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Pyroluria - Zinc & B6 Deficiency

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Pyroluria - Pyrrole Disorder -  Zinc and Vitamin B6 Deficiency
Homeopathic remedies helps to rebalance the body's metabolism and function for a condition like pyroluria. 
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Pyroluria is also known also as: Pyrrole Disorder, Pyrolleuria, Pyrroluria, Elevated Kryptopyrrole, B6 Deficiency and Mauve Factor.


What Is Pyroluria?
Signs and Symptoms of Pyroluria
Pyroluria Statistics by Diagnosis
Diagnosis and Tests
Supplements Used in Treating Pyroluria
Treatment and Prevention of Pyroluria

Videos To Watch:
Dr. Bill Walsh On Pyroluria & Chemical Imbalances
What Is Pyroluria?
Treating Pyroluria or Mauve Factor
Facts & Myths About Pyrrole Disorder and Mental Health

Dietritch Klinghardt, M.D.'s presentation on HPU / KPU / Pyroluria, Lyme disease and Autism

What Is Pyroluria?

  • Pyroluria is the abnormal synthesis and metabolism of the oxygen carrying molecule in your blood, called haemoglobin. It is a familial disorder that occurs with stress where a larger amount of a substance consisting of kryptopyrroles circulates in the body.  The root cause is the production of too much kryptopyrrole or hemepyrrole in the blood.  A pyrrole is a chemical substance that is involved in the formation of heme, which makes blood red. 

  • Pyrroles bind with B6 and zinc, thus depleting these critical nutrients, preventing the use of these essential nutrients in the brain and body.

  • This overproduction of pyrroles results in the excretion and a severe deficiency of both of these essential nutrients in the body, B6 and zinc.

  • Pyroluria may occur along with other imbalances as seen in some subtypes of schizophrenia such as histapenia (low histamine), histadelia (high histamine), high copper levels or cerebral allergies.  It is the primary imbalance for 20% of schizophrenics, but most pyroluric individuals never develop schizophrenia symptoms.

  • Pyroluria is treated by restoring levels of vitamin B6 and zinc so that this double deficiency is corrected. 

Signs and Symptoms of Pyroluria

  • Pyroluria flares up when the individual is undergoing prolonged stress, such as during a chronic and debilitating illness.
    Excess urinary kryptopyrroles are determined through urine testing and pyrroles
    are over 20 mcg/dL is considered pyroluria.

  • Excess urinary kryptopyrrole first manifest themselves as behavioral abnormalities.
    People of Scandinavian decent, Irish decent or those with blond hair, and blue or green eyes are more prone to pyroluria.

Signs, Symptoms and Issues Related to Pyroluria

  • ADHD

  • Alcoholism

  • Autism

  • Allergies

  • Anemia

  • Antisocial Behavior

  • Anxiety that is ongoing

  • Aversion to breakfast

  • Bipolar Disorder

  • Braces history or crowded upper teeth

  • Changes in your routine provoke stress

  • Chills or fevers that are unexplained

  • Cluster headaches

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Constipation tendency in morning

  • Depression -  including periods of severe depression

  • Dyslexia - reading difficulties

  • Dystonia

  • Easily upset (internally) by criticism

  • Episodic anger or sudden rage

  • Eyes that are sensitive to light

  • Family or personal history of alcoholism

  • Family or personal history of mental illness

  • Family or personal history of malaria or tuberculosis

  • Fatigues easily

  • Fearfulness

  • Frequent colds and infections

  • Hair loss on head, eyebrows or eyelashes

  • Hard to clearly recall past events and people

  • Hypoglycemia - issues sugar metabolism

  • Introverted - shy about social interactions

  • Inner tension including worry

  • Knees crack or ache

  • Loner - become more with aging

  • Loss of appetite

  • Low iron, anemia or low ferritin levels

  • Low stress tolerance

  • Menstrual cramps with heavy bleeding

  • Mental symptoms are aggravated under stress

  • Mental symptoms include: delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, occasional loss of contact with reality, amnesia spells

  • Mood swings

  • Morning nausea

  • Motion sickness

  • Nervous exhaustion

  • Noise and other tactile sensitivities with sensory issues - issues with loud noises, odors, smell and touch

  • Pain that is chronic

  • Pale skin that easily burns

  • Poor dream recall (from low B6) or nightmares

  • Poor tolerance of physical and emotional stress

  • Poor sense of smell or taste

  • Prefer one or two close friends instead of large groups when socializing

  • Premature grey hair - adults

  • Puberty reached later than normal age

  • Retracted or receding gums

  • Schizophrenia

  • Seizures

  • Sensory Processing Disorder

  • "Stitch" in side when running/exercising, splenic pain

  • Stretch marks on the skin

  • Sweet, fruity breath and body odor

  • Sweat heavily when ill or stressed

  • Swollen of puffy face while under a lot of stress

  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

  • Tingling sensations or muscle spasms in your legs or arms

  • Upper abdominal pain when stressed

  • Uneven fat distribution

  • Vegetarian or dislike eating protein

  • White flecks/marks on nails or opaquely white or paper-thin nails

Pyroluria Statistics by Diagnosis

These are the diagnoses and the percentages of those with pyroluria who have these disorders, per statistics from Dr. Bill Walsh and others in clinical practice:

Healthy Controls






Alzheimer's Disease




Behavior Disorder


Bipolar Disorder






Post Traumatic Stress


Psychiatric Disorders (adults)


Psychiatric Disorders (children)




Pyroluria Diagnosis and Urine Testing - contact us for pyroluria testing

  • There is a urine lab test available which measures levels of kryptopyrroles.  Any alcoholic or anyone with symptoms above that indicate the possibility of this condition should have the lab test done.
  • Pyroluria is an abnormality in biochemistry resulting in the overproduction of pyrrole molecules. Pyroluria can be diagnosed by the kryptopyrrole test. The Kryptopyrrole test determines the levels of pyrroles the body excretes. Pyrroles have little or no function in the body and are effectively excreted in the urine.

  • However, pyrroles have an affinity for zinc and vitamin B6.

  • When pyrroles are elevated in the urine they deplete the body of vitamin B6 and zinc and represent a marker for functional deficiencies in vitamin B6 and zinc.

  • A high incidence of pyrrole disorder is found in individuals on the autism spectrum, individuals with anxiety disorder, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, Aspergers, and ADHD.

  • In genetic testing, the SNP for pyroluria is Rs4654748 on the gene NBPF3.

Tests to Determine Pyroluria Status and Related Metabolic Levels - contact us to become a client to order these tests
This Metabolic Panel costs about $296 and includes local blood testing and at home urine testing as follows:

  • Kyrtopyrroles - used to test by urine the amount of pyrroles excreted through urinary quantitative testing.
    This is done to see the level of pyrroles and if there is too rapid excretion of zinc and B6 through urine.
    The functional range for pyrroles is below 10
    A level of 16 or higher is pyroluria; 20 or higher is considered very high.
    The level of kryptopyrroles is an overall marker of high oxidative stress.

    Urine Kryptopyrrole Testing Tips:
    Do not collect the first morning specimen. The ideal collection is the second urine of the day. A 12 hour fasting period prior to the specimen collection is ideal, but not required. Supplements containing vitamins or minerals should be stopped 12-24 hours prior to the urine collection. Do not avoid supplements for more than 24 hours.

    Copper serum, zinc plasma, and whole blood histamine Testing:
    A fasting specimen is preferred but not required. Patients should fast for 12 hours prior to the specimen collection. Supplements containing vitamins or minerals should be stopped 12-24 hours prior to the blood draw. Do not avoid supplements for longer than 24 hours. Additionally for whole blood histamine avoid anti-histamines for 21 days.

    Optimal Functional Range: Kryptopyrrole Urine Quantitative

    • Optimal: 0-10 mcg/dl

    • Borderline: 11-15 mcg/dl

    • Elevated: 16 or greater mcg/dl

  • Whole blood histamine - blood test used to measure methylation status.
    The functional lab range for under methylation is above 70.
    The functional lab range for  is over methylation is below 40
    Please read more about methylation.

  • Plasma Zinc - used to evaluate zinc deficiency. 
    The functional range for zinc is 90 -135.
    Read more about
    zinc and the zinc taste test

  • Serum copper -  used to test to evaluate copper toxicity. 
    This blood test measures the amount of copper in blood.
    Serum copper is used not plasma copper.
    The functional range for copper is 70 - 110.
    Read more about copper toxicity.

  • Ceruloplasmin - used to measure the amount of this protein that binds to copper in the body.
    Ceruloplasmin plays an important role as a transporter in copper metabolism.
    Most copper in the blood is bound to ceruloplasmin, some is bound to albumin, MT or other proteins.
    If ceruloplasmin is low, free copper can rise to toxic levels.
    Unbound copper is toxic to the body.
    The relationship of ceruloplasmin to copper is a percentage.
    Unbound copper is toxic to the body.
    Above 25% is consider high unbound copper.
    Read more about copper toxicity.

Supplements Used in Treating Pyroluria

  1. Zinc - an essential nutrient that is depleted in people pyroluria.
  2. B6 and P-5-P - because it is depleted in  people with pyroluria.
  3. Evening Primrose Oil - because it is needed instead of Omega 3's with pyroluria.
  4. Magnesium - because it is depleted when B6 is taken at high amounts and is needed for zinc assimilation.
  5. Manganese - because it is depleted when zinc is taken at the high levels necessary for treating pyroluria.
  6. Vitamin C - antioxidant and for adrenal support.

Treatment of Pyroluria

  • Pyroluria is treated by restoring levels of vitamin B6 and zinc so that this double deficiency is corrected. 

  • A skilled homeopath and lab testing is required for nutrient supervision.

  • Recovery may take three to four months. 

  • With zinc, manganese and vitamin B6 therapy the person with pyroluria may start to respond in 24 hours and certainly some progress is noted within one week

  • Supplementation with vitamin B6 until daily dream recall returns  as well as with zinc and manganese needs to be continued daily. 

  • The biochemical imbalance and symptoms will usually recur within one to two weeks if the nutritional program is stopped.

  • People with mild-moderate pyroluria usually have a fairly rapid response to treatment if no other chemical imbalances are present.

  • People with severe pyroluria usually require several weeks before progress is seen and improvement may be gradual over 3 - 12 months.

  • Features of pyroluria usually recur within 2 - 4 weeks if the nutritional program is stopped, so the need for nutritional treatment is indefinite.

Dr. Bill Walsh On Pyroluria & Chemical Imbalances
(2:00 minutes)

What Is Pyroluria?
(about 11 minutes)


Treating Pyroluria or Mauve Factor, Trudy Scott, CN
(14:57 minutes)


Facts & Myths About Pyrrole Disorder - Learn how Pyroluria impacts Emotional and Mental Health by Dr. Albert Mensah
(1:48:35  minutes)


Dietritch Klinghardt, M.D.'s presentation on HPU / KPU / Pyroluria, Lyme disease and Autism
(2:01:32 minutes)


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