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Homeopathy For Eczema
Homeopathic remedies can help
a person with symptoms of acute and chronic eczema.
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Treating Eczema With
In homeopathic philosophy, eczema is a clear visual sign of the
exteriorization of an internal disturbance to the Vital Force. It is a chronic, allergic skin
irritation that can cause chronic skin dryness, itchiness, flakiness,
peeling and redness from the irritation. Eczema can appear on any part of
the body. Common areas are the inner surface of elbows and knees, the
backs of the upper arms, wrists, cheeks, neck, scalp, or eyelids. In
children, eczema is often a result from a bad
reaction to vaccinations. This is because vaccinations contain a
dangerous cocktail of heavy metals, viruses and other toxins that a young
immune system is just not able to easily detoxify from, resulting in chronic
eczema as well as other conditions.
From the homeopathic view,
ANY suppression of skin eruptions including with drugs, suppressive creams
or cortisone will lead to deeper and more chronic health problems.
A constitutional remedy is required to address the deep, inner disturbance
in the digestive track and vital organs and support the natural healing of
eczema through global detoxification of the body. The correct
homeopathic remedy will bring the body gently back into balance.
Eczema cures require patience, they are not a quick fix even with homeopathy
and a person's diet it very important as well. We recommend only
water dosing for eczema so that there is no
an aggravation to the skin in the healing process and it is gentle.
are some of the more common eczema polychrest
remedies, but there are many others that could also be
considered. Care chronic eczema requires the assistance of a
professional homeopath:
Homeopathic Remedies For Eczema
- Alumina
Skin dry even in hot weather, itching,
bleeding when scratched. Aggravation in evening, on alternate days, from
heat of bed, at new moon, from eating new potatoes. Hard crust upon
scalp; skin feels as if white of egg had dried on its surface.
- Ammonium carb
This homeopathic medicine for eczema is
often indicated for eczema on the bends of the extremities. Excoriation
between the thighs and about genitals. Aggravates from wet applications.
Antimonium crudum
Eczema with thick, cracked skin. Indigestion. Itching is worse
from warmth and sun exposure. Indicated
for impetigo, plantar warts, and calluses, as well as eczema. Sensitive
and sentimental, love to eat. Person craves pickles, vinegar, and
other sour things. May be overweight. Children can be shy and irritable,
insisting that they not be touched or looked at.
Arsenicum album: The skin is dry, itches and there is an intense burning sensation that
can make the itching worse. Applying heat will bring relief. Indigestion
with burning pain and a general feeling of chilliness are often seen. The
person is anxious, restless, and compulsively neat and orderly.
- Arsenicum iod
Eczema of the beard with oozing of watery
discharge. Itching worse by washing. Dry scaly itchy eruptions.
- Arum triphyllum
For in eruptions are focused on the
lower part of the face, especially
around the mouth. The chin may look chapped and feel hot and
irritated. The lips are cracked and usually raw from the person picking them.
Nostrils may be sore. Can have throat irritation and hoarseness.
- Bovista
Eczema over back of hand. Moist eczema in
the bends of knees, appearing during the full moon. Frequently in women
who suffer from dysmenorrhea
Calcarea carbonica Eczema and cracking skin that is worse in the winter. They are easily
fatigued by exertion. They feel anxious and overwhelmed if ill or
overworked. Cravings for sweets and eggs, a sluggish metabolism. Tendency
toward weight problems are other indications. Chilly with clammy hands and
Calendula Irritated, itching skin has a
tendency to get infected. Topical use of the unpotentized herb in a
lotion, gel, or tincture form on the skin is soothing to irritated skin.
This can often ease inflammation and prevent infection without artificially
suppressing it.
- Cantharis
Eczema sole are with much burning and itching. When touched burning and
smarting. Complications with urinary troubles. Aggravation from warmth.
Scales from on scalp like enormous dandruff.
- Clematis erecta
Pustular eczema, vesicles with watery secretions followed by
formation of scales and crust. Inflammation increases with the
increasing moon and decreasing with decreasing moon.
- Croton tig
Intense itching of skin; but so tender; unable to scratch.
Amelioration by gentle rubbing. Eczema over whole body; develops an
acute eczema over whole body. Rawness and itching around scrotal sac
Graphites Tough or leathery skin with
cracks and soreness. The areas behind the ears, around the mouth, or on the
hands are often cracked, with a golden oozing discharge that hardens into
crusts. Itching is worse from getting warm in bed. The person will
often scratch the irritated places until they bleed. A
long-term history of skin disorders including impetigo, herpes, etc.
Difficulty concentrating, especially in the morning.
Hepar sulphur Eczema is extremely sore and becomes infected easily. The hands and
feet, looks chapped and deeply cracked and is very slow to heal. The
person usually feels vulnerable and irritable, with a low resistance to
illness and infection. For very sensitive, chilly people.
- Hydrastis
Crusty, burning eczema on the neck.
Eruptions like small pox-lupus. Eczema on margins of head, especially in
- Lycopodium
Eruptions begins on the back of the head and extends to
face, also on hands. Crust thick bleeding, oozing fetid moisture.
Itching violently. Aggravation of symptoms from 4.00 to 8.00 pm, from
getting heated. Relieved from cold air or uncovering the parts.
Intensely itching eruptions
start as blisters, then can ooze and form thick crusts. Scratching can lead
to thickened skin. Cold applications often help the itch, although the
person in general is usually chilly. A craving for fat and a tendency to
feel better in open air. A person who needs this remedy often has strong
anxiety, felt physically in the stomach.
- Nat mur
Small itchy blisters with corrosive fluid; skin becomes
red, raw, inflamed. Margins of hair; bends of joints, behind ears. Dry
flaky crusts form after. Craves salt, thirsty. Greasy, oily hair. Dry
skin in general. Underweight. Eczema from suppressed emotions, inner
grief. Avoids consolation, fuss. Worse: warmth, salt, seashore, and
menses, better: cool weather or bathing.
- Rananculus
It may be used in eczema, attended with thickening of the
skin and formation of hard, horny scabs.One of our most effective
remedies for the bad effects of alcoholic beverages; spasmodic hiccough;
delirium tremens.
Rhus toxicodendron
Blister-like eruptions that look red and swollen, itch intensely and are
soothed by hot applications. The person is restless from discomfort and
often is very irritable and anxious. Muscle stiffness, relieved by warmth
and motion, is also likely. Craves cold milk. Itching worse at night,
surface raw and excoriated. Eczema scrota on inside of thighs,
discharges freely, or thickened.
Petroleum Skin is extremely dry and tends
to crack, especially on the fingertips and palms. Eczema is worse in winter,
with deep, sore cracks that often bleed. Itching is worse at night and
from getting warm in bed. The person feels a cold sensation after
scratching. The skin is easily infected, and may get tough and leathery
from chronic irritation.
- Psorinum
This homeopathic medicine for eczema is often indicated
for dry or fetid eruptions; crusty eruptions, vesicles being pointed,
with red areole. Skin itches intolerably, scratches until it bleeds. Dry
and scaly eruptions, with little pointed vesicles around the reddened
edges. Discharge ceasing during summer, but reappearing when the cold
weather comes on.
Sulphur Intensely burning, itching, inflamed eruptions that are worse from warmth
and worse from bathing. Affected areas may be red, with scaling or
crusted skin. Eruptions can be either dry or moist. This remedy is
helpful for eczema coming after vaccinations,
for people who have repeatedly used medications and ointments on their
eczema without success.
- Staphysagria
It may be used in eczematous eruption on
any part of the body, but esp. Apt to be found on the head and face; the
eruption is usually dry and formed of very thick scabs and itches
violently; when scratching stops the itching in one place, it goes to
- Thuja
Eczema worse after vaccination. Itching
vesicles with shooting pains. Dryness of covered parts; eruptions only
on covered parts.
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