About The Main Homeopathic Constitutions |
Argentum Nitricum Type
complexion, looking older than actual age due to worry and tension. Cheerful and impressionable. Often anxious and worried. Always
in a hurry and can be impulsive. Finds it difficult to control emotions.
Readily laughs, cries and loses temper. Quick thinking and adept at solving
problems. Tends to be extroverted to hide true feelings.
Arsenicum Type
Usually thin or slim. Often well groomed and stylish. Fine facial features
with fine, delicate skin. Frown lines can appear on the forehead. Restless
person. Perfectionist at work and at home. Can be critical and
intolerant. Strong opinions. Can have a deep fear of being alone.
Obsessive and compulsive behavior, especially concerning cleanliness
and tidying-up; this can hide a hoarding mentality.
Calcarea Carbonicum Type
Overweight or gain weight easily. Sluggish, bloated and
tired in appearance. Impressionable, sensitive
and quiet. May become withdrawn due to fear of failure. Can dwell too much on a
particular problem. May be greatly upset by cruelty to children and animals.
Needs motivation to succeed in tasks. Read
more. |
Graphites Type
Prone to being overweight and has a
large appetite. Blushes easily. Can have a rugged, windswept
appearance. May have rough, dry skin that can crack easily. Dry
hair, usually dark. Flaky scalp. Takes time to work things out and
solve problems. Deep concentration on a task can create
Ignatia Type
build. Prone to dark circles under eyes. Expression may be tired and
drawn and may also suffer from involuntary twitches of mouth or
eyes. Dry lips. Dark to mid range color hair. Sighs a lot.
Lachesis Type
Loquacious. Easily become jealous. Highly
Lachesis may appear bloated or lean. Strong, fixed expression.
Usually has pale complexion with occasional freckles. Strong,
staring eyes. May lick lips a lot.
Lycopodium Type
Tall and lean with worry and frown lines on head.
Often look older than their years. Facial twitching. Thinning hair
in men. Dislikes wearing tight clothing. Can be dramatic, creating
mountains out of molehills. Insecure and hates change. Fear of
failure. Avoids
commitment. Anxious over important events.
Mercurius Solubilis Type
Medium build. Skin on face may appear shiny due to
moisture from perspiration, with grey translucent look. Hair may be
fair to medium color. May struggle internally with emotions.
Resentment and lack of trust in others may cause insecurity.
Dislikes criticism directed and self and taking orders. May explode
with rage and anger.
Natrum Muriaticum Type
Will suppress emotions such as, fear, anger, guilt and loneliness,
which can lead to depression. May suppress feelings over lost loved
ones. May become very depressed after relationship break-up. Will
possibly wish to cry but find self unable.
Nux Vomica Type
Slim, especially when young. Smart appearance. May look
stressed and tense. Ages prematurely. May have dark circles under
eyes. Face becomes flushed when angry or excited. Can suffer from
addictions and overindulgence. May have cravings for alcohol,
coffee, cigarettes. Can be addicted to sex. Finds it difficult to
Phosphorus Type
Tall and slim with long limbs. Likes to be stylish. Artistic and creative in
appearance. Fine skin. Can have fair to dark hair. Needs a lot of love and
attention. Good fun to be around but can become demanding. Likes to be the
centre of attention and like being cared for when upset or unwell.
Expressive, affectionate and not afraid to show emotions.
Pulsatilla Type
Can be slightly overweight. Gentle
and kind appearance. Can look younger than actual age. Hair is fair
and skin has a rosy complexion. Blushes easily. Often rests with
hands behind head. Shy and easily embarrassed. Kind and gentle and
makes friends easily. Likes to be supported by others. Not assertive
and can be indecisive. Cries easily, in particular over cruelty to
children and animals, tragic news or weepy movies.
Sepia Type
and tall. Often sits with legs crossed. Likes to look attractive and
elegant. Medium to dark hair, often with brown eyes. Can be irritable
and easily offended. Tendency to be aggressive to loved ones. Cannot
handle too much stress and tries to avoid pressure and deadlines.
Can feel better after weeping, but does not like it when others are
fussing around.
more. |
Silicea Type
Often thin or slim, with a large
forehead. The head can appear too large for the body. Delicate, fine
features; almost doll-like in appearance. The skin of the lips goes
grey and can be cracked. The palms of the hands feel sweaty to the
tough and nails can be brittle. Appears to have low confidence from
a young age. Prone to mental exhaustion.
Sulphur Type
May be slim with poor posture. May
look untidy. Hair may be course, dry. Skin and lips can be prone to
redness. Mind can be cluttered. Can be critical. Likes to argue. May
lack willpower and self-esteem. Might not complete ideas and
projects. Prone to skin and circulation problems; hemorrhoids and
constipation; hot, burning feet; body odor.