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Genital Warts and Homeopathy

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Homeopathy for Women

Genital Warts and Homeopathy
Homeopathic remedies can help a person with genital warts.  Contact us to learn more!

Genital warts are a common sexually transmitted infection that is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is spread through sexual contact, but usually the immune system kills and prevents HPV from developing signs and symptoms.

HPV affects the tissues of the genitalia. Warts can appear too small to be visible, but appearance can range from small, flesh-colored bumps, to large with a cauliflower-like appearance. Not all strains of HPV will cause genital warts.  Some forms of the HPV virus can additionally cause cervical cancer.

Warts can occur on the vulva, the walls of the vagina, the anus, the cervix, and in the area around the external genitalia in women; it can also occur on the tip or shaft of the penis, the scrotum, or on the anus in men. Genital warts can also grow in the mouth or throat after oral sexual contact with an infected area. Other symptoms of genital warts are gray swellings in the genital area, itching and discomfort, and bleeding with intercourse.

Argentum Nitricum
It tends to develop warts on palate, near anus, the appearance is brownish and hard to touch. The wart tends to ulcerate easily. Tendency to develop warts in person with mental and digestive symptoms.

It plays a very useful role whenever warts are inflamed with burning pain. They are hot and tender to touch with characteristic throbbing pain. Adapted to bilious, lymphatic, plethoric constitutions; persons who are lively and entertaining when well, but violent and often delirious when sick.

Calc Carbonica
Warts are present on face, neck and upper extremities, male genitalia, canthi, fingers. They are black and fleshy, hard and horny, sometimes inflamed and painful; the warts tend to suppurate. Giving an odor of stale cheese. The skin is icy cold to touch with cold and profuse perspiration. Development of warts in person having history of suppression of eruption and perspiration. Development of warts in individual with scrofoulous diathesis with faulty development of bones. It has a typical physically constitution, i.e. fat, flabby, fair, perspiring, cold and damp. Warts are round, soft at base, almost the color of skin; upper surface hard, rough, whitish, horny. Wart appears, itches, bleeds anddisappears. Warts  inflamed; stinging; suppurating; form ulcers. Warts thickly studding mouths of sheep. Calc. suits phlegmatic people; large head and features; pale skin and chalky look. Better dry weather, from being touched. Worse milk from suppressed perspiration. Blond hair, light complexion, blue eyes, fair skin; tendency to obesity in youth. Psoric constitutions; pale, weak, timid, easily tired when walking.  Disposed to grow fat, corpulent, unwieldy.

Warts are present around female genitalia. They have cauliflower shape. They discharge sticky exudation which smells like old cheese or herring brine. The appearance of skin is dry, rough, irritable that breaks easily andexude a gluey moisture which is worse in folds. Warts are present in persons who have tendency to develop erysipelas. The person is extremely sensitive to cold. Digestive symptoms are important concomitant symptoms to warts.

Lycopodium has two types of warts (1) isolated warts, (2) warts in crops. Warts are situated especially on face, tongue, male genitalia, upper limbs and fingers. Warts are associated with terrible itching. They are large, jagged furrowed, splitted and pedenculated; they exude moisture, surrounded by a herpetic areola, with desquamation. The warts have tendency to bleed easily.

Nitric Acid
The warts appear on female genitals, anus, cervical region inside nose, external throat, sternum, eyelids, canthi. They usually develop after abuse of mercury. The following are the characteristics  moist, cauliflower like, hard, large, indented, inflamed, pricking pain < night. They emit foetid discharge, they bleed on touch.

Warts sticking and pricking, on upper lip. Smart and bleed on washing; painful to touch. Soft with thin epidermis and moist large, jagged, often pedunculated, exuding moisture and bleeding readily, condylomata, etc. Splinter sensations anywhere. Worse touch, jar, cold at night.

Phosphoric Acid
Warts are present in mouth, male genitalia. They are hot to touch. They are large, jagged, indented in appearance.

Psorinum Nosode
Warts are situated on canthi, around mouth, near male genitalia. There is a sensation of itching < heat of bed. The appearance of the skin is dirty rough, scabby, greasy. It breaks out in folds.

Warts are situated on male genitalia, upper lips, fingers, face. They are small, flat, hard, dark color and sometimes brownish in color with a horny excrescences in centre. There is a sensation of itching. Appearance of skin blotched, raw, rough, hard or cracked. Tendency to form induration and warts from constant pressure.

Warts on hands, neck, face with horny excrescences in centre  small, itching, flat. Large, hard seed warts  dark color; painless. Sepia is indifferent  with emptiness, with nothing satisfied. Bursting pains or cramping and drawing. Internal pulsations. A left sided medicine, generally. Worse from music  milk, fat pork, perspiration, snow, washing, getting wet. Better  motion; walking quickly; when alone.

Warts are situated on iris, on tongue, on male genitalia. They are moist, pedunculated andare extremely sensitive to touch. Warts appear after abuse of mercury and suppressed eruption. Warts in syphilitic individual.

Warts are situated on back, cervical region, upper limb, face, nose, eyebrows, eyes, eyelids, external throat. They are broad, conical, flat pedunculated, indented, fan shaped in appearance. They are reddish in colour, bleed easily. The warts have a tendency to split from their edge or from the surface.

Warts on any part of body, with little necks called fig warts; tubular warts; i.e. long warts of the same size all the way out. Wart-like excrescences on back of hand, on chin and other places. Warts and condylomata, large, seedy and pedunculated; sometimes oozing and bleeding readily. Effects of vaccination. Dreams of the dead, of falling. Adapted to hydrogenoid constitution. Acts well in lymphatic temperament, in very fleshy persons, dark complexion, black hair unhealthy skin.  Ailments from bad effects of vaccination; from suppressed or maltreated gonorrhea. Fixed ideas as if a strange person were at his side; as if soul and body were separated; as if a living animal were in abdomen; of being under the influence of a superior power.

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