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Homeopathy for Constipation

Homeopathic remedies can help a person with symptoms of constipation.
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  • Alumina treats cases where the straining is a marked symptom and even soft stools require great straining to be evacuated. It is a common medicine for infants on formula.

  • Bryonia is of great help in treating dry hard and large stools, as if burnt. Constipation is due to severe dryness of mucous membranes.

  • Causticum elderly patients with atherosclerosis (or after a stroke) with constipation and painful straining; common use in stubborn cases of constipation in children with stools that pass easier when standing.

  • Calc Carbonica People who need this remedy often feel more stable when constipated, and experience discomfort and fatigue when the bowels have moved. Large stools are hard at first, then sticky, then liquid. The person may feel chilly and sluggish, have clammy hands and feet, crave sweets, and feel weak and anxious when ill or overworked.

  • Collinsonia - painful straining and large stools; common use in pregnancy; constipation and hemorrhoids.

  • Graphites - constipation with no urges in an overweight, chilly person; constipation with hemorrhoids and fissures oozing honey-like discharge; constipation in patients with underactive thyroid gland.

  • Hydrastis - chronic constipation, stools enveloped in mucus; abuse of laxatives

  • Lycopodium A person who needs this remedy has frequent indigestion with gas and bloating, and many problems involving the bowels. Rubbing the abdomen or drinking something warm may help to relieve the symptoms. A craving for sweets and an energy slump in late afternoon and early evening are strong indications.

  • Nux vomica constipation is due to lack of physical activity, junk food or overeating, alcohol. Constipation is often associated with hemorrhoids.

  • Opium No urges, paralysis of peristalsis; constipation with hard, black, dark stools; constipation after surgery.

  • Sepia A heavy sensation in the rectum, remaining after a bowel movement, may indicate a need for this remedy. Stools can be hard and difficult to pass, although they may be small. The person often has cold hands and feet, and is weary and very irritable. Exercise may bring improvement, both to constipation and to mood and energy level. (Sepia is often useful to women who develop constipation just before or just after a menstrual period.)

  • Silicea (Silica) - When this remedy is indicated, the person strains for long periods without success. A “bashful” stool begins to come out, but eventually retreats. People who need this remedy are nervous and mentally acute, but also chilly, physically frail, and easily fatigued.

  • SulphurDry, hard stools with reddish inflammation of the anus and offensive flatulence suggest a need for this remedy. Constipation may also alternate with diarrhea. People who need this remedy are often “characters” with interesting mental notions, slouching posture, and very little interest in tidiness.

Constipation in Pregnancy
Read more about remedies for pregnancy

Dealing with Constipation During Pregnancy Using Homeopathy
Constipation is common in pregnancy as the hormones, which prepare the muscles of the pelvis for labor, can slow the digestive processes down. Adjusting your diet can often help mild constipation. Increase your intake of fluids (especially water), fruit and vegetables, go easy on wheat products (as the gluten can have a clogging effect) and avoid iron tablets.

Any lasting change in your usual pattern of bowel movements should be assessed professionally but for a simple case of constipation in pregnancy, try one of the following remedies:

  • Bryonia: large, hard, dry stools which are difficult to expel; often with a headache which is worse for the slightest movement. You are irritable.

  • Nux vomica: frequent urging to pass a stool but in spite of straining, passing only small amounts each time; it feels as if some is left behind; piles that may itch and bleed.

  • Sepia: straining to pass a large, hard stool; your stomach feels full and there is a sensation of a lump in the rectum that may remain even after passing a stool. You feel generally sluggish.

  • Sulphur: constipation with piles that itch and burn and are worse for heat. You are generally restless, thirsty and sensitive to the heat.

Avoid rich, fatty foods and try eating little and often if your nausea is worse when you are hungry.

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