child with primary tuberculosis/psychotic persons.
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