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OCD: Obsessive Compulsive
Disorders and Homeopathy
Homeopathic remedies will help those with OCD and
anxiety to control and reduce their symptoms.
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Success Stories for OCD and PANDAS Here!

- Apprehensiveness and uneasiness
- Fearfulness, panic and phobias
- Insecurity and loss of confidence
- Irritability and restlessness
- Sleeping problems
- Palpitations, breathlessness and sweating
- Trembling, dizziness and weakness
- Weight gain
- Nausea, diarrhea or vomiting
- Inability to concentrate or think clearly
- Muscle tension
Homeopathic Remedies for OCD
violent, angry, cursing. Feels a duality of personality. Delusions of being
pursued by the law. High sex drive.
Argentum nitricum
fears of heights and in front of groups. Strange fears of bridges.
Loquacious. Fears of hospitals, elevators, doctors, dentists, flying.
Arsenicum album
obsessive about appearance. Wants hours drawers and closets
organized. Fears of debilitating chronic diseases.
Natrum muriaticum
obsessive about being in control and being isolated. Wanting to protect
themselves they check locks for fear of robbers. Caused by lost love or
chronic grief and depression.
Calcarea carbonica
obsessed about social problems and rears of earthquakes and other natural
disasters. Obesity, cold hands and feet.
Cannabis indica
Hallucinations. Anguish, accompanied by great
oppression: better in the open air. Constant fear of becoming insane. Fear
of approaching death.
fears of cancer, taking tests. Fear of failure. Rebellious from everyone’s
high expectations. Obsesses about disease for self and family.
about sex, obscene gesturing, quarrelsome. Twitching muscles. Picks at
fingers, clothes. Caused by grief or disappointed love.
breakdown from stress and grief. This is expressed in sighing. Weeping.
Extremely romantic, depressed, conflicted. Guilt.
mistakes in speaking and writing, as well as
in the hours of the day and the days of the week. Over-excitement and
excessive nervous irritability, with a tendency to be frightened.
Anxiety about health. Fear of snakes. Loquacity. Jealousy.
memory weakness. Time passes too slowly. Hurried, anxious, wild feelings.
Depression, suicidal thoughts.
Natrum sulph
caused by head injuries. Depression, anger, negativity,
suicidal. Music causes depression. Alternatives emotionally from high to
Nux vomica
time passes too slowly. Feels angry, irritable, desires stimulants.
Suicidal or homicidal impulse.
Platinum met
arrogance, nymphomania, alternates with depression or physical problems.
Inappropriate laughter. Sensation of objects seem smaller, seem separated
from family.
fears of abandonment, indecisive, high sex drive. Fears of
burglars, the dark, mirrors. Religious delusions, and claustrophobic.
Rhus toxicodendron
Anxious sadness and excessive anguish, especially at twilight, in evening
and at night. Inclination to weep. Restlessness. Anguish with fear of death
and sighs. Fear of being poisoned, want of self-confidence. Weakness of
memory and forgetfulness cannot remember the most recent events. Difficult
Fears of needles or sharp objects. Low self esteem. Oversensitivity to
noises. Suicidal. Mental sharpness.
Victims of mortification, humiliation, rape, abuse, etc. Passionate, feelings of guilt and
shame. Can be sweet, shy, suppressed in emotions. Chronic cystitis. May obsess about sex.
Veratrum album
Religious delusions. Indifferent, hangs head, wants to be alone. Delusions
of impending doom. Cursing, emotional instability. Praying constantly,
sexual mania.
- Kali Phos 6X depression, nerve weakness
- Nat mur 6X cause is grief, often checks locks and doors
- Silicea 6X
with timidity and fears
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