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Homeopathy For Monkeypox
Homeopathic remedies can help
provide an natural support for symptoms of monkeypox virus.
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What Is The Monkeypox Virus?
Monkeypox virus is primarily a zoonotic (animal) virus found in the dense
forest of Africa. It belongs to the orthopoxvirus genus in the family “poxviridae”.
Monkeypox is
like a "cousin" to smallpox but not on the same
public health threat level as smallpox.
The symptoms
are much milder than smallpox with flu-like symptoms of “fever, body aches,
chills together with swollen lymph nodes.
A rash on
the palm of the hand is often observed.
In the
latter stage of the disease, which may last for up to a month or more in
some cases, may involve small lesions which develop a crust, and which can
result in a small depigmented scar.
is no evidence of asymptomatic spread of monkeypox virus -
it is spread from person to
person by direct contact.
What Is The
Difference Between Smallpox and Monkeypox?
virus is very much like smallpox, as rash and
pustule presentation are very much alike.
But in the
monkeypox virus the lymph nodes are enlarged
which can be a differentiating point between these two infectious diseases.
Who Is Most Prone To The Monkeypox Virus?
Those more prone to be infected are
those coming more in contact with animals in forest area.
Also prone
are immuno-compromised people.
People of
all ages and both the sexes can get monkeypox with direct contact with
someone infected.
people younger than 40-50 years are more often infected.
Causes of the
Monkeypox Virus
monkeypox virus is caused by animals to human, but it was first seen in
laboratory monkeys.
causative factor is an animal bite or scratch by a squirrel, rodent, etc.
There must be direct contact with lesion or
body fluid of infected person.
Droplet-infection through coughing, sneezing, face-to-face contact of an
infected person is possible.
virus-contaminated objects of an infected person can spread the disease.
Signs and
Symptoms Of The Monkeypox Virus
Once the person is infected, symptoms start developing after 4 days as
Fever and
Shortness of
of lymph nodes
Rash, mainly
on the face, chest followed by other body parts
filled with fluid
Treatment For The Monkeypox Virus
Most of the people will recover by themselves without
any medication
drugs are used.
Anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
are used.
Monkey virus
prognosis is from good to excellent as it clears up in 2-3 weeks and returns
Fatigue and
weakness can be seen for a long time afterward in some people.
Those who
are malnourished and with old lung affections may have a very slow prognosis
and recovery.
Complications from monkeypox can include:
Yourself Against Those Infected With Te MonkeyPox Virus
touching the blister and rash of a person infected with monkeypox virus.
Avoid direct
contact with an infected person.
Keep the
skin clean if you are infected.
Eat a
healthy diet to boost your immune system.
Drink lot of
Avoid going
in public places.
Wash your
hands regularly.
Wear face
mask and hand gloves when around others if you are infected, or if caring
for someone infected.
Remedies For Monkeypox
Homeopathy can
help in improving immunity and help to fight the viral infections. It also
helps in relieving the pain and suffering and aid natural recovery.
Homeopathic Remedies For Monkeypox
Homeopathy selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and
symptoms similarity by using a holistic approach. The aim of homeopathic care is
to address monkeypox eruptions and address the underlying cause and the
individual's susceptibility.
The best matching remedy should be selected to address
the symptoms.
Sudden rise of temperature with high fever, hot face, hands and feet plus
thirst and restlessness are the chief indications.
Much itching and swelling.
Often becomes useful in loss of memory as a sequel of smallpox.
Antimonium tartaricum
This a nearer
simillimum to smallpox than any other remedy. With this remedy vesication
and pustulation are marked. The mucous membranes are involved and bronchitis
or broncho-pnuemonia are apt to be present, with the characteristic cough
and expectoration symptoms. There are excruciating pains in the loins. It is
especially adaptable to cases characterized by gastric irritation. It cover
the full variolous process and frequently covers the case from first to
Arsenicum ablum
Used where there is weakness, a burning heat, restlessness and
irregularly developed eruption, the pustules become flat, livid, dusky and
hemorrhagic. Diarrhea is an attendant symptom.
Septic conditions. Treats Typhoid fever. Fetid breath. Stool offensive, thin,
dark, bloody. Extreme tiredness. High fever
with extreme bad odor of all discharges and secretions.
For the congestion, with the severe headache, backache and purplish face, a
type often seen in young children. Belladonna is considered to be more
homeopathic to the initial fever than Aconite.
is also a first stage remedy; it has
nausea, vomiting, severe headache, high temperature. The eruption is
slow in coming to the surface and all the symptoms are worse by motion.
Carbolic acid
Carbolic acid is a powerful antiseptic. The pains
of carbolic acid come suddenly. They are burning are pricking, sticking. The
urine is very dark, black or blackish olive-green, grass or olive-green.
There is numbness and twitching. Putrid discharges are a marked indication.
The skin is inflamed, and other symptoms appear, with burning, tingling,
itching, and numbness.
For the intense backache and rheumatic pains. The body feels sore, the bed
feels hard, the muscles feeling as though they had been pounded.
Indicated in skin affections like boils, carbuncles, pustular eruptions and
post vaccination eruptions. Blood boils and eruptions are
surrounded by purplish mottled skin and swelling. The blood is dark, fluid,
decomposed and does not coagulate. Photophobia. There is a low state of vitality
with tremendous weakness with red or purple skin eruptions and hemorrhage.
The skin is yellow and the sweat
stains linen red, due to the presence of blood in sweat.
Used in the initial stage. Used for their aching in the back and limbs
and the tight band headache of the disease are found under Gelsemium, and if
dullness and apathy be present it is all the more indicated. The aching in the back and limbs and the tight
band headache of the disease are found under Gelsemium, and if dullness and
apathy are present it is all the more indicated.
Found useful in the hemorrhagic variety of small pox.
Hepar Sulphur
Used for symptoms in
small pox and used to treat colds, ear infections, sore throat,
tonsillitis, cough, asthma and skin complaints with pus discharges.
Hydrastis is also
considered to be specific remedy for small pox.
Septic states. Purple discoloration to skin or eruptions. Prostration is profound in
advanced stages of disease. Sensation of tension in various
parts. Cannot bear anything tight anywhere
especially the neck and abdomen. Better appearance of discharges,
warm applications. Worse after sleep.
Mercurius solubilis
Used in the suppurative stage of small-pox. Flow
of pus, and particularly bloody pus, from any orifice. Pus forms in cavities
in abscesses, which burn and sting. Discharges are yellow-green in color.
Rhus Tox
headache, and it is a useful remedy at the beginning of vesicles forming,
when the vesicles are small, and also when the pustules turn black from
effusion. Diarrhea and dark bloody stools.
This herb that is a homeopathic remedy
that s also used in
smallpox. In the 1800s, when smallpox still posed a
serious threat, the Micmac native Americans of Nova Scotia treated the
disease using a botanical infusion derived from the insectivorous plant Sarracenia
purpurea is a
species of pitcher plant. In vitro experiments with the herbal extract
found that
it inhibits replication of the variola virus, the
causative agent behind smallpox.
Sulphur is used as a preventive and curative. It belongs not only to the
suppurative stage, but also to metastatic brain symptoms.
This remedy is believed it to
be one of the best curative and preventive agent in smallpox. It suits
the eruptive stage, with milky, flat, painful pustules upon a dark inflamed
area. The pustulation is offensive. It quickly removes all dangerous
symptoms, dries up the vesicles and prevents all scars.
Has been extensively used and with much benefit for those with symptoms
of small pox.
Variolinum Nosode
This nosode is made from small pox and can be both used for
as well as the treatment of small pox.
Veratrum viride
may be called for in cases where the head is hot, and the extremities
are cool and cyanotic; backache, fever and perspiration.
Cell Salts For
Monkeypox Virus
Calcarea sulph
- Pustules discharging matter.
Ferrum phos
- If the fever be high, alternately with Kali mur.
Kali mur
- This
is the main cell salts because it works on the formation of pustules. Kali
mur. is also considered to be prophylactic of the disease.
Kali phos
Putrid conditions, heavy odor, exhaustion and stupor. Symptoms indicating
Kali sulph
- To promote the formation of healthy skin and the falling off of the
Natrum mur -
Salivary flow, confluence of pustules and drowsiness.
Natrum phos
- When the pustules become purulent.
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