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Migraines and Migraine Headaches
Homeopathic remedies will help
a person with the symptoms of migraines and severe headaches to recover naturally.
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What Is A Migraine
A migraine is an intense, painful, throbbing headache. The pain
is usually on
one side of the head and is caused by the narrowing and dilating of blood
vessels on one side of the brain. For some people a migraine attack may last up
to two days and can be very debilitating, even requiring bed rest. Some migraines are a slower developing
but severe
headache that last from a few hours to two days. These types of migraines are made worse by the
smallest movement or noise and are often accompanied by nausea and sometimes vomiting. Other
migraine headaches are preceded by an aura or visual disturbance. This type of
migraine can include the temporary loss of vision, focusing
problems, blind spots and flashing lights before the eyes.
Causes of Migraine
Remedies for Migraines
Aurum metallicum
Violent and chronic migraines that can be accompanied by suicidal
thoughts. Migraine from loss of loved one, position in society, a
financial loss and often with chronic depression. Perfectionistic,
dutiful types who feel guilty about the past. Often workaholics with high
stress levels.
Migraine with a throbbing headache. Violent and throbbing
head pain with throbbing pain in the temporal region. Pain begins suddenly
and violently. Worse from touch, noise or light and any jerking or sudden
movement. Cold air or any exposure brings on the pain. Migraine
pain is better from pressure. The face is hot and red. Person cannot lie
down as the pain increases while lying.
- Epiphegus
Migraine headaches that are caused by
overwork or fatigue. Cluster headaches over the left eye. Headaches come
on from mental exhaustion or exertion. Headaches are triggered by going out
in the sun or any deviation from normal routine. These migraine headaches
that are caused by overwork or fatigue.
Congestive migraine headaches with a rush of blood to the
head. Heat and redness of the face and head. Pain is usually throbbing.
Feeling of shocks in the head that are in sync with the pulse. Headache is
aggravated by going out in the sun or heat in any form. Worse any warmth
around the head. Better from uncovering the head.
Iris Versicolor
Migraines with severe nausea and vomiting. Nausea can be so
strong that the person is not relieved by even by vomiting. Headaches with
visual disturbances. Headaches that begin with blurring of the vision.
Headaches in the frontal area and right temple. Migraine headaches when
associated with heartburn.
Migraine is worse on right side. Pain feels
as if temples are being screwed into each other. Trying to concentrate makes
pain worse. Accompanied by dizziness.
Natrum Mur
Migraine from any mental grief or stress and anemic headaches.
Often seen in young girls. There can be temporary blindness with the
headaches. The pain feels like tiny hammers beating inside the head. Pain
increases during the day and is better after sunset. Pale face with the
headache. Migraine can be triggered by eyestrain.
Nux Vomica
Migraine headaches occurring with any
gastric disturbances. Constipation with ineffectual desire to pass stool
or incomplete bowel movements. Bloating of abdomen or feeling gassy,
inability to release gas. Headaches and migraines from eating fatty, rich
fried food. Migraines are worse from alcohol consumption which triggers
Migraine is
worse in evening or during a menstrual period.
Headache is aggravated by rich, fatty food. The head feels as if it is about
to burst. The person is moody, clingy, weepy and easily bursts into tears.
Right sided migraines where the pain starts in the back of
the head ie the occiput and settles into the right eye. Distention of
the veins of the head and the temporal region. These migraines are periodic
in nature and occur on every seventh day. Better lying down and from
Migraine pain starts at back of head, then shifts and settles above one eye.
Pain is aggravated by cold. Pain is better by wrapping head up
warmly and tightly. The person prone to head sweats.
Migraine headaches that occur on the left side. The migraine
pain settles over the left eye. Headache is accompanied by the feeling as if
there is a tight band around the head. Headache pain is aggravated by touch
or motion.
Left sided migraine headaches. Pain feels as if the head is being
pierced by a nail.
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