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Chocolate Homeopathic Remedy -
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Chocolate and Themes
About The Chocolatum Remedy:
Jeremy Sherrat the
Dynamis School of Advanced Homœopathic Studies proved the remedy Chocolatum
(Homeopathic Chocolate) 1989. The proving was conducted at the same time as the
proving for Hydrogen. The proving for Chocolatum was conducted with 12
provers of which 8 were female and 4 were male. Potencies of Chocolatum were 6C,
12C, 30C, 100C and 200C and these potencies were randomly given. Chocolatum is
chocolate, cocoa
and is produced from
the seeds of Theobroma caca.
Originally it is from Mexico
but now produced in tropical regions of South America, Africa and Asia.
Trituration for this
remedy is done using the best quality Belgian dark chocolate to 3V and then
succussion to higher potencies.
Clinical Uses of
Chocolatum In Homeopathy
- Appetite disorders
- Breasts affections
- Buzzing in the ears
- Climacteric (menopause)
- Dandruff
- Dysmenorrhea
- Heartburn and nausea
- Menstrual disorders
- Migraine
- Polycystic ovaries
- Senses are too
About Chocolatum
Chocolatum homeopathic remedy is often very helpful in women. There
are issues around freedom and the desire for freedom and expression. The desire
for eat chocolate is often linked to the menstrual cycle and also to issues of
nurturing and mothering. Sepia and
Lachesis are two other very important
homeopathic remedies indicated when there is an imbalance of female sex and
issues related to that imbalance including at pregnancy, child birth, nursing,
peri-menopause and menopause.
Chocolate is well known as a
substance connected to romance and love and this remedy has a connection to this
theme. There are also issues around food and nurturing, including bulimia
and anorexia and weight gain. Those needing this remedy find out they have
been lied to and deceived. Chocolatum shows restlessness and isolation at
the same time. The senses are acute, hearing is sharp. There is a
desire to keep busy and they are better with activity and dancing. Mentally they
can be easily excited, or have slow thinking and unable to concentrated. There
can be aversion to sex or a strong desire for it. There is a heaviness in
the head, back and limbs. The heart is effected by chocolate and it
affects the heart. This is a chilly remedy, and is better for being
outside. Dry with thirst, dryness on skin, face, lips and hair. Very
strong evening aggravation. Sleep is difficult and restless.
General Symptoms of
Chocolatum is aggravated in the evening. There are alternating states of
energy and inertia. Alternating days. There are also left sided symptoms and
symptoms move from right to left side. Symptoms can appear suddenly. There is
sensitivity to cold but better outdoors. Better for motion and walking outdoors.
Sensitive to cold. Unable to warm up even close to the fire. Very cold but worse
heat. Trembling with cold. Worse cold damp weather. Better warm dry weather.
Body aching and heavy. Weakness, weariness and heaviness. Movements slow. Feels
washed out. Desire to curl up and be covered. Warm flush in the evening. Hot and
flushed from exercise. Stabbing pains. Burning pains. Tingling as if the cells
of my body were shifting. Increased blood pressure.
Remedies Similar To
- Floating feeling,
addiction, Opiates (Opium)
- Restlessness,
hyperactivity, Amphetamines, (Thea, Coffea)
- Irritability,
aversion to husband, to children (Sepia,
- Desire for activity (Sepia).
- Hormonal problems, (Sepia,
- Fears and anxieties,
fear that her condition will be observed (Calcarea)
- Tells the plain
truth, Bovista
Energy Pattern: Acute, Sudden, Violent, Panic, Danger,
Reflex action, Escape, helpless, Terror, Insanity, Infant, Fright, Terror,
Alarm, Storm, Instinctive reaction
- SENSATIONS: Attached, and then Detached • Joined, and
then Separated • Together, and then Separated
- PASSIVE REACTION: Estranged • Indifferent • Indifferent
to everything • Aversion to husband
- ACTIVE REACTION: Communicative • Affectionate • Dream of
falling in Love • Desire for company
- COMPENSATION: Independent • Self-confident
Remedy Background
Chocolate is one where the mother is a working woman.
She breast-feeds the child for the initial few months and then weans her
away for her convenience.
After giving
her warmth and affection initially, she shows the child her thorny side by
turning her back towards her like a hedgehog; as a result, the child feels
completely forsaken.
child continues to crave for the love and the contact of her mother that she
misses so badly.
She is anxious about the future and has a fear of being injured.
She feels like a gypsy who has to search for food every time she is hungry.
Affectionate with indifference or aversion. [Sepia]
Chocolate can be compared with a hedgehog: it has a soft front and a prickly
Chocolate patients like children but don't like looking after them.
They don't like to nourish them any longer than necessary.
They turn their [prickly] back on their kids.
Reasons For Use:
Menopause. Termination of pregnancy. After deception.
Remedies For Chocolatum Are:
Floating feeling,
addiction, Opiates. Restlessness, hyperactivity, Amphetamines, Thea, Coffea.
Irritability, aversion to husband, to children, Sepia, Lycopodium. Desire for
activity, Sepia. Hormonal problems, Sepia, Lachesis, Pulsatilla. Fears and
anxieties, fear that her condition will be observed, Calcarea. Tells the plain
truth, Bovista
Symptoms For
Chocolatum - Chocolate Homeopathic Remedy
From Murphy’s Homeopathic Remedy Guide
Apprehensive about the shift in consciousness and nervous someone would notice.
Attitude good, feel calm and philosophical about things. Religious like feeling.
Self-conscious, anxious and vulnerable as if being watched. Anxiety that
something would happen. Felt open and vulnerable. Fear of accidents, cars, being
attacked. Fear of dogs. Fear of something happening. Paranoid. Anxiety about
health. Difficult to concentrate. Aversion to writing. Feels panicky about work
things to do. Felt rejected and oversensitive. Hid away from the world, feels
life would fall apart. Felt totally isolated and averse to company. Estranged
himself from his family and friends. Feeling like he doesn't belong in a crowd.
Unsociable, averse company and conversation. Desire to be alone evening. Grief
and despair. Have lost interest in husband, feels totally indifferent. Feels
irritable. Sarcastic, mocking people, aggressive in a joking way. Humorless,
intolerant, almost cruel. Selfish, impatient and intolerant.
Moods changeable. Emotional highs and lows, Very depressed. Activity alternating
with lethargy. Weepy during menses, took everything to heart. More sensitive to
music. Slow mind, has to think before answering questions. Lack of
concentration. Reading is impossible. Forgetful, absent minded. Nervous and
stuttering. Jumping from subject to subject while speaking. Mistakes in writing.
Mind is repeating the same things over and over.
Abdomen - Rumbling and gas in the abdomen. Bloated feeling after supper,
with nausea. Bloated abdomen with belching and flatus, worse evening. Loud
rumbling in abdomen while lying. Woke with pain from gas in upper abdomen. Pain
dull, becoming sharper. Aching lower pelvic region when sitting. Sharp pain in
Back - Shivers up spine with chill in evening. Strong itching at middle
of spine, shoulder blade. Prickly feeling on the back of the neck. Sensation
that my back is larger and wider. Back pains. Sleeping on back, feeling stiff
with painful neck. Feels very vulnerable in the base of the spine. Spine and
back feel uncomfortable with a deep restlessness, uneasiness and irritability.
Stabbing pain in back between spine and left shoulder. Tightness around thoracic
Breasts - Pain breasts before menstrual period. Breasts feel fuller.
Sensation in breasts. Desire to rub them. Stitching pains, breasts. Sensation as
if fine threads were being drawn through breasts.
Chest - Cough hurts chest and head. Cold feeling in the lungs. Catarrhal
feeling behind the sternum. Feeling of a powerful explosion inside chest, taking
breath away, as if diaphragm went into a spasm. Pain in chest with belching.
Chest heavy, aches inside. Tenderness in sternum and lower ribs. Tightness in
xiphoid. Left clavicle has itch and pain. Whole upper left quadrant of chest has
some tight dull pain. Pain under the ribs. Stitching pains at base of right
lung. Stabbing pain in back between spine and left shoulder, worse inhalation.
Tingling in chest, creeping down from spine.
Coughs - Spasms of cough on going to bed, better cold water. Wakes
coughing at 4 a.m. Dry coughs, in evening, after swallowing. Spasms of hard dry
cough on going to bed. Loose cough with thick, pale green mucus. Cough with
nausea and a sensation of mucus behind the sternum. Sudden attack of a retching
and gagging cough. Paroxysmal coughing which led to retching. Painful cough,
chest worse movement. Cough From throat. Cough is from deep in center of chest
by xiphoid of sternum. Lying in bed coughing. Mucus in trachea and lungs.
Dreams - Dreams are not remembered. Dreams are fragmented and confused.
Dreams of familiar people. Dreams of babies bathing. The babies were like
helpless little animals, almost dead. Dreams of pain in the right ovarian/pelvic
region. Dream of selling fruit and vegetables in the market. Vivid dream of
worms. Dreaming flying and jumping. Obscure dreams. Dream of being on a boat
journey. Dreamless sleep. Dreams of friends and falling from a window.
Ears - Buzzing in ear. Feeling of fullness and fuzziness in both ears,
worse left. While eating ears buzzed and popped. Buzzing or fullness sensation
both ears, worse left. Ears feel blocked. Dullness of hearing until ears popped.
Flushed and hot ears. Left ear burning and red. Ears burning, extending
occasionally to mastoids. Sensitive feeling in ears. Intense pain behind right
ear. Pulsation's in ear and neck. Tingling sensation left ear, worse loud music.
Hearing more acute, especially for deeper tones which have more resonance.
Eyes - Right eye sticky and closed. Eyes feel very tired in the
artificial light. Heavy feeling over eyes. Eyes tired and smarting, desire to
clench lids together. Tension in the eyeballs. Eyes feel heavy, with dryness and
pressure at the back of the eyes. Feel wide-eyed, a sense that my eyes are more
open and that my eyelids are pulled up. Eyelids feel wider and higher. Eyes
inflamed with flushed face. Eyes painful and feel swollen. Eyes ache, sensitive
to pressure. Deep pain over right eye. Bruised feeling over right eye. Right eye
felt lower than left eye. Eyes sore and stinging, better pressing lids with
fingers. Photophobia. Pupils dilated during headache. Looking down when walking,
ground seems further away. Dark specks falling down in profusion whilst reading.
Face - Lips dry and cracked. Skin of face dry, chapped, very thin,
blotchy and wrinkly. Cold sore on lips. Rash around mouth, worse left side. Red
and livid spot on left cheek. Face flushed and hot. Face flushed and red after
eating supper. Numbness around lips extending to nostrils. Deep ache in left
jaw, extending to ear. The skin on my cheekbones tingle and burn. Twitching
under right eye.
Female - Menses lighter then usual, then becoming very heavy. Menses
heavier and longer than usual. No desire for sex. Sexual desire increased.
Food - Appetite improved. Wakes up feeling hungry. Lack of appetite and
thirst. Aggravation from sweets. Averse food. Aversion to sweets. Aversion to
usual tea and desire for hot black currant juice instead. Desires sweet food.
Desire fruit and juice, refreshing things. Desire for orange juice and citrus
fruits. Craves oranges and sauerkraut. Desire for cold water. Desire for red
peppers and red fruit and red grape juice. Desire to eat red things, such as
beetroot soup, red grapes. Desires soda water. Desires warm drinks yet worse
warm drinks.
Head - Sensation of congestion in head. Sensation of tightness round
head. Sutures feels more pointed, like the top of a roof. Dull sensation between
vertex and occiput on mid-line. Top of head feels sensitive. Head feels big,
worse right side. Sensation of forehead protruding. Sensation as if something
loose in head, as if a string connected uvula to sinuses. Dry, very large, flaky
dandruff. Hair is very dry and lifeless. Sensation as if a cold spot went
through my head. Head is heavy. Vomiting with migraines. Headache, worse
coughing, better holding head. Headache with earache. Frontal headache. Sharp
pain at top of forehead. Headache like a band around head. Throbbing pain over
left eye. Awake from severe headache. Headache feels like rod pushing my head
apart from inside. Pounding inside head. Headache behind eyes and throbbing pain
around temples. Pressure over eyes, better lying down. Head feels sensitive
better after eating.
Heart - Tightness in back of heart. As if back of heart pushing against
back. Feeling of heart bulging through ribs, better when lying on left side. As
if heart is beating more towards the back and sides between the scapulae. Feels
heart banging and bulging through the ribs. Doesn't feel the heart at all. In
the night, the heart stops beating.
Larynx - Sudden loss of voice during cold. Voice broke like a young
boy's. Voice slides up and down the scale, high pitched to low and husky and
once almost lost. Peculiar, no control over voice.
Limbs - Clumsy, drops things, bumping into things. Hands less capable of
doing fine movements, such as writing. Legs felt powerless and like heavy
rubber. When legs are moved there is a time lapse between the thought and the
action. But my wrists feel weaker and flatter. Feet feel like blocks of ice, so
cold bones are painful. Toes are like ice. Aching in joints. Wandering pain in
hands and feet, in muscles, joints and small bones. Aching muscles of arms, in
bed. Deep ache in joints of both big toes. Sharp, shooting, momentary pain up
inside of right gluteal muscle. Sharp deep pain in the legs, on the inside of
the malleolus. Tightness in thigh muscle.
Lungs - More air going in with less effort, breaths much slower and
further apart. On breathing in, chest felt tight. Breathing from lower down in
the lungs. During cough, expectoration of very clear mucous mixed with saliva.
Thick, pale green mucus on coughing. A lot of mucous. Cough from deep in chest
with green mucus. Cough of green sticky chunks.
Mouth - Bad taste in mouth with thirst. Chewing lips. Dry mouth. Ulcers
on inside of mouth and cheeks and at corners of lips. Hollow feeling in mouth.
Tenderness in left rear palate of mouth when touched with tongue. Salivation
increased. Salivation when lying down, with heartburn. Taste unpleasant with
thirst. Taste of nicotine in mouth, like an old ashtray. Tea tasted of nothing,
just hot water. Tea or orange juice tasteless.
Neck - Tension in the shoulders extending to the base of the neck, in the spine
where dorsal and cervical regions meet. Back of neck stiff and tight. The
muscles either side of the cervical vertebrae feel as if they are being laced up
tight together. Tension is intense, bends the neck back and this suddenly leads
to a sensation as if the back of the head is horribly elongated. Can't get this
thought out of his mind.
Nose - Nose stuffy and runny, feels like a "cold". Nose is cold, wet and
dripping. Nose feels cold to the touch. Clear discharge with itching end of
nostrils. Awakes with runny nose, phlegm in throat. Constant desire to blow
nose. Green or yellow mucus. Discharge of yellow mucus with small amount blood.
Nose blocked with thick mucus in warm indoors. Sneezing, followed by coryza.
Peppery sensation in nose. Nosebleed. Nose feels smaller or longer and my face
feels sharper like a hedgehog. Sense of smell very acute, especially to the
flowers in the room. Clear, white, bubbly discharge in evening. Thick yellow,
creamy discharge on waking. Pimple inside, upper right nostril.
Perspiration - Perspiration increased. Woke in night feeling hot and
sweaty. Woke at night sweating. Sweet smell of perspiration at night. Woke in a
sweat and felt "fiery". Restless and hot, sweat all night got up and went to
sleep in cold part of house. Felt better after breaking sweat.
Rectum - Diarrhea profuse, watery, very smelly. Light brown stools, worse
as day went on. Diarrhea, explosive with flatus. Diarrhea with a lot of
rumbling. Stool difficult to pass, yet not very hard. Flatus evening, offensive.
Flatus sour smelling. Rectum sore.
Skin - Dry skin. Skin feels dry and hands feel coarser and more leathery.
Small dry pimples. Skin itching and lips very dry. Itching scapulae, shins,
forearms, pelvis and forehead. Scratching until it bled. Skin feels numb, less
sensitive to touch. Feels crawly and "sensitive" to touch of clothes. Skin of
wrists sensitive to jacket cuffs when driving.
Sleep - Sleep is deeper. Awoke again on back, needed to change positions,
neck was painful and stiff to move. When on side, pain went away. Slept on back
a lot. Overcome with sleepiness. Slept poorly. Woke up at 2 to 3 a.m. Woke from
sleep feeling hot and sweaty. Waking at 5 a.m. very alert and alive. Sleep
restless, waking often. Very tired on waking. Yawning a lot.
Stomach - Stomach feels aggravated and full. Belching in evenings,
followed by acid taste in mouth. Dull pain like indigestion. Pain comes in waves
and with big belches. Intense, frequent bouts of heartburn while sitting.
Heartburn while smoking cigarettes and from hot drinks, but not from hot food.
Heartburn worse 2 to 4 p.m. Feeling queasy after a cup of tea. Nausea with bad
taste in mouth. Nausea and vomiting at midnight with migraines. Sensation of
weakness in stomach and wooziness in the head with general weakness.
Stool - Stool harder than usual and in very small pieces. Stool softer
and less dry. Very loose stool, verging on diarrhea. Watery stools, smelly,
light brown. Loose and more frequent stool.
Temperature - Cold-like symptoms appear suddenly. Tired, as if a cold or
flu would come on in evening. Uncoordinated, feel heavy and slow, almost like
the Gels. influenza. Woke up feeling the flu symptoms. Fever and chills. Shaking
and teeth chatter when in bed. Restless and hot, sweat all night got up and went
to sleep in cold part of house. Trembling with the colds. Chilled easily. Chills
and fever all night. Face hot, body chilled. Chill later followed by heat and
sweat. Alternates between being chilled, feverish and sweating. Tendency to take
colds. Hot and sweaty.
Throat - On waking, terrible dry feeling in throat. Felt a plug of mucus
in throat and had to cough to dislodge it. Constant desire to clear throat
because of a plug of mucus behind sternum. Awakes with runny nose, phlegm in
throat. Throat feels raw high in the fauces. Hawking beige mucus from posterior
sinuses. Raw and sore throat. Raw, peppery feeling in throat. Soreness and
tenderness in throat and glands both sides. Dark red throat, internal, worse
left side. Tingling in throat. Desire not to swallow, but very hungry. Difficult
swallowing with sore left throat.
Teeth - Aching pain gums and around roots of teeth. Toothache in right
upper canine tooth.
Tongue - Small, white, raised spots on tongue. Small, red spots on base
of tongue. Tongue coated yellow brown at back, as if smoked many cigarettes.
Whitish-yellow tongue. Tongue looks as if it is painted a beige color.
Vertigo - Faint buzzing all over head. Blurred, fuzzy feeling comes over
head in waves, pleasant and relaxing. Thick and fuzzy head, like a hangover, not
quite with it, like looking through a cloud. Felt dizzy on rising with nausea
after drinking tea.
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