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Homeopathy for Women

Parkinson's Disease and Homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies will help provide an effective, natural support for those with symptoms of Parkinson's Disease.
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What Is Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement. Symptoms start gradually, sometimes starting with a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand. Tremors are common, but the disorder also commonly causes stiffness or slowing of movement. Parkinson’s disease affects nerve cells, or neurons, in a part of the brain that controls muscle movement. In Parkinson’s, neurons that make a chemical called dopamine die or do not work properly. Dopamine normally sends signals that help coordinate your movements. Parkinson’s is a disease that causes a progressive loss of nerve cell function in the part of the brain that controls muscle movement. The effects of Parkinson's Disease get worse over time and homeopathy can be used to relief of symptoms, based on the best matching remedy for the person's presentation of symptoms.

Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

  • Primary symptoms include
    • tremor
    • stiffness
    • slowness
    • impaired balance
    • and later on a shuffling gait
  • Some secondary symptoms include
    • anxiety
    • depression
    • dementia
    Most individuals with Parkinson's disease are diagnosed when they are 60 years old or older, but early-onset Parkinson's disease also occurs. Several staging systems for Parkinson’s disease exist depending upon the organization that treats and researches the disease.

    The Parkinson’s Foundations supports five stages as follows:

    Stage 1: Symptoms are mild and do not interfere with the person’s quality of life.

    Stage 2:  Symptoms worsen and daily activities become more difficult and take more time to complete.

    Stage 3: is considered mid-stage Parkinson’s disease. The individual loses balance, moves more slowly. Falls are common. Symptoms impair daily activities, such as dressing, eating and brushing teeth.

    Stage 4: Symptoms become severe and the individual needs assistance walking and performing daily activities.

    Stage 5: is the most advanced stage of Parkinson’s disease. The individual is unable to walk and will need full time assistance with living.

  • Homeopathic Remedies Used for Parkinson's Disease

    • Agaricus Muscarius
      Trembling, itching and jerking, stiffness of muscles; itching of skin over the affected parts and extreme sensitiveness of the spine. Cannot bear touchJerking and trembling are strong indications. Chorea and twitching ceases during sleep. Paralysis of lower limbs with spasmodic conditions of arms. Numbness of legs on crossing them. Paralytic pain in left arm followed by palpitation. Stiffness all over with pain over hips.

    • Ambra Grisea
      Tremors with numbness, limbs go to sleep on the slightest movement, coldness and stiffness of limbs. The finger nails become brittle and are shriveled. Cramps in hands and fingers. Worse grasping anything. Cramps in legs. Extreme nervous hypersensitiveness. Dread of people and desire to be alone. Music causes weeping. One sided complains call for it.

    • Argentum Nitricum
      It is complimentary to Gelsemium. Memory impaired; easily excited and angered; flatulence and greenish diarrhea.Inco-ordination, loss of control and imbalance with trembling and general debility. Paralysis with mental and abdominal symptoms. Rigidity of calves. Walks and stands unsteadily. Numbness of body. Specially arms.

    • Bufo Rana
      Special action on nervous system. Painful paralysis. Pain in loins, numbness and cramps. Staggering gait. Feels as if a peg is driven into joints. Worse—Warm room. Better bathing or cold air. Putting feet in cold water.

    • Cocculus
      Head trembles while eating and when it is raised higher. Knees sink down from weakness. Totters while walking with tendency to fall on one side. Cracking of the knee when moving. Lameness worse by bending. Trembling and pain in limbs. One-sided paralysis worse after sleep. Intensely painful, paralytic drawing. Limbs straightened out and painful when flexed. It shows special affinity for light haired females especially during pregnancy.

    • Conium
      Heavy, weary and paralyzed limbs. Trembling and unsteady hands. Muscular weakness especially of lower extremities. Perspiration of hands. Putting feet on chair relieves. Ascending paralysis ending in death by failure of respiration. Worse by lying down, turning or rising in bed, cold, exertion. Better by darkness, limbs hanging down, motion, pressure.

    • Gelsemium
      Centers its action on nervous system, causing various degrees of motor paralysis. Dizziness, drowsiness, dullness and trembling are the hallmark of this remedy. Trembling ranks the highest in this remedy, weakness and paralysis, especially of the muscles of the head. Paralysis of various groups of muscles like eyes, throat, chest, sphincters and extremities. Head remedy for tremors. Mind sluggish and muscular system relaxed. Staggering gait. Loss of power of muscular control. Cramps in muscles of forearm. Excessive trembling and weakness of all limbs. Worse by dampness, excitement, bad news. Better by bending forwards, profuse urination, continued motion and open air.

    • Heloderma
      Trembling along nerves in limbs. Tired feeling, very weak and nervous, fainting, numb sensation. It causes locomotor ataxia. The eyes become more prominent and corneal opacities visible. Very depressed and sensation as if would fall on right side. Sensation as if walking on sponge. As if the feet were swollen. When walking, lifts feet higher than usual and puts down heel hard. Stretching relieves pains in muscles and limbs.

    • Lathyrus
      Tremors of the upper extremities with paralytic weakness of the lower limbs. Feels as if limbs are hard and contracted; limbs feel heavy. Feels as if floor is irregular and is obliged to keep his eyes on the ground to guide his feet. Affects the lateral and anterior columns of cord. Does not produce pain. Reflexes always increased. Lateral sclerosis and Infantile paralysis. Finger tips numb. Tremuloustottering gait. Excessive rigidity of legs with spastic gait. Knees knock against each other while walking. Cannot extend or cross legs when siting.Stiff and lame ankles.

    • Magnesium phosphoricium
      Trembling; shaking of hands, involuntary. Parkinson's disease symptoms. Cramps in calves, feet very tender. Twitching, chorea, cramps. Numbness of finger tips. Worse right side, cold, touch, night. Better warmth, bending double, pressure and friction.

    • Mercurius
      Weakness of limbs, trembling of extremities, especially hands. Parkinson's disease symptoms. Lacerating pain in joints. Cold and clammy sweat on limbsOily perspiration. Tremors everywhere in body. Weakness with trembling from least exertion. All symptoms are aggravated at night, warmth of bed, Damp, cold, rainy weather and during perspiration. Complaints increase during sweating and rest. All symptoms always associated with weariness, prostration and trembling.
      Slow in answering questions. Memory weakened and loss of will power. Skin always moist and freely perspiring. Itching worse warmth of bed

    • Physostigma
      Marked fibrillary tremors and spasms of the muscles, worse from motion or application of cold water. Palpitation and fluttering of the heart felt throughout the body. Depresses the motor and reflex activity of the cord and causes the loss of sensibility to pain, muscle weakness and paralysis.  Paralysis and tremors, chorea. Meningeal irritation with rigidity of muscles. Pain in right popliteal space. Burning and tingling in spine. Hands and feet numb with sudden jerking of limbs on going to sleep. Crampy pain in limbs.

    • Plumbum Metalicum
      Parkinson's disease symptoms. Paralysis of single muscles. Cannot raise or lift anything. Extension is difficult. Paralysis from over-exertion of extensor muscles in piano players. Wrist drop. Loss of patellar reflex. Pain in right big toe at night. Hands and feet cold. Infantile paralysis and neuritis.

    • Rhus toxocodenron
      When the tremors start with pain which is relieved by motion. There is stiffness of the parts affected. Numbness and formication, after overwork and exposure. Paralysis; trembling after exertion. Limbs stiff and paralyzed. All joints hot and painful. Crawling and tingling sensation in the tips of fingers. Worse during sleep, cold, wet rainy weather and after rain, night, during rest, drenching and when lying on back or right side. Better warm, dry weather, motion, walking, change of position, rubbing, stretching out limbs.

    • Tarentula
      Remarkable nervous phenomena. Chorea, extreme restlessness and Paralysis agitans. Must keep in constant motion even though walking aggravates. Numbness of legs with twitching and jerking. Extraordinary contractions and movements.

    • Zincum metallicum
      Violent trembling or twitching of the whole body especially after emotions. Twitching in children. Chorea.  Paralysis of hands and feet. Trembling of hands while writing. Lameness, weakness, trembling and twitching of various muscles. Feet in continued motion, cannot keep still. Worse touch, between 5 to 7 pm., after dinner, better eating, discharges.

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