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Homeopathy for Depression
Homeopathic remedies
will help a person with symptoms of depression causes various biochemical causes, including post partum depression.
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Nutritional Supplements for
Key nutritional supplements are also extremely
important in depression, and healthy body functions including adequate
Vitamin B
Complex, unrefined salt for adrenal support,
iodine for thyroid support,
serotonin and others.
Depression and Nutrition
Adequate diet with enough protein is
very important to digestion to make the right amounts of the right
Homeopathic Remedies for
Powerful depression: despair, anger, anxiety. often contemplates suicide;
alternates with contained state. Withdraws into self (like
Nat Mur,
Desire to kill self with knife. PMS; post natal depression. Confusion with
sudden bouts of rage or violent impulses
Arsenicum album For people who
worry excessively about health. Perfectionists. Overly critical of themselves and others.
Worse in cold weather.
Better with warmth. Very sensitive to pain and suffer most between
midnight and 2 am.
Aurum metallicum
Usually workaholics with an excessive sense of
duty. Prone to despair, depression and feelings of worthlessness.
Suicidal thoughts can be of jumping from a tall building after
failure in their work or losses in their personal life like death of
divorce. Better by walking outdoors.
Endoginous / organic depression; in the pit of despair, with self-loathing;
self-recrimination, isolation. Silent, flat emotional expression. Does not
weep. Suicide seems an attractive option; thinks fondly of death.
Calcium carbonica
Strong, dependable and industrious. Inwardly
are shy and introverted. Depression from being fatigued, anxious,
withdrawn and self-pitying by overwhelming work pressures. Chilly but
sweat easily with often a sour odor to sweat or stools. Sluggishness.
Insomnia. Easy weight gain, craves dairy, sweets and comfort foods. Wants a feeling of protection and support of others in times of depression.
Ignatia amara
Depression after grief, despair or emotional
upset. Outbursts of hysteria or mood swings. Constant lump in the
throat and frequent bouts of yawning. Used for loss of a loved
one or shock of bad news.
The chief remedy for grief (with
Nat Mur).
Both feel unloved during childhood, trauma of losing love. (Nat
is more controlled, silent grief. Ignatia will sob hysterically at first,
shock reaction, followed by weeks of emotional volatility. Loss of control;
hysterical. Also tends to isolate herself. Has epilepsy, cramps, numbness,
etc. Can be deep or prolonged; uncontrolled weeping, nausea, vomiting, loss
of appetite; hysteria.
Kali phosphoricum
Exhaustion from overwork. The person
becomes shy, withdrawn. Startles at sudden noises. Muscular weakness,
yellow discharges and may wake early with hunger pangs.
Lachesis mutas For depression caused by
repression, jealousy or suspicion. Very
talkative. They have a strong need to express themselves. Commonly used for
menopausal depression. Worse on waking and suffers with hot
flushes or sweats.
Not really a depressive type; but withdraws; sits/broods; has little
self-respect; entertains suicidal thoughts; worse when waking, improves as
day goes on.
Natrium carbonicum
Depressed after a loss or disappointment. Gentle and
caring type of person. Hide their feelings from others. Weak digestive
systems and a intolerance to dairy products. When depressed, they
isolate themselves and may listen to sad music.
Natrium muraticum
For sensitive, refined, serious-minded people.
Strongly suppressed feelings of anger, grief or fear of losing control.
Closing up these feelings may lead to depression. Aversion to consolation
from others. Emotions are not expressed and instead controlled. Need to be
alone to cry and can be moved to tears by music. Frequent migraines.
Worse in the sun, strong cravings for salt.
More prone to depression than any other group; arises from suppressed
sadness, inability to cry. Many abused women. Sudden onset. Triggered by
loss of love such as bereavement, separation; series of traumas, starting
with difficult birth; lack confidence and self-esteem. A silent depression;
apathy; sleeps/eats a lot. Better for company; but withdrawn. Consolation
makes her worse. Related to hormones in female cycle. Suicidal; manic
depressives, depression alternating with euphoria.
Nat Sulph
Depression and mania. Pressure of thoughts, dwells on past. Thoughts crowd
in, obsessive. Many regrets. Unrealistic romantic desire. A gentle
melancholy, but resists suicide because of strong family ties. Very
sensitive, emotional person, strong sense of values. Claustrophobia,
stoicism, self-reproach in more depressive cases.
Profound grief, ailments from grief; separation from partner, emotions shut
down. They can remember a time when they were happy, and that their feelings are
not normal. Being in a state of limbo. Long term grief. Very passive.
Pulsatilla Wandering pains.
The person is impressionable and
childish with emotions. Mood swings, clingy, yielding and sensitive. Cry easily and
want consolation and need the support of others when
sad or depressed. Used for depression due to hormonal changes after
childbirth or menopause. Crave sweet foods and put on weight more
Sensitive to withdrawal of affection; insecure, weeps, runs to bedroom when
unhappy, or shouts and cries; irritable. When happy, excitable or mild and
co-operative; fun loving, sociable; flirtatious; interested in personal side of
The depressed person feels exhausted and irritable. Feel
overwhelmed by their family or work responsibilities. Irritable towards
their loved ones. Very useful for post partum
depression (from high copper toxicity),
loss of sexual libido and menopause symptoms. There is a dragging
down and sagging feeling in the pelvic area and uterus.
When true nature suppressed, loses spirit, deadens appetite for life; sluggish
mentally and physically, loses enthusiasm; emotions blunted, she becomes
indifferent (to family), just feels irritable, impatient; unsociable. Loses
enjoyment of being sociable, indifferent to pleasure. Drained of energy and
motivation. Feels panicky, weepy, anxious; restless; fears develop; fear of
insanity; depression, suicidal; agoraphobia, withdrawal.
Suppressed emotions, including rage, that can erupt
under severe pressure. The person is usually sweet, mild and yielding, but
they can be addicted to work. A high sex drive is present. Stress related
headaches and chronic stomachache occur remedy and ailments from
mortification or insult.
Veratrum Album
Manic-depressive psychosis, with manic side more to the fore. Restless,
aimlessly busy, cannot sit still. Depression - brooding despair; sits silently
for hours thinking about how wretched he feels. Despairs of recovery; suicidal.
Nutrient Therapy
For Behavior Disorders by Dr. Bill Walsh
(1:45 minutes)
Excess Copper Type of Depression
- These
people have
high norepinephrine
is a precursor to adrenaline) as a result of high copper.
- These
people have low
zinc means low GABA, which is a calming neurotransmitter
- Based on Dr. Walsh's research,
17% of the people with depression
are in this category.
- These are the key symptoms in this type of
- ADHD – hyperactivity in childhood
- Hormone imbalances
- Intolerance to estrogen, shellfish, and chocolate
(these are all high copper foods)
- Ringing in the ears (Tinnitus)
- Severe anxiety
- Sleep disorder
- Skin sensitivity to metals and rough fabrics
- Sensory issues with light, odors, sound and
texture (tactile defensiveness) and Sensory Processing Disorder
- Commonly seen in seen in post-partum
depression in women (95%)
- Commonly seen in ADHD,
autism, schizoprehnia, etc.
- Low metallothinine
- Low zinc means low GABA, which is a calming
- High copper means too little dopamine and very
high norepinephrine
High Copper and Depression Video by Dr.
Bill Walsh (1:07 minutes)
High Copper and Low Zinc by Dr. Bill Walsh
(1:27 minutes)
- Under Methylated Type of Depression
- These
people have low levels of serotonin and
- Based on Dr. Walsh's research,
38% of the people with
depression are in this category.
- These people have
high histamine and when
tested their whole
blood histamine test results are
above 70.
- These are the key symptoms in this type of
Very strong willed,
History of competitiveness
in sports
Obsessive/compulsive tendencies
History of
Ritualistic behaviors
Seasonal inhalant and other
environmental allergies
(75% have this)
Low tolerance for
Frequent headaches
Allergic reactions
like hives and to mosquito bites
Addictive tendencies (can be addicted very
quickly as adult to alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc.)
Delusions (thought
High libido - high sex drive
(teens and adults)
Family history of high accomplishment
(doctor, lawyer, engineer, MBA, professionals, etc.)
Calm demeanor - but high inner tension
Absence or sparse
body hair
High fluidity - watery discharge from,
tears from eyes and excessive saliva
(including spitting) more than average person
Non-compliance with
therapies (adults, often males)
- Read more Methylation
Under Methylation and Depression Video by
Dr. Bill Walsh (1:32 minutes)
- Over Methylated Type of Depression
- These
people have a folate deficiency.
- Their
whole blood histamine levels
when tested are below 40 ng/ml
and they have an elevated
SAMe/SAH ratio.
- Based on Dr. Walsh's research, 20% of the
people with depression are in this category.
- These are the key symptoms in this type of
High anxiety or panic
Sleep disorders
Self mutilation
(including multiple tattoos, including multiple piercings in
teens and adults)
Nervous legs, pacing
Obsessions without
High energy -
hyperactive, bodies have move a lot
High pain threshold
Low motivation in
Verbosity, loquacity - they talk a lot
High artistic and/or musical ability,
very creative
Belief that everyone
thinks badly of them
High empathy for others,
very sensitive emotionally
Non-competitive in sports
Food and chemical sensitivities
Absence of seasonal allergies
Intolerant to anti-histamines
Low libido (adults)
More body hair, hairy (hirutism)
Dry eyes (can't wear contact
lenses) and dry mouth, dry mucus membranes
Adverse reactions to SSRI's,
antidepressants, SAMe, Methionine
- Read more Methylation
Over Methylation and Depression Video by
Dr. Bill Walsh (1:41 minutes)
- Pyrrole Disorder
- These
people have a reduced
serotonin and GABA.
- Pyrrole levels through urine testing that are less
than 10 μg/dL is normal.
- Pyrrole levels through urine testing that are between
10 and 20 μg/dL is considered borderline.
- Pyrroles
levels through urine testing that are over
20 μg/dL is considered pyroluria.
- This
is a condition of very high oxidative stress.
- Based on Dr. Walsh's research, 15% of the
people with depression are in this category.
- These are the key symptoms in this type of
- Abnormal fat distribution
- Acne
- ADHD, Bipolar
- Delayed growth
- Delayed puberty
- Dry skin, eczema
- Easy bruising
- Extreme mood swings
- Inability to tan – fair skin.
- Little or no dream recall (low B6)
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Low in Omega 6's (Arachidonic acid)
- Low levels in B6, Zinc, and Magnesium
- Poor stress control
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Preference for spicy foods
- Sensitivity to light and noise
- Severe anxiety
- Tinnitus – ringing in the ears
- White spots on fingernails
- Wound healing is poor
Pyrrole Disorder and Depression Video by Dr.
Bill Walsh
(2:00 minutes)
- Toxic Overload Depression
- These
people have high levels or arsenic, cadmium, mercury and/or lead.
Arsenic - can be determined through hair
- Cadmium:
causes kidney damage.
- Mercury:
no safe level, accumulates in the
brain and kidney and disrupts numerous brain and body fucntions.
- Lead:
Toxic metals in the brain can cause great mischief including the
following: weakening of the blood-brain barrier, altered
neurotransmitter levels, destruction or demyelination of the myelin
sheath, increased oxidative stress, destruction of glutathione and
other protective proteins.
- Based on Dr. Walsh's research, 5% of the
people with depression are in this category.
- These are the key symptoms in this type of
- Abdominal pain and cramping
- Bad breath
- Depression that arises suddenly during a period of relative calm
and wellness
- Failure to respond to counseling or psychiatric medications
- Metallic taste in mouth
- Increased irritability
- Headaches and muscle weakness
- Insomnia
- Low energy
- Mood swings
- Muscle twitching
- Muscle atrophy
- Nervousness
- Kidney and liver damage
- Significant cognitive decline
- Tremors
- Weakness
Toxicity by Dr. Bill Walsh
(3:12 minutes)
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