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Tonsillitis and Homeopathy
Homeopathic remedies can help
a person with tonsillitis symptoms recover naturally
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What Is Tonsillitis?
Tonsillitis is the swelling or inflammation of the tonsils. The tonsils are
the two round shaped glands in the back part of the throat. They are the first
defense system of the body to keep viruses or bacteria entering the body at
the throat. The tonsils help top bacteria or virus from entering the respiratory
system or the digestive system.
When the tonsils themselves become infected, the
condition is called tonsillitis and the tonsils
swell and to feel painful.
Symptoms Of Tonsillitis
- A redness and swelling of
the tonsils that are painful.
- Excess salivation and dribbling of saliva.
- Head turning may be painful from inflammation.
- Fever may be present.
- Pain extends into the ears; ear ache.
- Pain on swallowing - both from
solids or liquids. Even swallowing saliva may cause pain.
- Painful or painless lymph node enlargement below the
angle of lower jaw
- Fever with chill and
- Recurrent or repeated attack of cold and cough.
- Ear ache.
- Bad breath (halitosis).
Homeopathic Remedies for Tonsillitis
Arsenic album
Tonsillitis with restlessness and increased thirst.
Enlarged tonsils. One of the best homeopathic medicines for
tonsillitis. The tonsils get inflamed due to exposure to cold or after
taking cold drinks or cold food. Hot drinks or hot food relieves the pain.
Fever may be present along with tonsillitis.
Baryta carbonica
For acute tonsillitis that recurs on exposure to cold. Swelling
of the glands. Mild cases, who have an attack from any exposure. Useful
in cases where a cold settles in the tonsils.
Stitching and smarting
pain, worse for empty swallowing. Can swallow only liquids. Tonsils inflamed
with swollen veins. Helpful for children who
have a chronic enlargement of the glands and tonsils. Tendency to
tonsillitis in delayed and bashful children. Baryta carb has an affinity for
the right side.
Tonsillitis with great redness with heat and
burning. Used early and acute in the case of tonsillitis. Redness and
swelling. The neck is swollen and stiff externally. Ulcers form rapidly
and the right side is worse. Tonsils swell and enlarge. Swallowing is
difficult and it is even more difficult to swallow liquids. The face becomes
hot, red and flushed. The mouth and throat are dry but there is no desire to
drink water. High grade fever may be present.
‘Strawberry’ tongue, right side is worse.
Hepar sulphur
One of the best remedies for tonsillitis with pus formation in the tonsils.
Intense pain and sensitivity. Slightest cold air or water makes
pain worse. Pain in the throat as if a splinter is there on swallowing. Pain
may extend to the ears while swallowing. Chilliness. Splinter-like and
throbbing pains. Abscess on tonsils. Extremely sensitive to touch.
Pain shoots into ears.
Mercurius solubilis
Tonsillitis with increased perspiration. Great swelling. Dark
red swelling in the tonsils. Back of the throat is deep red. Tonsils
darker than any other part. Constant desire to swallow. Chilliness.
Change of weather aggravates the tonsils. Pain is increased at night.
Increased salivation in the mouth that is thick. Breath is foul. Used
in more advanced stages of tonsillitis after pus has formed. Ulcers may
form. Stinging pains and difficult breathing from the swelling.
Profuse sweating without
relief. Profuse salivation, breath offensive. Tongue large flabby with
imprint of teeth. Moist tongue with thirst. Worse at night, damp, cold rainy
Homeopathic Remedies for Tonsillitis
Amygdala Persica
Dark injection of the arched opening at the back of the mouth leading to
the pharynx. Sharp pains and difficulty swallowing.
Swelling of the tonsils. Throat is swollen both inside and outside.
Swelling is pinkish in appearance. Involves the mucous surface.
Arsenicum iodium
Tonsils swollen, burning, Persistently irritating,
corrosive discharges, Breath fetid and glandular involvement.
Red swollen tonsils covered with a network of capillaries.
Calcarea phosphorica
Chronic enlargement of the tonsils. Flabby, pale tonsils with
inflammation and impaired hearing. Used in adenoid hypertrophy.
Calcarea iodata
Enlargement of the tonsils similar to Baryta. They are hard, red and
Tonsillitis, burning and smarting sensation, not
better by heat.Constriction of throat. Intense soreness. Inflamed, dark red,
Tonsils purple or black, grey exudation extending to postnares and air
enlarged, ulcerated and throat inflamed
Ferrum phosphoricum
Chronic enlarged hyperaemic tonsils; smooth swelling.
Right sided. Person is
nervous, sensitive, anemic with easy flushing. Prostration marked. Worse
Night, 4 - 6pm. Worse touch, jarring, motion. Better for cold applications.
Painful spot
deep in tonsil, hurting out of proportion on swallowing, Red, inflamed
throat. Pain streaking to ear, rapid progress.
For ollicular tonsillitis. Small yellowish white ulcers. Sensation of a plug
in throat. Worse when not swallowing.
Enlarged lymphatic glands. Great
emaciation, ravernous appetite. Acute exacerbation of c/c inflammation. Hot
person. Worse Warm room. Better walking in open air.
Violent burning, headache, throat hot, chill and aching in back and limbs.
Abscesses form quickly.
Kali muriaticum
For follicular tonsillitis with great swelling. Throat
has a gray look spotted, with white. It is a valuable remedy in acute or
chronic tonsillitis with much swelling. The 6x trituration is a reliable
Kali iodatum
Pale, delicate person with glandular swellings.
Extreme sensitiveness of parts affected. Nocturnal aggravation. Discharges
are corrosive and green.
Lac Canium
Begins on left side, changing from side to side
every few hours or days. Sensitive to touch externally. Constant inclination
to swallow, painful almost impossible. Pain extends to ears. Sore
throat and cough may begin and end with menses. Probably no remedy presents
a more valuable pathogenesis in symptoms of the throat.
Dark or purplish tonsils. Peritonsillar abscess. Great swelling and
extremely sore. Left tonsil worse with tendency to go to right. Pains shoot
to ear on attempting to swallow. Worse from hot drinks.
Sense of constriction, as
if something was swollen which must be swallowed. External throat extremely
sensitive to touch. Severe rheumatic pain
following tonsillitis. Pus is thin and offensive.
Left tonsils affected,
tendency to go to right.
Chronic enlargement of the tonsils, which are covered with small ulcers.
Affects right side or right to left. Children are weak, emaciated, with
well developed head. Worse 4-8 pm, cold drinks. Better for warm drinks.
Mercurius iodatus flavus
Right sided. Throat affections with greatly
swollen glands. Tongue coated thickly yellow at the base. Constant
inclination to swallow. Better for cold drinks.
Mercurius iodatus ruber
Left sided with marked glandular swelling.
Parenchymatous tonsillitis. Will often abort peritonsillitis if given
Nat mur
Great emaciation, losing flesh while eating well.
Great liability to take cold. Craving for salt, aversion to bread.
Consolation aggravates. Worse in heat of sun, by sea shore. Better in open
air, cold bathing
Nitric acid
Catches cold easily. Sensation of splinter in
throat, worse from touch. Extreme fetidity and corrosiveness of all
discharges. Chilly, loves salt and fat. Depressed and anxious. Worse,
evening and night, cold climate. Better riding in car.
Nux vomica
and oversensitive to external impression. Coryza dry at night, fluent by
day, worse warm room, better cold air. Easily chilled, avoids open air.
Frequent ineffectual urging for stool. Worse morning, cold air, damp wet
Whitish spots on the tonsils. Pain at the root of the tongue or
extending to the ears when swallowing. The parts are dark blue; the tonsils
are large and blue. Intense dryness, smarting and burning and in the throat.
When the abscess has broken and does not to heal. Fistulous cases.
Swelling of tonsils and throat. Accumulation of a large quantity of
tenacious mucus in mouth. Throat feels raw, dry, as from a plug, or as if it
were constricted when swallowing. Ill effects of vaccination. Sweat only on
uncovered parts or all over except head, stops when he wakes. Profuse sour
smelling fetid at night. Worse in cold damp air, at night. Worse 3am and
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