Vaccine Detox Program and Injury Recovery
Homeopathic remedies can help to provide
natural support for body rebalancing after a vaccine(s) is given and at any age.
Contact us to learn more.
Read More Testimonials and Recovery Stories!
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Read Testimonials From Vaccine Detox Clients
About The Vaccine Detox Program
and Vaccine Injury Recovery
Vaccine Injury Recovery and
Vaccine Detox Programs are available for any
recent or past vaccine injury, at any age. The Vaccine Detox Program is highly
effective and uses homeopathic detox methods and mineral rebalancing to remove
injected toxins and heavy metals.
A Vaccine Detox
Program takes a minimum of 6 consecutive months.
Some shots can
often be addressed in a rebalancing cycle all together as a combination detox, in about
three (3) to six (6) months.
Vaccine Detox Programs are
available for infants, children and adults with vaccine injuries or adverse
reactions to any single vaccine or a combination of vaccines. Detox programs are
available for a vaccine(s) given at any time in the past, at any age.
We work with clients living in the
USA. We are specialists with many years of clinical experience in helping
clients to reverse their vaccine
injuries using advanced
homeopathic methods. We use homeopathic detox protocols,
hair testing and targeted nutrient
supports. Homeopathic rebalancing methods help the body to
reduce and remove injected toxins. The results are improved health,
reduced symptoms of toxicity and improved overall immune system function.
About The Vaccine Detox Program
The Vaccine Detox Program is for those those with adverse reactions to one or more
- The monthly fees do not include the
cost of
hair testing (HTMA), or the required nutritional supplements or homeopathic remedies.
- This program requires
ongoing supervision and email based consultation services.
- Written dosing instructions
are provided and a detailed online reporting is required to track progress in this program.
- The Course includes specific
vaccine detox protocols
taught by the Homeopath who has supervised hundreds of cases
of vaccine related injuries and many years of practice expertise in this area.
- Client also will complete a
Vaccine Calculator
as part of this program.
Enrolled clients will have access to purchase the
required homeopathic remedies.
- Additional time is added for
another stand alone vaccine(s) such as MMR, if a separate detox cycle is
- The MMR Detox can also
be done as a separate vaccine detox if
there was a marked regression after this vaccine was given.
- The Vaccine Detox Program
covers a broad range of various types of health issues connected to vaccine
toxins, including anxiety, an ADHD, Autism, OCD, PANDAS/PANS diagnosis, emotional issues,
gastrointestinal issues, neurological dysfunctions and immune system
Vaccines that can be
cleared in this program include any combination of the following:
- from
- Rotavirus
- Shingles
- Tetanus - Tdap, Td
- Varicella
- Vitamin K injections
- Programs are also available for any
combination of tropical vaccines
such as
Ebola, Dengue Fever, Japanese Encephalitis, Smallpox,
Typhoid Fever and Yellow Fever.
- Other pandemic injections can also
be cleared using homeopathic methods
What Is Involved With A Vaccine Detox Program?
- The
homeopathic detox
remedies that are used for a vaccine injury are highly effective
and non-toxic.
- Homeopathic remedies are used
to help the body detox the vaccine ingredients and excipients that caused the original damage or injury.
- This method of
Vaccine Detox has been used to provide help the body
reverse vaccine injury or vaccine damage and reduce the harmful overall effects of a
vaccine or combination of vaccines.
- A
minimum of 6 months is
normally needed to detox and to clear a vaccine in a person's body, using a
protocol that is customized, per person based on their medical history.
- The
childhood vaccines as a combination can also be detoxed all together, in
about 12 weeks in most cases.
- Constitutional
homeopathy is also used to support the detox
pathways for a more efficient process.
- Specific
nutrient therapies are included in the Vaccine Detox
Program simultaneously to increase essential nutrients that are missing or
severely low in those with vaccine injuries.
- Additional therapeutic
detoxification methods are also used to support the body to detox heavy
metals and the toxic ingredients of the vaccines are also
HTMA – hair tissue mineral analysis
is also recommended in order to evaluate the exact tissue
levels for 34 essential minerals, 8 heavy metals and 7 significant
mineral ratios that identify overall health status.
- Genetic
tests or other lab tests
may also be included in some cases, to determine methylation patterns via
saliva testing to identify genetic factors involved in vaccine damage or
Testimonials From Vaccine Detox Program Clients
Covid Vaccine Detox, Woman
Age 42
"I can't express how grateful I am to have come across
Kari J. Kindem. I have been dealing with heavy
bleeding, excessive gastritis, and fatigue post-COVID vaccinations. I was
not aware these were some of the side effects of the vaccination. In my
quest to get some treatments for my son, Kari
was god sent. She insisted that I do COVID Detox before even starting any
other programs for myself. She was firm, genuine, and authentic.
I followed the Short and Long Detox Protocols to the letter,
including the supplements, recommended. Initially, I experienced a lot of
Return of Symptoms then eventually I started noticing a change in my energy
levels and mood swings. I am pleased to say my period flow is back to
normal with no pain after almost 2 years. I deeply thank
Kari for helping me in this regard and highly
recommend her services. She is very knowledgeable and well-rounded in every
aspect of human health. (Vashuda, Bay Area, CA, USA April 2023)
Vaccine Detox Using Homeopathic Methods In a Woman Age 64
"The main reason that I decided to start the Vaccine Detox Program was due
to my two daughters who really encouraged me to complete it. They were very concerned regarding the side effects of the Pfizer shots. I had
received the first two, I did not receive any booster shots. The "bad"
ingredients listed in the vials I received were most concerning to them and
they really talked me into going through with the vaccine detox.
The information in the webinar I did to understand the homeopathic methods
to be used was extremely interesting and also opened my eyes to the horror
of the "vaccinations". The regimen of the pills was a bit overwhelming at
first, but once I got into a routine it was no problem at all. I had no
problems associated with the detox at all. I felt no adverse reactions. I
felt very good since I was following the protocol, eating healthy,
exercising and taking the recommended vitamins as well. I am very glad that
I did complete the Vaccine Detox Program and thank you for all your help along
the way!" (Mary, Pennsylvania, USA, August 2022)
Vaccine Detox Using Homeopathic Methods In a Woman Age 63
want to thank you on everything you’ve done for me. I really appreciate the
care and the intelligence and the integrity of your protocol. I do believe
it makes a difference in my life and many others. I have been honored to
work with you - it has been a very growing experience. I thank you very
much. (Jana, California USA, August 2022)
Woman Age 85 Recovered From
Vaccine Injury
"Kari J. Kindem
instructions regarding my Vaccine Detox Protocol (Moderna) was clear
and detailed which helped me track my responses to the remedies as well as my
personal progress. Energy, emotions and mental state fluctuated slightly and
most physical tracking remained steady. Joint pain (arthritis in hands)
improved and release of vaccine toxins were expressed by occasional itching,
most often on my arms. I ended the detox protocol feeling grounded, balanced,
and very well!" (Jolene, age 85 , Iowa, USA, June 2022)
Boy Makes
Excellent Progress After His Vaccines, Steroid, Antibiotics and Amalgam Detoxes!
"My son had
been struggling since kindergarten with emotions, anxiety,
focus and processing. He really battled with stress and
getting his work completed at school. I was always having meetings with his
teachers. His pediatrician was just ready to put him on a medication without
hesitation. I was constantly searching for ways to help him and was exhausted
and discouraged. My friend highly recommended Kari J. Kindem
. She said he had vaccine injury, foggy
brain and leaky gut and could help him. He
has come a long way since the vaccine, steroid, antibiotics and amalgam
detoxes! His anxiety is manageable, he is able to
think more clearly and complete a sentence without hesitation, searching for his
words or starting over and over again. (Chrissy, Mom of 2, Illinois, May 2022)
Adult Male Recovered From
Chronic Eczema & Detoxed from Past Steroids,
Antibiotics and Anthrax Military Vaccines
"I originally
Kari J. Kindem
for my son. He was the priority. But after our conference she encouraged me to
treat my entire family. I was pretty sure my husband would not be on board.
But thankfully he reluctantly agreed to do the detoxes that she recommended.
And I am so glad! He did three 10 week detox cycles - a Steroid detox, an
Anthrax detox, along with his chronic
remedy of Aurum metallicum in ascending
potencies. He stopped drinking, changed his diet, lost weight, his eczema
cleared up 100% (which is amazing!) and he has been able to stop taking Tums
like he had been every day for years because he no longer gets heartburn. He
says he feels better than he ever has! He has even took up his art work
and started working on building a business. I can’t thank
Kari enough for looking beyond what I
contacted her for and seeing that she could help my entire family!" (Chrissy &
Lee, Nebraska, USA May 2022)
Husband Detoxes From Injections Using Homeopathy in 3 Months
"I highly recommend the
Vaccine Detox Program offered by
Kari Kindem! The course were were required to take
before beginning fully explains all the steps to be taken and it is very
informative and educational. The detox is a very organized process so it is easy
to know what to do next. This program is specific to the type and batch of the shot that was taken. I can't imagine a detox more thorough than this one.
Kari is wonderful at always being very helpful and
prompt when replying to any questions. She truly has a heart for helping others
and she is incredibly knowledgeable in her field!
Before my husband and I
fully understood what the shots were, he got the 2 step series of the
Moderna injections. My husband was not himself after those shots. Once he
recovered from over a week of severe Covid-like symptoms that followed his last
injection, during the following months, I saw him lacking motivation. He
would get winded and red faced while doing things he used to do easily.
Other symptoms appeared in
those close to him. Our 4 year old daughter starting getting sick with
respiratory issues almost constantly with sometimes less than a week in
between before getting sick all over again. This went on for months and the rest
of the family would get sick as well as a result of her low immunity. In
addition I started experiencing neurological problems that I have no
genetic predisposition to. We truly were a family in need of a miracle! For us
that miracle was through
Kari Kindem's detox program and shedding
protection program. Now that we have finished the Vaccine Detox Program
I feel now we are back as the family we were before the madness that followed
the injections.
I am now at peace watching
my husband play with our kids again knowing that no harm from shedding is being
passed to them and that his body and health has been given a second chance.
Thanks to the shedding protection program we can safely visit others and be out
in public places without being injured from the shedding of others who have had
the shots. In the world we live in today this peace of mind is priceless and a
gift that I am continually grateful for. (Sarah, mother of 2, Illinois,
USA April 2022)
Testimony Of Severe Vaccine Injury Recovery Of Women, Age 38
"Jillian and I
signed up with Kari J. Kindem on Feb 18. 2020. Jillian had been suffering with several
serious medical issues. She was having severe back pain and her body leaned to
the right, her right hand was shaking all the time she had difficulties doing
normal functions like brushing your teeth. She was embarrassed because she was
drooling and could not control it. She had massive hair loss and we shaved her
head twice so she would not have huge bald spots, she was always itching and had
multiple rashes on her body. She was also thinking of suicide due to the massive
depression. Because, at this time she was going through a divorce and had to
move back home with us her parents. She was also miss diagnosed with Parkinson
disease by the top neurologist at Kaiser and at 38 years old felt her life was
not worth living.
saw a huge change in a matter of less than 6 months!
Kari recommended
a total of four detoxes and she just started her third one. I am sooo happy
that I was able to find her. We had spent thousands of dollars on all kinds of
treatments and have spoken and met with several doctors all over the US. At
first when Kari told us that she could help us I was not sure because I had
heard it so many times before. However, working with her and following her
program my daughter is getting back to her old self again.She is no longer
depressed, glad she followed through on her divorce and enjoying life again. She
has returned to her hobbies and is now singing in the bathroom when she is
taking a shower the first time I heard her I cried.
I am so
appreciative of her and am equally happy that Jehovah God answered my prayers
for help. I would recommend anyone to work with her. She is very
professional and skilled at what she does. Jillian will be finished with her
last detox in January and I cannot wait to see the results. Thank You
Kari for all that you do and keep
up the good work." (Carolyn, San Jose, CA, February 2020)"
Mother and Daughter Vaccine
Detox Success
"I started a
vaccination detox on
February 18th. I had been suffering from migraines, severe constipation and hair
loss. Kari, Informed me that I would
need to detox on two vaccinations. I noticed results soon after the first
The first thing I noticed after
about three weeks is that my headaches were not as intense and not as frequent. The second thing I noticed which
took a few more weeks was my constipation. I have suffered with that for years
no matter what I ate or drank. Over the weeks my constipation was minimal. The last thing I noticed towards
the middle of my second detox is my hair started growing back in where it was
bald before.
I recommend the
Detox Program because it really works! I am so glad my daughter and myself
Kari and
were able to benefit from her knowledge and experience with vaccinations. (posted
February 2022)
Mom and Her Daughter's Success With Vaccine Detox Using
"I started a
vaccination detox on February 18th. I
had been suffering from migraines, severe constipation and hair loss. Kari,
Informed me that I would need to detox on two vaccinations. I noticed results
soon after the first detox.
The first thing I noticed after
about three weeks is that my headaches were not as intense and not as frequent.
The second thing I noticed which took a few more weeks was my constipation.
I have suffered with that for years no matter what I ate or drank. Over the
weeks my constipation was minimal. The last thing I noticed towards the
middle of my second detox is my hair started growing back in where it was bald
I recommend the
Vaccination Detox Program because it
really works! I am so glad my daughter and myself met
Kari and were able to benefit from her
knowledge and experience with vaccinations. (posted February 2022)
DTaP Detox and Global
"Robert received DTaP as a single shot at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, and
12 months (we did not bundle his shots). At the age of 7, we began the
homeopathic clearing for DTaP. What
requires a minimum of 12 weeks took him just over 11 months to complete.
His response to the clearing was significant!
In the weeks following detox completion, he began mastering an array of fine
motor skills and achieving missed developmental markers from the 2 months to
18 months age period - this included exhibiting some infantile behavior.
For instance, while reading him a book, to which he was actually paying
attention (huge improvement!), he suddenly jumped up, ran to the stairs and
began to scoot up and down the stairway on his bum.
Later, he stood in the backyard studying a ball. He then kicked it!
And watched it bounce.
He regularly has "tummy time" on his ball while outside. After the 2nd
D-tap shot at 4 months old, he became quite averse to "tummy time."
His ability to feed himself has been an ongoing issue; however, he fully
mastered the fork and spoon in 2 days just one week after completing
this detox.
He is completely nonverbal; yet, in the weeks following this detox, he
discovered his voice and began complex babbling - not the previous
gutterral utterances. He now says an exaggerated "Yay!" - which,
according to my husband, sounds just like how I say it. These verbal
progressions followed his spending lengthy sessions on the couch playing
with his feet and hands while lying on his back. A happy baby, indeed.
Robert quit playing with his hands and feet around 10 months old.
His determination to assert his independence is on a major upswing. The
passive, unresponsive boy is gone. A charming, funny, engaged little
guy is here.
He regularly suffered from migraines and GI issues for most of his
life. These are things of the past. Thank You, Lord!
Now, when we find him crawling, scooting, discovering his fingers and
toes, playing with his shadow, admiring himself in the mirror, and
sharing his blessed babble, we thank The Lord that his brain is healing
and awakening - and we await the next burst of progress.
His current attempts at opening doors, dressing himself, cleaning up
after himself, and mocking our behaviors are on warp speed. His babble
involves more consonants daily. It sounds more and more like actual
words. Command response is through the roof. He solves problems on his
own. His love of the outdoors is fantastic, and he actively enjoys
playground equipment.
And, it's only getting better. Thank you,
Mother of boy age 9 with
autism, Alabama, USA May 2021
Global Skills and
Language Improvements In
Boy With Autism
"He wants
to be around people and do things with his extended family. Actually seeking
out these events and looks forward to them. He's able to sit in a
restaurant and enjoy a meal for an extended amount of time. This is huge in
terms of a functional life skills and a very good improvement. These are
home runs for us! It makes our lives more "normal!""
Mother of a
4 year old boy with Autism. Utah, USA. February
DTaP Vaccine Detox
Resulting In
Significant Progress
"My 8 year old son
recently completed the DTaP
detox. His single shots of DTaP
were given at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, and 12 months. By his 18 month
birthday, he was missing developmental markers. We were advised by the
Homeopath advised this homeopathic clearing
would be profound and deep. Indeed, the detox took our boy 10 months and 10
days to complete. Essentially, all of 2020 from mid-January through late
In the days and weeks
following completion, our boy began showing significant progress, most
especially in the missed developmental markers of the 12-18 month range:
more coordination, mastering use of both hands in daily and more advanced
activities, increased engagement/awareness, heightened global comprehension,
ability to follow complex commands, improved/more frequent speech attempts,
and more.
Ten months, ten days.
Previous detoxes required a fraction of this time, but we are quite thankful
we "listened" to our son's aggravations and went slow and easy. His
happiness, participation and advancements are priceless. His continued
improvement is so very worth the time!
DTaP Detox, Mom of son with
autism, USA, December 2020.
Vitamin K Detox In A
Girl With Autism
"I honestly did not
realize either how much the vaccine injury has affected our family, but the
Lord knew. I believe that is why He led us to you. I also honestly
don't know how well homeschooling would have gone with her his year if she
had not done any detoxes under your supervision. I am enjoying homeschooling
so much (NEVER imagined I would!) and it has brought purpose and fulfillment
in my life! She s learning, growing, and understanding, and it has truly
been a joy to watch this first hand!"
Mom of two, Tennessee September 2020.
Amazing Progress in
Speech & Language Gains After a Vaccine Detox
(age 2.5) is continuing to thrive in his speech! Everyone we know and that
sees him is absolutely amazed with his progress. We are so so happy and
relieved. I am no longer stressed about him and his future or his needs
which is great."
Mom of 4, Pennsylvania, USA,
Summer 2019.
Reversed In Child Born Of Mother With Gardasil Vaccine Injury
"Aiden is
doing really well. We are still waiting on 1 molar to come in, but the
rashes are SLOWLY disappearing!! It’s pretty incredible. He still has
small/light patches of dry skin and light redness, but he is not as bothered
by those areas as he was. I’m so grateful for your help and thankful that
it’s finally almost gone!"
Mom with Gardasil
Injury before conception, of toddler born with full
body eczema, New York, USA. June 2019.
Gardasil Vaccine Recovery In Young Woman
been using homeopathy for the past few years for acute settings in my
family, however I needed more assistance and guidance with helping my
daughter with her anxiety. She is a 20 years ld and she was fully
vaccinated (prior to learning about homeopathy) She had anxiety, panic
attacks, OCD, dysmenorrhea, insomnia, dizziness. After a consultation with
Kari J. Kindem, CCH, CFHom we started the protocol
for Gardasil Vaccine Detox, and I’m
glad we did!
six weeks on the protocol and supplements recommended I saw tremendous
change in my daughter. Her insomnia has completely gone, her menstrual cycle
has improved (no cramps and blood clots), her anxiety and OCD has improved
and she is able to handle stress much better.
Kari has
been so helpful throughout this process not just with homeopathy, but for my
emotional support as well I am forever grateful for all her help and for
sure will stay in contact for any further assistance needed."
Vaccine Detox, Mom of 2
adult daughters, New York, USA. Summer 2018.
Autism Recovery In A
Preschool Girl After A Childhood Vaccine Detox
daughter was born in December of 2015 in Michigan, USA. Her delivery was very
normal and she was born without complications. Her first year of birth, she was
progressing perfectly. She slept well and drank breast milk without any issues.
She received her vaccination shots as per doctor’s advise, sometimes **up to 4
on a single day on both her thighs**. Shortly after her first year shots, she
developed extreme constipation, doctors brushed that as off as because of
introducing milk. 1 month after, she received in advance her 18 months shots and
She did not speak a single
word between 18-24 months. Due to her frustration in not able to express herself
she also started to head bang, she was lost in her own world, not responding to
her name, toe-walking. The pediatrician referred her for an autism diagnosis
soon after. It is every parent’s worst fear and sadly
is very, very common now due to the influx of vaccine toxins into fragile body
and minds.
Soon we started bio-medical
approach and started her with day care and speech
therapy, we supplemented her with vitamins and she developed a few words. She
had a lot of issues in communication, interacting with peers, not answering
questions, not potty trained among other issues. She has no digestive issues and
eats and drinks everything without any discomfort.
We heard about homeopathy
care for autism, CEASE therapy and found this website and contacted the
Practitioner. She did a initial evaluation of my daughter according to her
temperament and we started with vaccine detox. The therapy has improved her
She improved in her social skills,
eye contact, speech and interaction with others and
memory. Most importantly she was potty trained during the day finally at 3.5
years. She initiates conversation with us, plays with us and other children, has
imaginative play. Also she has a LOT more vocabulary now. She talks continuously
and also has learnt a few words in our language. We would have never though she
would develop words in a second language! We did not imagine she had a talkative
We like the fact that there
are no side effects and the detox is gentle for her and we see results in short
cycles of 12 weeks. We are on our second detox cycle, and we are continuously
seeing progress. We hope to help our daughter lead a normal life. Thank you very
much for giving us hope for the future.”
Mother of an Indian preschool girl,
California, USA. Summer 2019.
Positive Changes In A
Boy With Autism After Childhood Vaccines Detox
“We are thrilled with his
progress! He is a sweet, lovable, funny guy. We are so hopeful for him and his
future. He will have a chance at life – when it matters. These days, his
childhood is happy. His healing journey is steadily trucking along. He’s a
little onion with many, many layers. They’re peeling back, though!”
Mother of
vaccine injured 6 year old with Autism, Texas, USA. Summer 2018.
Global Improvements
In A Girl After Her 3 Month MMR Detox
“She is doing really well. She
is calling us whenever she wants, trying to spend more time with us. Eye contact
has improved. When she has mood for it, she can communicate for long periods of
time. Responding to name has improved. Back in December 2018, I remember my
in-laws ask me to stay in room and wait till she calls me. I stayed in room but
she never called me. Now in August, she is calling us “Mama”, Papa” very very
frequently. Her vocabulary has improved a lot. Words like “I am not able to find
it”, “amazing”, “can you fix this for me”, “put this up the wall”. Singular and
plural, “both” etc. She is almost potty trained. She wears diapers only when
sleeping even in day care.”
Mother of a girl age 3.5, California, USA.
February 2018.
Vaccine Reactions
Fully Reversed
“I appreciate all the support
you have given us this past year for my children’s vaccine injuries. Your
program goes above and beyond that of any Practitioner we had ever worked with.
We will forever be grateful!”
Mother of two children with vaccine reactions,
Arizona, USA. Fall 201.
Progress After A MMR Detox In A Toddler
“He’s done so well now that
they are retesting him next week to probably graduate him out of the physical
therapy program. He was supposed to be in it for 6 months and we’re less than 3
months in!”
Mother of vaccine injured toddler, Florida, USA.
Summer 2017.
Progress In ADHD Girl
After A DTaP Detox
“My daughter is no longer a
“problem child”. She’s just a child, and a healthy one too! I know that
homeopathy, and expert usage of it, is what has brought her to where she is
today. Most impressive, though, is her attitude and maturity. She is happy,
socially successful, well directed, and a hard worker.”
Mother of vaccine
injured ADHD girl, Louisiana, USA. Summer 2016.
Flu Shot Detox
and Global Improvements
“Our son is back to us, the
way God created him to be before the toxic chemicals ravaged his body. His life
is forever changed because we put our faith in the ability of homeopathy to
guide his body through the healing process.”
Mother of boy with Autism,
California, USA. Spring 2016.
Toddler Girl With Speech
“She is progressing in her
recovery well. She is potty trained during the day for both no 1 and no 2. She
is using a lot more words and is getting more expressive. More playful with pet,
more social with peers.”
Mother of toddler girl with
injuries after childhood vaccines,
Texas, USA. Spring 2016.
Girl With Improvements After MMR Vaccine Detox
you for the healing, it helped her tremendously. She is going to normal
Montessori school and I don't hear any complaints from teachers"
Parents of a girl with
injuries after childhood vaccines,
California, USA. Winter 2015.