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Placenta Previa

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Homeopathy for Women

Placenta Previa and Homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies will help a pregnant women with symptoms of placenta previa. Contact us to learn more!

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What is Placenta Previa?

  • Placenta previa is a condition in which the placenta partially or wholly blocks the neck of the uterus, thus interfering with normal delivery of a baby.

  • Placenta previa occurs in about 1 out of every 200 pregnancies. 

  • Often the condition is detected in the third trimester, but it’s sometimes spotted at as early as 17 weeks either in a routine ultrasound or because some bleeding or pain is occurring.  In this condition the placenta lies low in the uterus and may grow to partially or completely cover the opening of the uterus, the cervix.

  • Many cases of placenta previa resolve themselves as the uterus grows and the placenta naturally moves upward.

  • If the placenta is across the cervix it's unlikely to resolve with time. The later in pregnancy that placenta previa exists, the more likely it will be present at the time of delivery.
  • In more pronounced cases, the previa completely covers the cervical opening and will not move far enough up, regardless of treatment. In these cases, a caesarian section delivery is necessary.

Types of Placenta Previa

  • Type I: Low lying placenta - the lower margin within 5 cm of the cervix.
  • Type II : Marginal placenta previa - with the placenta just reaches the cervix.
  • Type III: Partial placenta previa - with the placenta partially covers the the opening of the cervix.
  • Type IV: Total placenta previa - the placenta completely covers to opening of the cervix. This type has the most serious risk to the mother.

Symptoms of Placenta Previa - Bleeding As The Main Symptom

  • A first bleed, called a warning bleed, is slight and is noticed by the woman as bright blood.
  • Bleeding that is spontaneous and causeless, unless it follows intercourse.
  • Bleeding is often painless unless it occurs with the onset of labor.
  • Bleeding is recurrent and occurs at intervals and progressively becomes severe.
  • Causeless, painless and recurrent bleeding in the third trimester is typical of placenta previa.
  • Types I and II placenta previa may to bleed just once near term or at the onset of labor.
  • Types III and IV placenta previa cause much more bleeding than Types I and II plus bleeding occurs earlier in the 3rd trimester.
  • The anterior placenta previa gets pulled up during labor and does not compromise the baby's oxygenation to the same extent as does the posterior placenta previa.

Other Additional Symptoms May Include

  • digestive complaints
  • frequent bruising
  • hemorrhoids
  • tendency to depression
  • varicose veins

Placenta Previa Is More Common Among Women who:

  • Are age 35 or older
  • Are of a race other than white
  • Have delivered at least one baby
  • Had placenta previa with a previous pregnancy
  • Had A C-section
  • Had Surgery to remove uterine fibroids
  • Had Dilation and curettage, though this presents a much lower risk
  • Smoke
  • Use cocaine

Persistent Types of Placenta Previa Have Been Associated With

  • A large placenta, such as with a multiple pregnancy
  • Being 35 or older during pregnancy
  • Having had babies
  • Scars in the lining of the uterus, such as from previous surgery

Homeopathic Remedies for Placenta Previa

  • Ferrum met
  • Erigeron
    Miscarriage due to exercise, with profuse bleeding. Bright red blood loss, gushing of blood. Ailments from wounds and trauma. Indolence, aversion to work. Loss of ambition, afternoon and evening. Irritability in the morning. Frightened waking from a dream. Weeping during urination. Cheerful after urination. Painful urination during metrorrhagie

  • Nux Vomica

  • Phosphorous

  • Ipecac

  • Sabina
    Special action on uterus also upon serous and fibrous membranes. Miscarriage  especially in third month. Bleeding during pregnancy, during labor and after delivery. It stimulates expulsion of mola. Placenta previa and retained placenta. Labor pains painful, from sacrum to inguinal region, or from sacrum to pubis, or stitching in the vagina upwards. Other symptoms are Copious menses, gushing, bright red, with (dark) clots. Metrorrhagia between menses, and during climacteric period. Uterus myomatosus, endometrioses Endometriumcarcinoma with bleeding. Condylomata.

  • Sepia
    For tendency to get miscarriages during the fifth to the seventh month of a term of pregnancy. Persistent morning sickness every day. Sensation of a ball like structure within the uterus. The painful sensations may make women feel like they need to bear or bend down with the pain. The woman may also suffer from a prolapsed uterus, and can often be affected by fibroids in the uterine tissues. The woman also finds any motions performed by the developing fetus to be intolerable and extremely uncomfortable. Yellow colored discharges. There are also extreme and severe itching sensations in the vulva which can trigger the miscarriage. Chills running down the body; physical exhaustion at most times of the day and night. Worse in the mornings and in the evenings; dampness aggravates. Very weary, and worn out from fatigue. Depression, and indifference to most things, aversion to sexual intercourse. The woman in addition desires to be left alone at most times.

  • Secale
  • Veratrum Album

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