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Headaches and Homeopathy
Homeopathic remedies
can help a person who suffers with symptoms of both acute or chronic headaches
or migraines.
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Why Do People Get
A migraine is a chronic disabling condition that may
in part be caused by disruption in the lining of blood vessels in the brain,
induced by elevated homocysteine levels. Migraines are characterized by
recurring attacks of moderate to severe pain which is throbbing or pulsing, and
is often on one side of the head.
During migraines, people are very sensitive to light and
sound. They may also become nauseated and vomit.
What Are The
Triggers For Migraine and Headaches?
Some triggers include
Nutrient Supplements
For Migraines and Headaches
Homeopathic Remedies for Migraines and Headaches
- Typically located in the forehead, from which
it may extend to the back of the head
- Intense headaches with violent throbbing.
- Aggravated by light, noise, touch, strong or unusual
smells, motion, or jarring
- May begin and pass suddenly
- Face flushed or feels hot, sometimes with cold hands and
feet; dilated pupils
- Better by sitting, dark or firm pressure
- Worse from climbing steps or descending a slope or
stairway and in the afternoon
- Irritable, wants to be left alone
- Centered over left eye
- Headache aggravated by motion, even very slight motion
of the head or eyes
- Steady aching or sense of heaviness with little throbbing
- Worse by slight touch, better by firm pressure
- Worse in the morning, especially after first moving
in bed or just after getting out of bed
- Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or constipation
- Irritable, intense, over-reactive to the pain.
- Congestive headaches where there’s pressing sensation.
- Hypersensitive to pain – when a little headache feels
enormous – and the complaining seems extreme.
- Face may be red and hot on one side and pale on the
- Headaches in the back of the head that are accompanied
by vertigo and nausea.
- Constriction can
feel as if the brain is rolled into a small ball.
- Headache after loss of sleep
- Worse after riding in a car, drinking
coffee or being exposed to cold air
- Better in a warm room and with bending backwards.
- Dull, tired, heavy, and apathetic; wants to
be left alone but not markedly irritable
- Headache on the right side of the head
- Begins at the back of the head, extending upward or
to the forehead
- Sensation of a band or hood bound tightly around the head
- Can be preceded by dimness of vision or other visual
- Better by napping or urinating
- Worse from light, noise, motion or jarring
Congestion, with headache and
Violent irregularities of the circulation.
Cluster headaches.
Blood rushes to the head.
Sensations of throbbing and expanding.
Congestive pulsating headache
Worse from the sun.
after sunstroke.
Better from brandy.
Worse, in sun; exposure to sun-rays, gas,
open fire
Worse jar, stooping, having hair cut;
peaches, stimulants
Worse lying down; from 6 a.m. to noon
Worse left side.
described as tight band across forehead or as nail being driven out through
side of head
Crampy pain over the root of nose
Headache from anger, acute grief, etc
Emotional causes always lead to headache first
Marked congestion
Hysterical headaches
Hollow-feeling of head that is aggravated by stooping
Sobbing with headache
<> change of position frequently
- Headache on one side of the forehead, usually the
- Nausea and vomiting following the headache; headache
worse after vomiting
- Headaches that come on at regular intervals
- Preceded or accompanied by dimness of vision or
other visual changes
- Left sided headaches; headaches may start on the left and cross to the right.
- Violent congestion to the head accompanied by
- Throbbing headache; may feel as if all
the blood in the body has gone to the head.
- Person wakes with in the morning; pressure on
any part of the body is intolerable especially abdomen and neck areas
Mercurius solubilis
- Head feels as if it would burst and the brain feels
constricted by a band or vice.
- Burning sensation in the head, especially in the left
- Symptoms are always worse at
- Occurs with nausea
- Pain over the nose and around the eyes as if a tight hat
were pressing down.
Natrum muriaticum
- Irritable, usually worse consolation, wants to
be left alone
- Headache after grief or disappointment.
- Pain in front of head; is like little hammers
pounding; typical migraine-type headache
- Often caused by emotional upset, delayed eating,
eye strain, dehydration, or too much heat or sun.
- Throbbing, beating, pressing or hammering in
nature; it is either frontal or one-sided
- May be accompanied by nausea and vomiting with a need to
lie quietly in the dark and sleep.
- Headache may begin with tingling in the tongue, lips or
- Thirsty; craving for salt
- Might also feel giddy and off balance. Eyes feel very
sore to move, and you may see fiery zigzags in front of the eyes.
Nux vomica
- Headaches beginning after overeating; from alcohol,
coffee or other drugs; from loss of sleep; or from excessive mental work
- Headache accompanied by general sick feeling and by
digestive upsets including vomiting, gas, or sour or bitter taste
are confirmatory symptoms
- Worse on first waking in the morning, improving
after getting up
- Worse by sounds and noises
- Better by wrapping the head up or being in a warm
- migraine headaches
- associated with loss of or deficient memory
- marked state of confusion
- headache starts in the morning on waking up
- areas affected- occiput, temporal region, and mastoid
- associated with heavy dull eyes with pain in eyeballs
- worse using eyes, left side, movement
- better by cold drinks and eating
- Person wants company and consolation; mild, moody,
- Pain in forehead or on one side; or pain changes location
- Headache after meals or after warm, rich, or fatty
foods or ice cream
- Headaches in connection with menstrual period (before,
during, or at end of the period)
- Relief with gentle motion, especially walking slowly in
open air
- Better by pressure, worse by blowing the nose
- Better by walking in the open air
- Pain begins in the back of the head, extending to
right side of the head or right eye
- Headaches recur periodically
- Sharp, splitting, knifelike, or throbbing
- Worse from motion, better from sleep and firm
- Nausea and vomiting; vomiting brings relief
- Usually on the
frontal part of the head, often on the left
- Stitching, burning, or pulsating pain
- Pain in and around the eyes or extending into the eye
- Stiff neck and shoulders accompany the headache, making
motion full
- Better by lying with the head propped up; worse from
stooping, motion, noise, and cold stormy weather
- Temporary relief from washing with cold water but then is worse later
Other Homeopathic Remedies For
comes on suddenly, feels worse in cold or draughty surroundings, person
apprehensive, headache feels like a tight band around head or as if brains
are being forced out of head:
Arnica Head feels
bruised and aching, pain occasionally sharp, made worse by stooping:
stabbing or burning headache, rest of body feels bruised and tender,
symptoms worse in hot, stuffy surroundings:
Hypericum Bursting,
aching headache, hypersensitive scalp, worse in damp, foggy weather:
bruising headache associated with fatigue, made worse by reading, alleviated
by rest:
Lycopodium Headache worse on right side,
feels as if temples are being screwed into each other, trying to concentrate
makes pain worse, dizziness
Silicea Pain starts
at back of head, then shifts and settles above one eye, aggravated by cold,
alleviated by wrapping
Thuja Left-sided
headache, as if head is being pierced by a nail.
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