Argentum nitricum
Complaints due to overwork. Muscles around eyes become
tired. Better by closing eye or pressure. Aggravated by
overheating. Good remedy for restoring power of weakened eye muscles.
Constant close focus causes sore feeling of the eyes. Fatigue due to overwork.
Desires to open eyes and feels dizzy on closing them. Backache due to overexertion.
Artificial light or overwork cause eyestrain. Photophobia. improper night
vision. Patient has foreign substance sensation as brain go to sleep.
Aggravation on night, better by pressure and dark room. Black spot
from fatigue. Headache with lancinating pain on vertex of head.
Eye fatigue after continuous use of eyes. Watery
eyes. Burning and swelling the eye lids. Sticky mucous on the cornea
that causes frequent blinking.
Crocus sativa
For constant blinking after eyestrain, and reading excessively.
Kalmia latifolia
Stiffness of eyes eyelids. aggravate by moving eyes.
Vision weak or impaired with nerve pain in face, teeth. Joint or muscle
stiffness. Shift from place to place.
Natrum muriaticum
Continuous reading or school work causing a weak, bruised feeling in the eye,
stiffness of muscle around eyeball. Eyelids feel heavy. Headache. Letters on screen run together.
Constant computer keyboard typing causes numbness and tingling in the fingers
so the person can't hold tings. Backache relieved by putting hard things under
the back.
Good remedy for eyestrain from any cause. Slightest use causes tired
feeling of eye. Nausea and vertigo after heavy use of the eyes. White spots
appear before the eyes.
Ruta graveolens
#1 remedy for eyestrain due to overuse of eye muscle.
Watery eyes, oversensitive to light. Stiffness and pain. Headache with pressure
felt behind eyeball. Difficulty to focusing eye.
Senega officinalis
Sensation as if the eyeball is too large for
the eye socket. Objects looks shaped. Hypersensitive to light. Headache with pressure and
weakness of eye . with pain in temples, bursting pain forehead. Double vision, dry
eyes, better by bending head backward.
For cramps in fingers. Tips of fingers tough ended. Feel dead.